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We. Wallow. In our degradation. Until. Our hearts become. Callus.  Within. ,
Love. the. evil. We have become , and hate the good.

". Bar ram you to your clan , your. Fleece be true. , sheep be true bar ram you "

Buckingham. Palace. 1837. a. Young. Queen. Victoria.  Salutes. her people
". Never let them know how hard it is to bear ma'am. ' Lord Melbournes words  ringing in her  Majesty's ears.

'. But. You. My. Friends are a. Royal priesthood , a chosen people , nation set apart. ".
" never surrender ""
Though. Friends mock , and Pitt.  May  call. ,  loneliness. Rear its ugly head .
Wondering minds persist ,
my God is ever near ,
Abba. Father never let my heart tepid be .

It's  2002. Ashford. Railway station one Saturday  morn
How late. My train would be.
'. There's more to life than work Phil '.  a. Fair. Maden said to me.
How right she was  , that Sunday eve  my heart. Danced for joy ,
" two  lost sheep " sat. Side by side ,  and bound themselves to thee.
Though I walk through the valley of death  ,
With thicket. And thorn on each side ,
And briers on either side .
Light. and love will. Follow

'. " Prone to wander bind thy wandering heart to thee "
      I find  myself  a traveller in a stage coach  peering
Over my fellow travellers. Scroll  .
and  weep over what I. had once wrote. , and bemoan
What I had become .

If. The mountains be carried into the sea ,
and I. trust not in chariots , and gold ,
and friends who mock my God ,
Or  flee to more pressing. encounters
take refuge in thee.

I. Shall. Hate evil  and cling to the good .
Don't. Be lonely ,
Iron shall strike Iron again ,
and walk through my Saviors. Open gate  full of rich pasture ,
And turn my eye from shallow things .

It's. 1779. and the Greyhound. Sinking fast
" Oh Lord have Mercy I. Cry as a sailor is tossed over board ,
In front of my very own eye .
Save a wretch like me "

With the spirit of Redmond  in 92. To Finnish his race
May our fleece be true bar ram you x
Dedicated. To. All Christians. With eating disorders.  And. Mental health issues. .
The Sonne of God my shepheard is:
                I am
                His lambe.
I shall not want, for I am His.

He leadeth me to tender grasse
                Where I
                Do lie,
And where still waters gently passe.

He doth restore (and therein blesse)
                My soule,
                Makes whole
My finely shatter'd brokennesse.

My comfort is His staffe and rod:
                They prove
                The love
And mercy of the Sonne of God.

For His names sake, my shepheard leades
                His keepe
                Of sheepe
Through righteous wayes 'twixt thornes and weedes.  

Yea, though I walke through Deaths blacke vale
                Of shade,
I'm not, for Thou dost leade my trayle.  

Sith Thou art with me, Lord, no feare
                I'll have:
                I'll brave
Evil with ease and eke good cheare.

Thou dost prepare, amid my foes,
                My food:
I am, and my cuppe overflowes.

Thou dost with oyle anoint mine head,
                Dost poure
                It o'er
The living head that once was dead.

Surely goodnesse and mercy shall
                With me
                E'er be,
For Thou'rt my home and life and all.
Mummy looked with Johnny
at the pages of a book before
Johnny went to bed .
Is God really like that Johnny said
an old man with a beard
On a cloud of soft Philadelphia ?
And is the devil have a pointy
Stick and like  ACDC  says
Hell ain't a bad place to be Mummy ?
'. Let's  turn the page and find out "

An Ambulance raced through Ashfords
Streets  with sirens and da da da s .
and on its way past a big red bus
Today you shall be with me in paradise
emblazoned on the side .

The crow landed on the place they called the skull .
and pecked at the rock for a while .
8 " Roman nails  hammered down  into an outstretched hand .
Ahhhh a cry of agony as the nail found blood and wood below . Again the other hand a blood curdling cry ,
the Savior of the world nailed on a cross to die .
I am the way truth life ' he said and suffered for our sin .
The good Shepheard , the gate to all who might enter in .
Yet they mock and scorn the unbeliever in coffee shops
and factory's .
' King of the Jews they say come down come down today ? '
Christ '.
Jesus '.
they cuss and swear ,
Like jeering crowd Barabus call ,
The *** swear and spit .

" Arnt. You afraid of God ? said the theif  who hung next to thee
Today you will be with me in paradise my Savior said to me .

Oh Violinist of Mosul who played on the roof as Daesh advanced  ,
And children of Syria who's  Assads. Chemical bombs dropped ,  for the humble of heart ,
Christ died for thee .
For the Aragant proud ,
Christ weeps ,
and for lost sheep may he never stop searching .
Oh bitter cup of wroth out of my Fathers. hand didst. Poor .
Bread and wine ,
Pass over lamb ,
the first born
A cross on the door .

' Anun Mithaleq '.

Darkness fell  at. noon ,
a mad  cattling hell cried out as
Satans Demons danced  ,
Gods judgment Fell .
Pitch black ,
The earth shook ,
Holy of holys curtain torn ,
And a game of top trumps is played out in the heavens .
And as three hours passed ,
Christ breathed his last ,
Father into thy hands I commit thy spirit .

Oh rotting corpse ,
and linen ties in a tomb you lay .
But Gods trump card has rolled this stone away.
And where a grave of tears and spices sadly once met in death ,
A tomb stone rolled ,
He is not here ,
He has risen an Angel did say ,
Why look for the living amugst. the dead ?
Do you not know the name of the winner ?

Then one day a Farmer came and gave grave news to Amy ,
Her Father had died and by his side a bag of gold and a cross
sold for a penny .
The Gold was sold to build a Church where her Father lay.
And one Easter morn just before dawn she gave her life to thee.

Now underneath an old oak tree a crow lay slowly dying ,
and a Blackbird sung ,
a new days begun .

There you have  it Johonny said mummy now it's time for bed .

Yet in some leafy field of green where Henry Vlll might have
been a stag bellowed .
Anun Mithaleq it is Finnished
Eloi   Eloi. Lama sabachtham   Into thy hands I commit my spirit
Poetic T Nov 2018
We must be the Shepheard of our thoughts.

And the only sheep to follow us,
are our deliberations,
that we collect the wool
                  of contemplation from.

For no man should follow another,
          be less than what his worth is.

                           Only side by side are we all equal.
is now departing Waterloo please stand clear of the doors.'
Past Vauxhall , Queens town it rattles ,
Past ruins of mans grandure ,
Greek Theatres. Of Greek gods
Amphitheatres of Rome ,
Grand stair cases where Titanics. Good walked down ,
arm in arm to tea with Captain Smith .

Where Napolian crowned himself  , Empeorer ,
Placed a crown upon his head at Notra Dame is said .
A Kaiser rode with noble steed through Jeruselems ancient walls ,
he built an arch so all could see how grand ,
how great he was to all.
And we dream like kings , have manic dreams
and build monuments like pyramids in the sky.
Yet butterfly's can't hold them ,
Neither flys ,
Or mice or rats scurry by .
They crawl where man can't find them ,
Yet are there when they fall ,
and sickness and death shall take them,
and where insects crawl ,
Our bodies decay  ,
where sheep and goats don't mix ,
Shifted like  sands of time ,
To green fields or fire ,
by the great Shepheard King Jesus ,
Who died to save us all.
I. Used to know you well ,
We used to cook fish by the sea .,
and chat ,
and laugh for what seemed like hours .
Breakfast as the sun rose ,
the waves crashed ,
   upon the shore until they could be heard no more .
My words just resemble puff clouds now that just sail by ,
and now everything I do just becomes a more
Complicated form of boredom .
Where Sea Eagles made their nests ,
their talons now lie encrust in Neolithic tombs . For,
What follows me at night ,
Keeps its distance at dawn .
My metal gods goad me to become God like ,
and spit in my face when aragance calls .
For in thirty thousand years when I. am dust
And Archeolagists turn me into an antiquity ,
Angels will still be singing your praises ,
their joyful  song untold ,
How our friends don't listen ,
and the bad shepheard steals
from their love feasts ,
Takes and does not put back .
The Suns setting ,
soon it's light will fade ,
Darkness will encapsulate the Suns Ray's again .
Say a prayer for the dying  ,
Say a prayer for the lost
For in daylight the heart beats
For it's in its light that Christ is found ,
Sleep well my bleeding soul .

— The End —