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Reece May 2013
It was a dissonant melody that made the lonesome mole weep from his blind eyes
and there were mascara stains on the face of a pensive *******, lady in the streetlights
When the orchestral waves wound up at the shores of a sandblasted city
the denizens were too afraid to speak out against tyranny, and they died
Wistful wonderment in the souls of the children as they walk hand in hand
and experience the crumbling of wonton rocks in the skies of their homeland
A celestial boom, droning on the streets, and the women are beat

Are you outraged yet?
Daniel Magner Sep 2013
red, octagonal glass
dangling from black twine
a gift from you,
long gone,
that is mine
and I cherish it
more than
my dwindling stack
of cash,
more than my beat up car,
more than my only
more than my
favorite scars,
because it was
crafted by your hands,
since turned to ash
and spread out over the rocks
and valleys,
I love you still
Daniel Magner 2013
Marshal Gebbie Apr 2014
Weathered oak of ancient age
Sandblasted by Sirocco storm
Ribbed and dry and redly sage
Deep corrugated graining, worn.

Grown on hillside far away
Far, in England’s verdant land,
Hewn by artisan of old
Hewn by axe and sinewed hand.

Hauled across a raging sea
By barque of ******’s sail and hope,
Washed by salted wave and gale
Lashed to deck by weathered rope.

Dragged across hot dunes of sand
To a land called Galilee,
Hauled by He, betrayed by man,
Upon the hill of Calvary.

Hoisted high by Roman hand
Stark against a leaden sky,
Red blood stains on oaken cross
On which His Crown of Thorns shall cry.*

Easter Sunday 2014
Nat Lipstadt Apr 2023
Family biz takes us on the Acela train to Washington, D.C.,
a many-hour tour of the Monuments upon the Mall inclus,
never on a prior agenda, despite semi-frequent visitations,
but this time, rose early, in the cool morning, to touch and be touched

She asks if we have time enough for the Vietnam War Memorial,
time enough plentiful, no inkling her purpose was manifold, nay,
woman-fold, relating a story of a first teen boyfriend, they vowed,
to never lose touch, tho they became geographically distanced

On New Year’s day, a promise to each other, to speak on the phone,
they do honor this commitment, he will call, for in your early years,
solemn promises, honor, memories potentialities, galvanize bonds;
first love’s easy camaraderie birth tender promises, kept well-tended!

Till one year, no call comes, and desire, necessitates her to be
the protagonist, only to learn that Gerald, drafted in ‘68,
did not return, his parents inform her, the story told wistfully,
a Ranger locates his name, her reflection strains to reach his letters

Only I see her eyes filling and brimming, the shoulders ever
so slightly sagging and know this moment needs memorializing,
for we shed tears so rarely, that this youthful relationship, now more than threescore extant is why we built this black granite wall

Visit the Jefferson, MLK, Washington’s obelisk, and of course
the author of “of the people, by the people, for the people,”
a humble visage, humanizes his grandiose, white robed presence,
assessing his potential measure of life assassin-shortened, we exclaim

”if only, what might have been!”

but no tears are shed, but for a name of a young man,
taken before his prime, who enabled a girl to taste deep own-self, at an age we barely ken the words revealing our true emotive, or understand the color palette of serious, meanings of how we tick…

she’s easy overcome, I wonder, was she inside feeling, exclaiming,
”if only, what might have been,”
but no words emitted, only tears, that a tissue so softly takes away,
I think who among us, yet sheds sad tears for the days of our youth?

this poem in fufillment of my obligations, witness, memorializer,
arm to be leaned on, carrier of Kleenex, compatriot tear-shedder,
empathetic, sympathetic and recording secretary
that our past, is never truly past,

it is just waiting for a reflection,
resurfacing one more time
on a high polished black
granite slab


black granite mirrors sandblasted refresh cut scars into our consciousness and for some, our conscience, as one who
rarely thinks of and forgets to reflect on the life lottery he won,
back in 1968, so he was not called to serve, exclaiming

”if only, what might have been!
In Memoriam
Gerald Levy
Nat Lipstadt Oct 2016

walk with me in the
under-grounded passage ways,
the city veins,
that bring the arterial, variegated subway lines
to a consensual transfer adjoining,
permitting the rhythmic, exchanging flow of
***** for cleansed humans

observe the compost of
plasma and a city's red, bloodied cells,
bleached white by the cells called overnight

I travel in these tunnels, north-south, others, east-west,
like most, to and fro, homeward bound,
just another salmon of human capital,
cursed to swim upstream, always

signs adorn, positing hope,
giving out points, helpful directives -
"this way to"

example: this way to the nucleus, haughtily christened
by deaf and dead mortals as the
Grand Central Station

in one such tunnel, cut from the earth with dynamite and blood,
a busily traversed one,
so busy that no one looks but me,
is carved in grey Vermont granite,
high above the
gum and spit stained, concrete sodden, trodden walkway,
by order of some bureaucratic joker
taunting sandblasted "art"
cut into the taxpayer-paid-for-stone,
some of Ovid's long ago words

"dripping water hollows out stone,
but not through force but persistence"

am I the only to ken,,
this is a subtle mocking,
of the rushing, hasty, daily-making-their-way commuters,
whose sentences persist,
but are never commuted, never paroled,
who pass by as if entering under Auschwitz's gates,
where work made no one free

each of us a hypotenuse sliding,
gliding from to hook up from angle to angle,
work to home, home to work,
drip, drip of life to no life,
needy for an overnight charge,
to enable a once more unto the morning breach

for long time  now, my glide path remarkable,
my hypotenuse swinging wildly, ignoring its proposed flight plan,
that presumably shows a proposed radar course of semi-certainty

know it to be a bright screen flashing light
of yellowed missed forecasts,
on a dark green background

my poetic words longtime set aside,
in the lost and unfounded, though they continue to
Ovid drip and drip, agonizingly, persistently
hollowing this man

this ever deepening, eroded void
more keenly felt now by the irritating granulated pecking,
of residual specks of detritus,
minimalist poetic notions, a phrase, a gleaning, a touch,
caught in the grate of my eyes,
yet that make not a whole poem,
or human

but Ovid mocks me true,
my dripping sentence persists,
but, the hollow is not hallowed

my secondhand superficial skin, worn as worn,
a sensual recording of all mine history,
an oral history that speaks from within

can you read my lengthy, literary tears?

a sham, this art,
this tunnel of no ending,
to/from/form of deception,
recording the millions roaring waterfall drops of
drip, drip, dripping, slapping footfalls  

great shovels dug this tunnel, but
the days of our lives erode it ever deeper,
wearing it into a burial ground,
where the ocean of forever,
persists as we pass by
an artisanal lie



*oh Steve, my Steve, guilty do I plead,
too loon, too long this recapture of a walk in a life,
emblematic that it speaks not of solstices,
but of chapters in an unfinished novel,
some finished and some unwritten,
but the ending fully scripted and the plot's author
foolishly thinking the beginning can be
reverse engineered

this poem comes from where the words drip into a soul,
one-by-one, as if to create a single one-a-day one time whole,
a vitamin-poem emerges as a
child born, greeting clean the world,
in black and white word amnesiac fluidity,
measured as one measures a mighty waterfall's flow,
weighty beyond pounds and ounces,,
busting the trusted butchers white scales,
busting into wearied and busting open,
here, ends, worn now, worn by time and time again,,
written on shredded, softened-skin scales

I could not give you less,
I could not give you more...
written recently
It was one of those bad weather days
You know the stormy, flying monkey type
Where you end up chasing garbage cans
And watching the world wash down the pipe

The trees were whipping everywhere
Dropping branches, clipping wires
They were also downing hydro poles
Cutting power, starting fires

The rain ripped like small razors
The hail sandblasted exposed skin
The sewers swallowed slowly
They could not let the rain come in

My windows shook like aspic
Distorting all I saw outside
My house was all in darkness
Time to hunker for the ride

The clouds moved like a time delay
Three days compressed all into one
They circled and came back again
They blocked out all hope of sun

I thought of Margaret Hamilton
Flying above the world of Oz
It was just a random thought I had
Just an image, just because

My yard was now a shallow lake
The ground could not absorb the rain
It would break for a few minutes
Gather up and start again

Each storm it seems is harsher
Than the last one to come through
I have even thought that I should
Gather animals in pairs of two

At the end of every rain storm
I was taught to look and find
A rainbow in the distance
A light diffraction in my mind

I went to my front window
Looked and saw one in the sky
At the end there'd be a leprachaun
with gold a mile high

I watched the news that evening
saw the damage that was made
And at the end of my storms rainbow
They showed a PRIDE parade.
Joel M Frye Feb 2011
He lay in the bed
I had made for him,
emaciated, brittle;
the only part of him
truly alive,
more alive than anyone
else around:
                        his eyes.

His wife sits next to him;
serene, accepting, aglow
with his reflected light.

He fixed his gaze upon me
as he grasped my hand
with uncommon strength.
"I saw last night", and
gripped even tighter.
"I saw peace, and great light."
His arm shook, willing
his vision into my flesh.

"I saw, and was scoured clean.
I was purified!"

His hand fell limply,
and his head dropped back
on the pillow.
"I'm so glad I got to tell you...
I believed you would understand."

I believe you...
I understood what you saw...
and I bless your sandblasted soul.

The rust and grime
of a lifetime
weigh upon my spirit;
please pray with me
to your light
when the time comes.
One of my Hospice patients from years ago.  I can close my eyes, and see the brilliance in his, even today.  Thanks, Roy.
2-14-2011  JMF
CA Guilfoyle Jun 2021
These shells
smooth or spiny
sandblasted with spots and stripes
whistling flute like
the wind plays through the hollows
singing of shimmering fish and stars
a song of deep water seaweed sways
caressing fields of flowers,
the corals.
nivek Oct 2014
Windswept into sandblasted
Stripping naked and exhilarating freedom
to be able to bend and bend again
The key to surviving and flourishing
When the great battle subsides
all that's left is the basics and a will to live
i am a renegade rooster
confused by their programming
so many offspring how are we to tell
which is our own and which belongs to another
was it our forefather's fermentation
or the density of transubstantiation
entities dance on liberal paint cans
sandblasted fragments of remaining still
the handstands advanced their own itineraries
and i wonder what literary blunders did you muster today
existential snails dive as deep as whales
and move as swift as Haley’s twin sister Taylor
c rogan Aug 2022
shattered green on the gym floor, shells from the ocean pulled by the tides. staircases spiral down and down and until they wait for you. small windows open and close and an ocean flashes with black and white credits, zooming in and out and wrapped up in colorful patchwork quilts. air conditioning hums and churns bits of dust in the vents, pine needles shift in the reflection of sandblasted windows. the ocean is near now. I can smell the salt, the brine in the passageway of my lungs. the ghost of the ocean is my hands, the swaying trees, the circadian boxes of leaves. transparencies through water blend color memory, the recall of fossilized love. ancient creatures roam the depths of the hallway, far underneath the strata of the canyon we call home. they float and glow and survey the depths of rock, water, sand, and seams of light to resurface on a sunny day in the riverbed. carved by water, we enter light. and stretch the calcified seams from which we were woven.
a tempest nears the horizon
carousel of bellowed rancor
some panic and scatter- flee for shelter
others alter houses to fortresses

not I, oh no, never I

t'is not the time for dread
I sit on a forlorn beach
sandblasted face revealing a wide smile
eyes full of glee, pockets full of stones

I've waited for you forever, friend
Ted Scheck May 6
I'm outsideNot in/at the InnSidesAnd Signs of barns, houses,

Horses, Field of Dreams
Minutes B4, now,

Now Debris FieldsAnd I decision the makeTo go out intoWeather turned


Oh yeah Mom n Dad are in Town, and in this storm of
The many deafs of Fear
I don't walk but think I do
AndA splinter splints its splinty
Way through my hand;Irony: no debris, 'cept
A hole

Roaring, tearing, the Train
Never even on its tracks, 'cause
Twisters are just looking for
Imbalance, I am, blown out,
Then in and under the porch
As the most gentle of transformed cool breezes
Eats my house from on top of me

The Eye, I can't see
But feel the eerie
Spooky Action Not At A Distance
I crawl out because this ******
Thing has paused, yet still a whirl-Wind;

I'm miles 'neath the ocean
Of air and as yet un
Effected, Affected;

Beast of Chaos:
A god, or demi, possibly whispered a high sigh;

"I'm not afraid of you!" I scream, a baby-
Sized tornado of all my emotions
And a dark articulating wind-limb
Delivers my message post haste

ATMOS's voice hesitates, and I see
The Wall of Iowa Farmland
Wayward Eye Unstable as FlyingHorses aren't ever s'posed to be

Mother, Sky,
Still-young Off Spring:

Confused: Am I Warm?Am I cold? Am I BOTH?

I look up, crawling windy crap
Trying to kiss me, missing;
Only one window
Has been blown shut by a group
Of hay. Hey! Pebble? 

Upside-down,Looking up into
I scream the silent screams
Of Everyone Gained the AbilityTo Twist, Shout, and
Soar Into the Vortex

Weather Beast-Child Has
Found his MoJo, possibly seeing
Through undigested glass?
Vision Repaired?
Gravity is on a coffee
Break from the bounds ofSquirrely dirt;
Up, Up, andWay

Brave one!

The spinning black and brown
Disposal peters out
Wiping blood and dirt and tears as
My broken/un window
Was just covered with deadly
And the last thing I see
As I wilt and lose my feet -
As the Storm
Found Equal Librium
Is that hideous Eye
Winking at me as it
Winks out
Nak Aug 22
Who knew?  
A flying space section  
Prying sake eyeing make iron eight *****  
For takin protection  
Or faking affection  
What's next son  
You lately been stressing  
Life moves fast  
Compared to your slow ***  
Pass gas in the waiting room  
I'm convinced you're angry dude  
Just look at you  
The way you been moving  
Is like a ****** toon  
Vibin to friday night groovy tunes  
And now we seeking out a better way of life  
That isnt so filled with strife but  
It aint so easy to find cuz  
Freedom acts lazy casts  
Powers stack crazy traps  
The only way you gettin out alive  
Is through that baby hatch  
Quit playing, you not staying  
You sound insane I'm not praying  
Just out playing with myself  
Sounds wrong I know  
But that's just how it goes  
In a world of chaos we can only hope  
To grow and find flows  
Define lows how bad they get?  
Mad you lost cant get a grip  
Lose face faster than losing chips  
Loser ****  
Lose your **** only to find salvation after a years past  
No cash no *** but a new perspective to give back  
The value  
Think your lit now?  
You barely even scratched the surface  
Who scarcely meets his past to see when last he's reached his epidermis  
A blast these epic words is  
A spazz this tepid nerd is  
Elastic sandblasted leather  
Back to whichever shirt is  
At last he's given assurance  
To the most important vessel  
In a game of life and death  
It's war in every bevel  
Secular heavy metal  
Succulent messy melons  
***** to be deadbeat fellows  
Well now we best get on with  
More to reflect on later  
Or be to slept on save your  
Time for another message

— The End —