There’s a poetry in my head
A hymn that my soul sings
And a Voice deep within my core saying,
“Write again, write about my Splendor and Glory.”
I will exhalt you in all nations —
And I will continually be amazed…
Of how majestic You are.
How You took notice of my heart…
My oh, so weary soul.
My desperate call for help,
And yet I am so loved by You.
So, so loved that You died
To wipe out every tear…
To bestow the life I’m supposed to live.
You’re the treasure I will keep…
And to truly live
Is to trust You with all I have,
To wait patiently…
And so help my unbelief.
You are Jesus,
The Lover of my soul…
The Perfector of my faith.
You are the Keeper
Of the key to my heart and no one —
Just no one
Can separate me from You.