I've been feeling like an upbeat sad song
people are caught up on my tempo, dancing to the rhythm
only noticing the beats, not hearing the lyrics
maybe it's my fault
hiding my pain behind the beats
as I know, people only notice the surface
they could dive deep down the sea if only they only listened
the lyrics expose everything
the darkness to the lighter side of my song
though darkness frightens, it's not always frightening
people are the most vulnerable at night when they're all alone
shedding down the layers of skin, exposed like a pregnable snake in the wild
staring back at the estranged reflection of their true self in the mirror, unrecognizable
I love that version of them, uncovered, without all the lies and pretending, untouched
the version they think of as "unlovable"
crying themselves to sleep just to wake up and make up their faces once more
putting up that well-layered mask, their walls, and defenses
acting like Oscar-winning actors, putting that upbeat sad song on again
repeating the cycle until one day it's too late, and the mask is just their skin.