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Izzy Broaden Oct 2015
Can't sleep
Can't think
Numb to this sick place
Feeling as if im unreal
Why can't I just deal

Maybe today you'll realize nothing is make believe....
      Why can't I just get up and ******* leave?!

These thought's keep me hellbound

Can't sleep
Can't think
But yet another day arises
Yesterday just like today
Today just like tomorrow
So it goes.....

Hope gone
Distortion strives to stay alive...

Days blend
Still here
Written by: Izzy broaden
I shall wait beside you’re coffin my love ,
ready for you to rise above ,
ready for you to spread you’re wings ,
above the dust and all mortal things .

For you were taken from me my dear ,
for if only sickness could have waited another year ?

Now daisies   ripe upon  the earth arise above and all around .
The bell above you’re head I left for you to ring ,
makes but not a sound !

For the foxes howl yet eary scream above you’re grave ,
is most sereal .

And the rodents that  sharpen their tiny teeth on you’re slab
are drawn by the smell of you’re rotting flesh ,
and  feverishly naw at thy  stone instead  .

Now the rain drops a patter ,
for now it won’t matter ,
one drop after another ,
upon you’re grave .
Can you hear them falling ,?
It can wait until morning,
for  the dust clouds are forming ,
calling for my Daisy above her pritty head .

For if the body snatchers come ,
I shall shoot them down one by one .

And if some fine gentleman should share you’re grave ,
I shall make sure he has washed and shaved .

And if you’re ghost should ever flee ,
hail me down a carriage so I might follow thee .
And if that bell should ever ring ,
let it be not the winds that blow it still ,
upon thy beating breast .

— The End —