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irinia Jan 2023
there is something good
and some light
in this desire
enraging my cells
with divination chanting
sculpting my shape
in violent curves
I don't recongnize the hues
of mornings
because of frenzy:
the new definition of gravity
along the lines
mesmerizing visions of
softness and caring

love is a whirlwind
in any language
a clear water
so you can see
how translucent
nakedness can be

hers is
the bending of space
to smaller and smaller
atoms of delight,
fusion, diffusion, infusion

it holds you tight
from the very centre
when it breaks you
and then these traces
the swarming of photons
in the fabric of skin
sweet radiance,
energetic warmness
an arch, a cohort of waves
crushing everything
like cherries' sense
reality sense
roads' sense

a scarring refusing
to scream/bleed
defiance of stillness
music of laughter
sun raising in your hands

there is something beautiful
for the poetess in me
it just describes herself well
for the never-day
it transmutes
beauty into horror
horror into despair
despair into words
even thought into
singing birds
“For beauty is nothing but the beginning of terror
which we are barely able to endure, and it amazes us so,
because it serenely disdains to destroy us.
Every angel is terrible.”

― Rainer Maria Rilke
Lissa Heli Nov 2012
Let's take it in stride
the things we'll never say
even if it hurts my pride
we'll save it for another day

Im not sure when that day will come
or even if it ever will
but we dance to the beat of  same drum
and it keeps my hope from standing still

you're a nothing but a star in the sky, burning bright. But some stars you always recongnize, and realize they've been waiting for you all along.
Quentin Briscoe Jan 2012
Dont recongnize me thats ok..Ill make you see,...
i dont do this for my name i do this so you see...
blinded eyed people im hopen that i can heal...
This is brialle that im writting hopen that you just feel...
Every word that Im saying even if you cant hear...
Sometimes to see u just need to shed a couple tears..
.dirt in your eyes distraction from whats ahead...
For He keeps you alive your the reasons why... He Bled..
im just a messenger, just another type sinner...
Writting in your Languge, Yeah the dude delivers...
So I open up my mouth, but Im not he who speaks...
For He gave me what to say, You just hear it in my speech...
So what is it aboout me, that makes you want to be like me??..
What you see is not me, i just need You to believe Thee...
Sherrie Lee Hurd Jun 2010
In dreaming, I found you,
You were as I wished you'd be.
And,waiting for me there in the light,
pulling the darkness free.
I ran to you with smiling face
and fell right into your embrace,
releasing all the hurt I had,
as I stroked your loving face.
I felt this dream around me
as real as my  tears and skin.
I felt your hand upon my heart
and here it would begin.
In dreaming, i have found you
and I long to have you near,
to share my smiles and laughter
and to chase away my fear.
I know this could not be
oh, i know  this is unreal,
but my heart is pulled, regardless,
to things I should not feel.
So, If I say I hate you,
or if I call you names,
I hope you know the message
and recongnize the games.
I think I've fallen deeply,
my tears, they tell me so.a
I never wish to leave you
no, I dont want you to go.
I guess it seems so silly,
this thing inside my head.
But as I fall asleep dear,
I feel you in my bed.
I feel you in my arms, love,
Oh hold me a little more.
And, when that feeling comes to me
I can feel it in my core.
It is something I can't hide from you
and something that should die,
But I can feel you here with me
a touch, a whisper, a sigh.
Forgive me for this feeling,
this unrequited thing.
I have been here stealing
and feeling this love's sting.
Si gi na- From The Dark Faerie Journal
FallenInTorment Feb 2013
Memories become a blur,
The mirror does not
Recongnize this girl.
Water displays no
Reflection. All that I
Used to be was
Drowned in the land
Of the lost.

— The End —