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Destiny C Aug 2018
I remember the joys of childhood,
When even the bad days turned good.
From the times when I was drinking from the water hose,
To running around the house wearing
my Rocawear clothes.

I remember smiling at the sun.
And laughing while running away from my brother's bb gun.

I remember gleefully swimming in my pool,
To being daddy's helper carrying his tools.

I remember the simplicity of life,
Without the pain and the strife.
When my only worry was to catch the ice cream man in the nick of time -
When I knew the jonas brothers songs down to every rhyme -

I remember winning my very first track meet.
My happiness radiating like gold from my skin in the heat.

I remember happiness.
The most beautiful feeling welling up inside of my former self,
As though I would spontaneously combust if I wasn't myself.
But those are all just memories,
seemingly from a past life that has been reduced down to a reverie.

I want to feel true happiness again flowing inside of me,
but until then all I can do is plea.
Once I flick, the wrist, you'll see my ice crisp, mics looking ******?
Like who's, rhyming after this, magnificent, ya presence,
Is hesitance, once I take a chance, gander a glance, romance,
The beat, out of her feet, souls rock and roll, simple yes or no?
They say, I cant rock the show, watch ya mental grow, spark a sew,
Stitching, words carefully, prepped by me, styles of obi kinobe,
Jedi dead eye, hawk tactics, flying by, widen ya fragile sty,
Sly, and slick, but far from wicked, shots, off like john wick,
So a take pick, number one draft kicks, out comes, ya lent,
Cuz ya money spent, no time to circumvent, as I dance,
Moonwalker vibes, all they way live, suckas playing, the jive,
Heart of lion, pride pounce a stride, no need,for feelings to hide,
As I slide, glide like Clyde, smooth jack, like a g-ride, play Hyde,
To Jekyll, see a speckle, of spotlight, watch blaze the sights,
Fish lens, see myself in a benz, with murdered out endz, trends,
Set by, me  the stylistic, of the century, make or break,
Dyntasy, see folks eyeing me, trying me, let off the 9 millie,
Wha da da dang, listen to it go bang, kicks, harder than Lu Kang,
Swang, my caddy, looking good across, the fleetwood,
Naked girl, top front grill, big body if steel, feel the depths, of real,
Bring ya down, like Shaquille, it's like magical, appeal, steal,
Any show, 10Gs a hour, growing power, like yellow tinted powder,
Watch me crowd a, empty place, giving a victory taste,
Flavors in ya ears, rocawear, switched to new gear,
Now all I wear, is suits to boots, combat with no troops,
Been made for war, soul cadenace soI'll, slim.your chances,
Advances, past on auto, cosmic flow jo, burning tracks, once mo,
I thought you knew, we blow through, cruise, suckas catch snooze,
Underworld *****, left clues like blues, mis the late news,
But you on time, for ya funeral views,  never bright, a dim fuse,
Abused, the critics who use, my styles to keep em glued,
Like the news, media rock donnabellas, hella cheddar,
Mozzarella, how many Cinderellas, waiting, for the lucky fella?
They guy never existed, flip the exquisite, expensive,
Visits, from the truth, almost chipped, my tooth,
In the booth, I gotta stay, true to my fans, i remained a valuable,
Jewels, stayed stuck in the crud, forms out, the sludge,
Never judge the judged, see the colors, I dipped in fudge,
Hate has no love, or feelings, see the world, we living in,
Dire amongst sins, my spinz, make ya go crazy, look at the citizens,
Hands reaching, for hope, but ain't no hope, put faith, in the Pope,
He must be on dope, drugs haze, got folks, in a zombie phase,
dont take the shot, or else ya body, gonna see an early rot,
Be gosh, all yall oshkosh, take a swig of Hennessy slosh, toss,
Up my spirits, to the Aurora, I hope they dont ignore tha,
Thunder, brings lightening, rain and tornado hailstorm, sightings,
Brightening, ya opticals, so tropical, topics, skip the profits,
Rather be a poor man, in the bezel of an eagle, see the raw evil,
Honey eyes, glaring staring, look deep for a daring, body pairing,
To the fake, glamour life, style problems, always foul,
Flagrant fragrance, worn as I charm, i contest the storm, swarm,
At the bees, bound to get stung, with tragedy, pain to agony,
No empty, vessels I stretch the muscle, til the hustle hustles,
Travis Green Apr 2021
Baby, I don’t know what to say
But you are addictive
I’ve tried to deny my feelings
But my heart won’t allow me to leave you alone
I watch you on my iPhone
See the way you look
See the hood in you
See how good we could click

Boy, your eyes make me rise
Your lips speak slang that I like
Your game got me on hold
Waiting for you to pick up the phone
Your Rocawear gear is so tight
Your Retro J’s are so mean
Like your jeans, like your earrings

****, you’re so Sway
With the way you wear your wave cap
Got me craving your *** appeal
Wanting to feel if this love thing is real with you
Wanting to get deep with you
Chill at a vacant lot
Feelings flowing and glowing
On a summer night where the ocean nearby
Sings so heavenly
Causing the waves to oscillate to every beat
Our chemistry is on cruise control
Smoking an L, sharing our life stories
Highkey buzzin and hugging, loving this moment

— The End —