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K603 May 2014
You'll only
when  you
  Let me
Or  when you
    Push so  hard
I break *away
Realization I would've done anything for you.  Left and come back always, please realize this.
K603 Dec 2014
Plan Z...

a.  Find something good and latch on like a leach
b.  Then reach for more,
c.  Follow the light, stay on course
d.  Let go of regret and remorse
e.  Above all be Happy with the choice
*Good things come from happiness
There are no more letters in the here goes nothing Plan Z
Emo kitty Aug 2014
We live a life were..
   Kids are distracted from crying by phones
      A little kid knows the moms password be for he can speak
  Were kids instead of going outside
We'll they'd rather stay in,
     Playing on Facebook or Twitter
Whatever that is.
And I'll admit I spend some of my time
   On my Facebook doing nothing
But scrolling down.
Being board
     When we all could go out and bike
Or skate, or take a walk
     When instead of useing our phones
Witch is a trapped society in its own
    We could ask a stranger for directions
   We could use what god has given us
It's called speech and our hands
  Use the words you know
Or the hands to sign.
Put the phone and the laptops down
   Take in the relization
That there's a world to be descoverd
Look at the sky and listen to the birds  
   Not saying musice is bad becase I'm **** to say it's something I love
   But putting it aside the other day
I relized just how much I missed..
Just being out side.
This is our society
We can always change it
     But not unless we want to
So instead of haveing your musice in
Or being on Facebook
Or twitter or other media sites
Go be with a Frieand
Go for a walk and talk
Like when you were 10
Playing out side on the playground
Amazing your never to old for that :)
   Don't listen to the haters
Belive in what you want and go have a good time with some Frieands
I know our parents always Say stranger danger
     But howed you get to know the kids you call friends now?
Good luck out there and smile tomorrow's a new day it isent over.
Thomas Dec 2019

It's wood and metal
It's glass and Stone
It's the bird song of the morning
It's fire light and a moment just right

It's the random smile
It's warm hugs
It's soft lips with a soft kiss

It's the laughing child
It's a warm bath on a cold night

It's perfect coffee with a bit of cake
It's love felt through unspoke words
It's that look of longing spoken thru your eyes.

It's comfort given when there is hurt and pain
It's love that I feal when I speak your name.

The grass In my yard is wildly green
What's beyond my fence I do not need.

I speak the words
"This is enough"....
"Yes indeed, this is enough"

This is home

— The End —