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mads Oct 2012
I scream and I scream with no sound,

clenched jaw, shivering body, i see white.

                  T   R   A   P   P   E   D

Inside the bleach stained walls

of my skull; I long to shatter it.

                 B   R   E   A   T   H   E

Through chemical burnt lungs; they have shrivled.

                 C   H   O   K   E;

Blood tastes better regurgitated.
Matalie Niller Aug 2012
Catawba, said the bird,
it grows like the mighty Canadians
and is perfect for teas
say what?
Like shrivled little ants on logs
the water left our bodies
sweat and evaporation
hard work made such events occur
toiling away
night and day
doing that **** we do
which is......
One time I saw the sun come up
it sprang, so to speak
and on the peak of that afternoon
it fell down
but there was no moon
just a blackness without stars
or light
just had to feel around with hands and sounds and smells
felt like an animal
heightend and feral
good time to be unseen
who knows what the birds would have thought
they were real animals
we were just the blinded re-enactors stumbling around
even though everything was as it had always been
Nothing Dec 2013
It's not just
"A phase."
Not just something you can
"Get over."
It becomes a lifestyle.
The lifestyle where
The grey eyes, deep purple souled rule
With shiny silver right beside.
And they'll do anything to get that rush,
Stricky fingers
Or violent palms.
Hunched over on tile floor
When  no one is around to hear,
Smell of burning flesh and shrivled pride mix with
The sound of fresh and
Innocently sweet smiles outside.
But turn and
Look in a mirror.
The glass reflecting is just another tool,
It's all that's in our heads.
EmotionalWreck Nov 2017

My heart is a rose.

   It is happy. As a rose when given to a loved one. It is sad. As a rose when rain falls on it at a funeral. It is wild. As a wild rose growing in a undiscovered meadow where deer fawn frolic.

   The rose began as a seed.
As I did. I was a newborn. Unaware of the events occuring around me. Knew little of the world around me.

   The rose grew into a bud.
As I did. I saw the light of the world. Began to understand. Began learning. The rain and hail that constantly fell upon me started to hurt me.

   The rose blossemed.
Now all of a sudden people notice me. Now is when I'm important. The damage I endured didn't matter. I am a young woman now. A little bit wiser but a little bit broken.

   The meadow unknown to man was found. The rose was picked. I was hurt for the last time. I start to shrivel and close. Not ready to be vulnerable. I hide the secrets within.

My heart is an ugly shrivled up black rose. Longing to be loved but afraid to reach out. Longing for a home but no way to get there. Unloved and forgotten.
I feel like people dont appriciate who I am. Like I'm not the perfect red rose they expect. I've been hurt so much to the point where I stopped sharing. I don't feel important. I don't feel noticed. Thats my fault though, since I'm always hiding from everyone. Writing poems (even if they do ****) is all I have. Its an anonymous way to spread how I feel.
Tintin Sep 2014
Pulling the strings a puppet helplessy dances
it's heart dried and shrivled up
the appleaing sparkle in its eye long gone

expecting nothing but perfection, like a  antique doll
brung out only for show
then forced back into confinement

Heart not acknowledged
brain dead
numbness, the only sensation
that is not yet gone

Stuck living in a world
where  children
are just mere dolls
Hello Daisies Mar 2019
I'm dry
Heart hurts inside
My eyes leak
Of sand

I was wet
Around you
I really felt
Like a flower

I bloomed
But now
I feel shrivled
And cold

I'm not falling apart
But it does hurt
Quite a lot
To be thrown aside

I could have stayed away
not felt this crackling pain
I chose to go
I needed to feel it all

Every hurt i felt before
Was sick and twisted
This time it's sad and hurtful
But finally normal

It was a slap in the face
How quickly i was replaced
I stole those lines from a song
I can finally relate my pain too

I know I'll move on
I'm not traumatized by this
My lips may tear from it
But i know I'll find water

I had a special moment with you
I was swept into a beautiful misty dew
I always knew
It would end like this

I was wet with you
Then i saw her
the alcohol spewed
Into me

I felt dry
Had to replenish
With the poison
To my heart

You're an *******
This i know
But i don't regret
This wild oat

I sewed it
We had fun
You held me
And then were gone

I may be okay
I may understand
But don't think for a second
I'll let you off

You had no reason
To hurt me this way
No reason to rub it in my face
I'm ******* as hell

Normally i let things go
I cry and feel ashamed
Not this time
I see what's to blame

You screamed my name
We we're *******
And friends
There was no reason

To throw it away
Sleep with someone else
I don't care
Until you ignore me

I'm fed up
With being hurt
And it being ok
You're gonna pay

Grow the **** up
End things proberly
You ******* pig
Just watch out

I know how to win
I won't be walked over anymore
I'll steal all your girls
And treat them better

Then I'll ******* wreck you
And continue my life
Feeling oh so much

We could have been friends
And left it at that
But you made sure
To ******* ruin that

I'm doing okay
I really am
Except my lips burn
Into my empty hand
Amanda Francis Mar 2016
For months I've beeen trying to write you.
To fold my emotions together like origami.
I'd make you a boat so that you can escape.

I'd bleed an ocean of ink from my pen.
Tides and waves, velvety rich and blue.
A grand sail of metaphores would carry you through an ocean of my desires, my ideals.

But, I realized that I was lost in translation.
My hands cant craft to catch your beauty.
I've lost myself in paper chains, a strength of love untold.

Your chains hit the bottom a year ago, they sway in stangnant waters.
Chain links made of memories Bob lifelessly in the water.
They stay around a centre point, gently knocking my shrivled skin.
A blank face drowning in the inky sea, I'll stay to an anchor what was.
With time these memories will bury me.
Lauren Aug 2017
you lit flames within me
small, traces of you left in the nooks and crannys of my mind
a kiss on a sunday
a wink on a thursday
and all the while inbetween--
twigs and branches fell into the flames
silently screaming as they shrivled into the ash
taking each and every leaf with its newfound flame
until entire trees were falling to its wrath
a light so bright,
so bright that i could not feel the water i was swimming in
the slow, dark ripples bring my burning face in and out of its grasp,
taking me under slowly,
letting me long for that distant light
the hope that there was heat out there somewhere,
a warm embrace that would dry my damp and shivering soul

i believe that he was the sun
and we lived in the monsoon season
everyday i prayed for a simple ray of light
but instead i was met with constant rain,
into my already wet eyes

that simple, stupid spark he started within me could not be tamed
for i had fueled it
instead of stomping it out
Sunny Bird May 2019
Drowning in nothing

I sit alone
the feelings of hatred and lonlieness

completely swallow my shrivled heart

the room fills up,
drowning alone
a gasp for air
letting myself give up all that is left

i'm sitting
in a classroom full of idiots
who are to blind to see

im dying

drowning in guilt, selfishness, lonlieness and saddness

I just want to be saved

— The End —