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zebra Feb 2018
she likes to dance in cemeteries naked
warring little but jeweled ***** bells,
ankle bracelets
toe rings
bingles, bangles, piercings,
through ******* and nose

her tongue split
each side wiggling independently

she gives head on a head stone
her blow jobs
like two undulating mouths
her skin inked with
black and blood tattoos that say
Satan's little ***** *****
double penetrations preferred porfavor
the more buttery big ***** and pastry puffy ******* the better

all purple hair tinged red
and antler horned hat
with silver toe and finger nails
a crazy saint sane
adored by the popes of the lascivious
eyes wide open over a crimson mouth sneer
cherry pout lips
gods gift to ***** and vaginas
a temple of relief exalting
a **** it bucket list of lust
her heart
cotton candy in flames
****** like a river of smashed potatoes
in cream

she like
phases of a corpse moon
begs to be used after death
like pigment on canvas
smeared red globes and chiaroscuro
she playing dead
living it up

do you know her
she keeps her secret hidden
on her sleeve
while you keep yours
from yourself

bless me father for I have sinned
and loved every minute of it
yet dare not be happy
for fear of Gods rage

my soul saved
turned fertile earth to sand
and shrouding vistas of light
till the bed is the bed
of the living dead
so there's nothin left but work and sleep
and dreams of drunken **** madness are buried
under the weight
marked forbidden

black sun curse
hips sway in ashes
a forbidden dance
Nicole May 2014
Hace poco aprendí que la vida se define en lo poco que uno sabe sobre uno, y lo mucho que uno quiere saber sobre el mundo. Las lecciones que la vida nos obliga a enfrentar no son más que el reflejo de nosotros en el mundo. Al resarcirse, al cambiar; también cambia el mundo. También aprendí que el momento para vivir no es más que ayer, ni menos que ahora. Cuando uno no quiere más vivir y acepta morir se da cuenta de que lo que antes valía mucho, ahora vale menos que nada. Es un largo camino de vuelta a la normalidad. Talvez si la vida diera vueltas y el corazon retornara a su color inicial todo esto cambiaría. Talvez yo cambiaría.
Hace poco aprendí que los ojos no lloran por nada. Las lágrimas tienen un propósito y un fin, que espero que ambos, seas siempre tú. Los ojos en blanco y las miradas vacias significan más para mi de lo que te podrías imaginar. Mientras menos es más para mí, más acumulo estas ganas inmensas de todo. Digo todo, por que explicar lo que me haces sentir en una insignificante combinación de 26 letras, no te valen. Me gusta sentir tus ojos sobre mí, asi no me estes mirando. Cuando piensas en todo menos en mí. Mirarte mientras vives es para mí equivalente a todo lo bueno en este mundo. Vuelvo a la normalidad cuando te encuentro y me voy, me pierdo, cuando no.
Podría decirse que la dependencia es mala, frivola. Pero miremosla de otra forma, como todo en esta vida, se amolda a nuestras necesidades. Fría. Sin sentidos. Así me dejas desde el momento en el que nuestros dedos se cruzan y meramente encuentran. Puedo sentir la adversidad del mundo en ellos, puedo sentirlo todo. Con las manos heladas y el pecho frío, pero contigo.
Si talvez algún día no este ni para mi, talvez un día camines por la calle y me encuentres perdida. Cuando yo ya no habite en mí. Cuando las lágrimas dejen de secarse por ti y más por el tiempo que pasa sobre la gota que de mi lloré, dejando su camino sobre mi rostro, aquel que alguna vez miraste. Puedo asegurarte que para ese día mirarte todavía será mi deporte favorito, con ojos muertos y miradas vacias.
No existe mucho cambio entre hoy y lo que describo. Los ojos muertos me sientan bien, no necesitan de maquillaje alguno. Se dice que iluminan mi rostro al llorar. Diría sonreir pero no creo que una sonrisa me encuentre perdida en el mar de miradas en el que me encuentro, almenos que sea la tuya. En ese caso, sonríe, porfavor.
Por ti, para ti.
The voice Mar 2018
I couldn’t wait for my class to end so I could run outside and find
el carrito (Stand)
I fell in love with the feeling and the taste before I even knew what love was.
I stood outside holding my mother’s hand waiting for her to ask
the times she did not ask I would pull on her plaid, decently long skirt and looked over towards the man selling raspados

She knew what I wanted and she knew how much I wanted it.
I focused on ...
el carrito
as if looking at it would be enough to call the gods of raspados to have mercy over me

They cost $1.50. My mother gives me the money
I run over
The man says

te faltan, no es suficiente (not enough)

I was devastated, I began to take step back slowly, I dared to not look at my mother with this disappointment.
I barely noticed the lady standing behind the man, she was the boss

I noticed she was looking towards my mother
Maybe she saw in my mother’s face something convincing, or maybe my confusion triggered a mother instinct
Whatever it was, it was enough

As I walked away slowly with my first heart break,
the lady behind says,

tiene antojo, tu daselo (She has a craving, give it to her)

I thanked her with my smile and with a slight flitter in my heart of happiness and even more with my taste buds having a celebration just by looking at how this raspado was being made

The beautiful sound of the mountain man, holding a metal, rectangular shaver of ice
containing it all inside until it was ready to be placed in the cup. The small stones pile one by one when crushed
Just big enough to hold shape and small enough to enjoy

Then the miel con sabor a tamarindo  being delicately set on top, like a creamy blanket in liquid form

Si, con limon y sal, porfavor, y poquito chile (add salt and lemon, and a bit of spice... Please)
because my mom taught me how to be polite
and then, to my surprise the actual fruit
tamarindo on top, a light brown coloring with a soft cover on the hardened seed inside

It decorated with grace and delight, the treat awaiting for me
I felt the richness

There I learned my first lesson of kindness
It is part of a longer piece... It is Nonfiction.
Raspados are similar to icecones but very Hispanic. I suggest trying one. They vary in flavors (guava, pineapple, lime, mango, etc...)
Santiago May 2015
Yo no paro hasta que todos mueran
Los ultimos que cuedan
Del satanas tienen que murir
Todos esos malvados tienen que sufrir
El machete, con un balazo en el cachete
Los mando pa su muerte la tumba
Los ahogo con una funda en silencio
Se mueren despacio dia tras dia cayendo
Estos cobardes les buelo la mazeta
Como el rey azteca, les saco el corazon
Por ser culo mamon, el pendejo cabron
Soy un maestro chingon, estes mi canton
Para siempre sera, hoy y manana lo veras
Te lo puedo comprovar no soy esclavo
Pero si un bago, so ponte a un lado
Porque estas bien lejos del clavo
Hechate para tras porque te dejo enterrado
Por dejabo, ah carrajo eres un pinchi chango
Vete a comer un mango, pinchi tango caprisun, you better run and go have some fun, before I lay your *** out with this laser gun, leave you fast asleep, you should listen to your peeps, porfavor hasme el favor
Cuitate la a chingada, ya me encabronastes
Mi mente me corruptistes y borastes
Mucha intelligencia que cargaba guardada
Pero te voy a lanzar con la plebada
Lista y armada, para una buena chingisa
Te den un buen banio, y buena vaniada
Eva Jun 2011
porfavor, make me numb, i cant tell you sir, whats become of my chewing gum since my head went dumb, been living life slowly, tryna *** a *** from my neighbor, forgot about my lover, took a big swallow, sip, lick, gulp, keep them regrets with the rest of my cigarettes, bury them with the silhouettes of words that take my breath away with cold sweat, those mexicans say aye baybay like its a right of way, hello san jose, make me your new lover. on cloud nine say what, you wanna discover whats making me so bitter, uncover my past, recover your caste, and ima tell you, mi vida fast.
Santiago Apr 2015
I need to know, please your killing me slow
You don't even know, I need you
You make me content,
My intent is to protect my lady,
Blessed from the heavens, he gave me
Understand my words are genuine
Very sanguine, I speak to the moon
My angel at noon, harmonys elegant tune
My ace, my twin, my keen queen
Where have you gone, where did I go wrong
Stay strong, have faith it won't be late
God's fate, no one manipulates,
What's destined to be, should definitely be
Whoever opposes, and intersects
They shall meet their end, making amends
With gifts placed in God's hands
They don't understand, nor comprehend
Your not glorious in making decisions
Back to my one and only, he shown me
We can make it out this stormy weather
Let's spread our wings and fly together
I'm ready whenever, wherever you are
We can go far, close by a shooting star
Make our wish come true boo
Don't allow these demons, drip semon
In your holy temple, remember it's not forever
They have no heart, it's truly dark
Refuse they're manipulation, stay true
Keep that beautiful precious corazon alive
Don't let some punk idiots toy with it
Estoy contigo hasta el fin, I'm here to win
I know we all sin, but I submit to my Lord
Live in his word, not according to the world
Please mija te quiero, te deseo, triste no te veo
Para siempre te espero, hopefully ya mero
Nos vemos, if not in heaven we'll meet again
Where none of us will feel any pain
Keep your head up mija, porfavor regresa
Te tengo una sorpresa, no te pongas triste
Acuerdate que estoy contigo, los angeles

— The End —