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nathanthepoet Oct 2013
as i sit here wondering what could be wrote
on dayz like trees sometimes i need a ****
of the chronic and ill tell you no ****,
but ill go bezerk if the ***** didnt save me a hit.

cause thats just ****** and i wont lie,
scandelous hos and scandelous jive.
now time to move on to my main event
had to cop a new bag last one was spent.
ppl always  ask cause they wanna know,
why i only smoke **** and **** the blo?
thats easy to answer yes indeed, cause i wrote all this **** high on ****,
you could get cracked out or even take a trip,
your flies off a bridge and does a flip.
not me , i was smart enough to get high at home you see .
i cant remember where this is going, could someone tell me? lol enjoy.
My skin flushed and rouge,
chest rising and falling
in sync with yours.
Oh how you whisper in my ear,
how I wish I could be as pleased as you.
Guiltily my body relishes in the afterglow
knowing inside the depth of our act,
the sin of a desired scarlet.

You hold me, arms holding me like
The branches of a tree,
strong and balenced.
Your hands warm on my heart hurt me so.
Don't you see the shroud of gloom covering my features
The Subconscious of a bride.

Shivering you pull me close.
How I loved to map your body,
questioning what made your body tingle.
To watch you shiver like golden leaves.
Yet I know now the conciquence of our mirth.
Can't you see the deviance our love held,
the hand of all morals held in hand
Broken at the wave hitting shore
as we sang to the goddess Artimes.

Our bodies mold in a scandelous embrace
intwinded like twins, a woven braid.
A mothers death above from our act,
bravery the soul of promise.
Darkness leaving as a dawn hits your face,
as we lie in your loft.
Our bodies emitting the perfume of ****** plea
With my heart beating guitily.
Anya Sep 2018
When I was but a child
To litter seemed a scandelous crime
As we were taking a walk one day
I vowed
That I’d bring
My plastic grabby tool out
And clean it all up
We got home
Milk and cookies
Was all it to took
For me to forget
A couple of years later
I saw a piece of plastic in our yard
I picked it up
Brought it home
And disposed of it
Feeling great about myself
The year after my brother happened to have a park cleanup
At his school
I had time
So I thought,
Why not?
I came along
Used funky tools
Counted each piece I picked up
Feeling good about myself
Then I went home
To eat some cookies
The next time I saw a piece of trash,
I acknowledged there wasn’t anything much I would do about it
After that I stopped noticing all together

They instill the knowledge in kids
That littering is bad
But just words
Are words
Until we put in a team effort
Rather than acknowledging others will do it for us
Or that it’s too hopeless
Nothing will ever get done

— The End —