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brandon nagley Aug 2015

Daily I hath cogitation's
Of mine lass with me;
In union matrimony.


Her torchon lace
Set in place;
Comely to mine suiting.


To compass us
Comforting serenity.


No need for memory
She shalt be;
Right next to me.


Concord of
The Philippine's;
And Greece, deeply saccharine.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedication
Robert Clapham Sep 2010
Two pilgrims tread the trail of life
Hands entwining heads held high
Strength together striving forward
Eagerly stride into light
Future paths extend before them
Myriad choices at their feet
Ahead the ground may lie uneven
Storm clouds rolling over head
Bonds of marriage defend strongly
Pro-tect through all hardship flung
Growing close through life’s unfolding
Protect inward leaning hold
One mind one thought defining purpose
Each support defend uphold
Strength of heart and resolution
Adventuring .........  two lives as one!

Perinion Dwy cerdd mas i bywyd
Dwy llaw yn gafel pennau lan
Gyda'i gilydd yw y Cryfder
Awyddus cerrdd i golau claer ....
Llwybur yn dyfodol estyn
Efallai *** y llwybyr’n creigiog
Tu blaen eu traid mau dewis glan
Cumylau stormydd dros ben pennau
Cryfder priodas bydd y calon
Cadw’n dau mewn pob afrwyddineb
Yn tyfu’n ddau  dros gyda  n’gilydd
Cyd gafael iawn am cymorth  glir
Un meddwl rhwng y ddau su’n priod
Cariad glan cyfnogi llawn
Calon gryf am penderfynnu
Gyda'i gilydd yn bywyd mawr!
Written for a wedding with Wesh translation

©2010 Robert Clapham

— The End —