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Third Eye Candy Oct 2012
a loop of spume immune to fumes of eastern tombs
a burnin‭'; ‬ a  mad flash of candied wrath
and junebug randy newman‭; ‬
what rumbles jest in vestments yet
to loom a knit or pearl two...‭ ‬a ****** crest
of ***** wrecks and rubber necks‭
to view you...‭
‬a nop of lopsy,‭ ‬
fever pitched in thicket rich begonia‭;
‬and roman roads
too golden
from hydro
your hedge

a droop of noon in cool remove
from gypsum dim sum laude.‭
‬a drowning witch on boney creeks
of needles and salami.‭ ‬
untongued.‭ ‬a pool of fringe
rhymes with orange,‭ ‬
yes a door-hinge,‭ ‬
off it's moorings...‭ ‬
off it's Meds

death beds
for trampolines
in petrified forests...‭
a nop of lopsy,‭ ‬frogging Gatsby,‭
‬greatly famished to the Nines‭;
‬an olden toll of wish fits‭
then nothing

and that's
Cop A Nop
Yop O U
Dop E Cop I Pop Hop E Rop

Mop U cop hop
E A Sop I E rop
Top hop A Nop
Yop o u
Top Hop I nop kop
It's not that hard, really. You'll figure it out
Sameer Chhetri Dec 2013
a friend of mine asked me if i smoked
a past that i had long forgotten
it reminded me of the hollow friendship
the reasons id find just to burn up
just to forget the bitter reality for a min or five

but the friends were forgotten and so was the habit
yeah it does make me nostalgic
but no i wouldnt go back
it didnt bring me any happieness
nop wont go back
Sameer Chhetri Dec 2013
no im not a strong man
its because i dont stand by my rules
i tell people to open up
i tell them to live
but when it comes to myself ? nop
when people are low i tell them to cheer up
but when it comes to me? nop

maybe its because i dont want to change my self completely
may be im just to ignorant
i dont know what it exactly is
but maybe
just maybe
neth jones Jul 2021
the penters brutal militia
now marches
through a portal truncated

In unailing sleep
     i taunt the spheres
       and demand the negatives
scream out elements
strike runted ire
         at the worlds great forgeries

dream #1

an ancient cottage is clouted to the ground
paff !
a charred magician trick
  rapid sporing
   inflating to a build
    then pressure cooked
        packed with smoke        
          compounded by fire              
in a quenched **** of energy
                            a construction
                     beams and rocks
                a hearth is hearted
            a mantle mounted
   feasted together
      and clenched in a furious shrine

i emaciate in the quiet storm of collected electric
i must test this unruin
i put an assertive foot over the threshold and...

i am pulled to the lovers
an attention away from here
downed on the bedroom floor
ridiculous pillow strapped to my ridiculous head
i stand
stammer frustrations
and running on an internal gut of turbulence
i slam home back through bed

dream #2

my burnt match form
all fours on a beach
my spiny digits plugged under the baking sand
straining the salt and murky charity
darkening the sand with impurities
and forgiving the sea
a pure revealing clarity

the formal sun
now casts without interruption
(just a little refractive kink)
water cleared
blinding the blind of the ocean floor
all Eves and Adams startled by
their **** branded world
shamed traffic
of disorientated prehistoric sealife
batting about in the garish aftermath

i resolve to the lovers
face down
******* huffs against the mattress
i flip over and zip back in
hands clamped

dream #3

simple streets and the bedside knife
i greet and greet
the first is a nop
the second a lancing wound
the wound takes a lacing
a bled string
and they are gratefully hauled
with grace to the sky
as though plucked by weather balloon
i am busy
                              in distribution of the lovers
dishonestly forecast to a haven in grave

i'll wake
          work satifified
                              but both revved and worn
early 1st verse -

[bedside knife
                    red bulb flashlight

   fixture my quaggy cranium
    lashed brightly to a pillow
     secure in a flight

     nocturnally occupied
     tuned to a volatile folly
   hosted most thorough
running on an internal gut of turbulence]

— The End —