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Nessie Dec 2010
she looked about herself
with the bunches and globs of brain matter
he picked it up and made a funny hat
and she could not help but to fall out laughing
he brushed away the trickle of blood
underneath her left eye
sighed and said
“darling , maybe you should call it a day”
she noded dreamily
in sweet short agreement
as if she didnt pull the trigger
as if there were no gun at all
just the way he makes her laugh
the way he makes her feel beautiful
just him
she’d say
just us.
I always stole a glance at him, hoping that he
would ask for my name
but NO he never .... NVM
Made sure that I'd get a seat next to His,
Then I would stare at Him ...
Hoping that He would... Aahh NVM but
Not even a greeting, not even a Sawubona
from Him.
Decided to write Him a letter, then crafted it
an aeroplane, asked Jane to throw it at Him
but did He bother to even read it? Ahhh NVM
I started to convince myself that he is blind or
Long-sightened or something
I mean I never heard him utter a word maybe
he is dumb or he hates ... Ahhh NVM
I gazed at Him less, but them Feelings got
they got stronger and I decided to no longer
be a stranger to Him
I braved my heart and couraged my mouth
I went to His desk, greeted Him
He noded, Dude I'm so fucken attracted to you
'Oh you're '? Yes
'Sorry sister, I'm Gay.'
I fainted.
I never had a boyfriend again, till today.
Bob Aug 2018
First day of first grade
Learning my a ,b, c's
But still had velcro shoes
Knew my colors and numbers
So I was a know it all
Untill that bell rung
Found out something that changed everything
Tommy told Timmy and he whispered it to me
I never been so scared
It was the worst ever
Before mom could stop and aginest the teachers ordes
I was at her car door
Being over dramatic she says
No not the big C son
It's the cooties mom
Pulled into the driveway and she leans to me
Cooties ain't real and girls are not a disease
It's ok to be friends with everybody
But just incase I'll give you a cootie shot
Circle circle dot dot....

First day of sixth grade
New clothes, new shoes
I felt grown and so cool
Laughing with friends at lunch when I hear
Can I sit here
I turned mute so I just noded my head
This girl was god sent
Tongue tied and in love
Feeling nervous and starting to sweat
She talked and I tried
She asked questions
All I could do was smile
Didn't notice my mom waiting holding up the line
Gave one word answers to her hundred questions
Pulled into the driveway
She gasped
No not another case of the big c
Looking back it was funny but I was to nervous to laugh
Explained how I thought she was to pretty for me
Out of my league
Pulled in the he driveway And she leans over
Nobody will ever be to much of a good thing for you
Show the confidence that you hold in
Besides what's the worst that can happen
You make a cute friend
But just incase your still uncertain
Make sure tomorrow the seat next to you is empty again

Freshman year
Can't believe first day of high school
Beginning of my last four years
Spent the summer trying out for the baseball team
Basketball second period
Coach Sims told me good chance I would make the varisty team
My head grew bigger and my walk changed too
Seen April and I walked right up
Asked her to homecoming
My God she said yes
The greatest day ever
Seen mom in line
Couldn't wait so I ran
Begin explaining everything
Making the team, the dance, basketball
Not taking a breath till we got home
Pulls in the driveway and I'm halfway out when I noticed
She only responded with a smile
I turned back and see tears in her eyes
I lean over and wrap my arms around her
Mom don't start lying to me now
Tell me what's wrong
What she said next was the hardest words had ever hit me......
Son I have the big C
siphamandlambele Jul 2016
First time i saw you
You noded and smiled
Near the smoking truck
And i fell hard so hard for you like
I'm falling from the sky.

I noticed no one is as beautiful like you.your eyes absorbed my life,your breath took my soul.your touch swept me away.little angel plz be my are a dream coming true.

My life .my soul you can have them as long as i have you.

— The End —