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Dark lover Oct 2020
I dreamt of a home where the head of the home practices Ritualism, who in order to sustain is life and wealth suffocates the life out off his children. Thus he got married to too many a wife and gave birth to too many a children, so he will always have a substitute for life and wealth. As the head of the house he used his power to repress the commentary of the wives, he even forced to stay without any terms of agreement the wife that got tired of the marriage cause they do nothing but bear children which they never get to enjoy.
He mastered the act of fakir, thereby basked in crocodile smile and silence he operates..
He paints the building with a whitish paint on the outside to derail the mind of the observer but the cracks and red stains betrays him and discloses the crooked and deformed nature of the inside.
The leaders of nigeria they are like this ritualist, who for his selfish gains and to sustain is life, takes the life of his children one after another, even while the child is struggling to save his life closed his and suffocate them, for that reason he got married to plenty a womsn of differrent size and shape, color and background.. He uses is power as the head of the house to suppress all.. His accomplice are his fellow ritualists and sons who assists him in committing this barbarian act of the post-babarian epoch..

In my dream, with the aid of the sons that assists in this act of savagery, this time he was able repress and suffocate the child but this child he suffocated was so tough he had a hard time completing it ****** to an extent that it drag some attentions from the wives and neighbors, but quickly the sons assisting cleared every trace of the mess and finally he suffocates the child, after a lot of struggle.. We have brothers and sisters in nigeria that assists in the suffocation of their brothers and sisters, sons and daughters that contribute to the suffocation of mothers and fathers....
It took place in the midst of darkness there was no moon and stars in the sky but all of a sudden after this particular suffocation, in darkest, creepiest, and cruel of nights, a shooting light quickly transformed itself into a moon accompanied by a light that translate itself to a star, both illuminated this blackest of night, and conquered the mystery of this blackness.. Giving the light of lead..
We are tired of all the mess..
Northern Lives Matter

Note the fine flowing plain lands
One where peace and order reigns
Residence to historic cultural affluence
That chaos admired from afar with pains
Homing the abiding partisan patriots
Entrenched in now ravenous blood hovers
Rustlers, insurgents effected their domains
Notorious bandits we once heard in fables.

Lives lost cruelly to obdurated elements
Imprinting images of guns and deaths
Voices raised; are our leaders ritualists?
Establishing innocent crime-made orphans
Spreading evils, afflictions and destructions.

Many a religious shrines turned death traps
And markets, farms; ransacking poor villages
That barely know governance and her benefits
Turned into flowing river of blood and tears
Emptying plangent hearts to quixotic elites
Rich in thoughts; gliding us to precipice.
No matter how vile a man might be,
Even viler than ****** and more terrible
Than the devil; he will nonetheless
Have cheerers--his own people.

Witches and wizards loathe light--
Day is never their buddy but night,
Like ritualists and robbers and strumpets
Who prefer to blow the trumpets

Of their acts mainly in the darkness.
And however "good" you are, as Jesus
Christ of Nazareth, many shall be
Your foes in the Sadducee and Pharisee

Of the world. Though truth be killed; yet,
It shall undoubtedly again resurrect.
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2019
Take your eye away a second,
Or bat an eyelid,
And you will be sorry,
No story;

For out there roaming,
Is a mean fiend,
Ripping off female *******,
And leaving no tracies;

The story is awash,
In the pubs, on the streets,
Of desperate ritualists,
Getting into ****** fetishes;

That in used *******,
Is DNA for making money,
Deeply set in the fabric,
Is fluid that oils the maeveric;

So, watch out!
Fall not victim,
Of roving lunatics,
And their ***** antics.
In that country called Nigeria, a group of persons are in the prowl looking to steal used female *******. Those caught have alluded to using the lingeries for money ritualists - a dark fetish art of using diabolic practices tonentise spirits to bring in money. You must know that Nigeria dug in unrelenting poverty with no way out, so the young boys devise devilish means of making ends meet.
Dada Olowo Eyo Jan 2019
No! Not by any measure!
All of that for their pleasure?!
People wake up, please?!
The State is not at ease;

Easy targets, very easy,
Abducted by pampered terrorists,
Dismembered by bloodthirsty ritualists,
Everyday people, under siege;

But they sit in lofty places,
Make a lot of faces,
Trod on the rights of others,
And give frivolous orders;

Simpletons turn on simpletons,
Coconut heads that know nothing,
Get in useless arguments,
Over senseless debasements;

Get serious, people!
Do not treat as fickle,
Encourage not their gluttony,
Worse, much, than capital felony.
The way those Nigerians have come out to support the same people that have stolen their cooin partrimony and plunged them into eternal impoverishment is heartbreaking to say the least. When will they realise they have been played for fools since 1914?
Dada Olowo Eyo May 2020
To an injustice, what justice?
To torture, what reprisal?
To ******, what reawakening?
To arson, what renewal?

To hurt, what healing?
To war, what rebuilding?
To hate, what love?
To oppression, what expression?

To apartheid, what equal rights?
To racism, what humanity?
To nepotism, what equal opportunity?
To terrorism, what love and affection?

The world over,
Here and there,
Great dehumanisation,
People have been reduced,
To banana peel thrown by the sidewalk;

No significance is given,
To the soul that makes us equal,
Man turns upon man,
At the slightest provocation;

Throats are slit,
Blood is spilled,
Innocent heads, vital organs,
Harvest ed without remorse;

Blood is currency,
Ritualists offer for wealth,
Whether known or unknown,
People vanish, bodies are found;

But where did we go wrong?
We've turned our backs?
On the Almighty,
And faced evil, squarely;

Why do we inflict pain on others,
Throw families into sorrow,
***** life out of human beings,
As though pinching a lit candle?

Oh, what cruelty!
Visited upon the vulnerable,
Left to the whims of the wicked,
And the caprices of the malevolent;

So, will justice come?
Can these damages be repaired?
For all these iniquities,
What price?
Originally penned December 2000, modified September 2001, March 2002, July 2002.

— The End —