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Aye think o this
When winter breezes blaws aroun'
whare silent thochts are filled wae gloom
and drifting words,they echo past
frae fearful man an fearful lass
In haunted hooses and misty lans
whare Ghosties an gobblins an unco bans
Pass atween this an theirs, that form
amidst tha thunders crashing storm.

Aye tucked up aroun yeer mithers apron
wae teeth a nashing an voices wailing
Fine ye ken this unhaly nicht
tis filled wae all unGodly licht
Craw tha Banshee frae tha Ben
like howlet song throughoot tha Glen.
Satan, Auld horney casts his lots
for innocent bairnies fresh frae their cots
An' ancient stories there arise an fly
Like shooting stars that fill tha sky
for here in tales tha croonies dae rattle
in haunting airs and fiendish battle
leagons arise tae tha masters calling
This nicht hell awakens, aahhh tha heevens are falling.

Here in blackened darkened skies
whare lichtning flashes weaves an cries
An mortal man fears fa his soul
against that heelish burning coal
Ministers intae their beds are fleeing
wae ranting verses fa all their Dealing.

Whare auld worn hags an witches cast
upon tha waters that blaw an blast
drooning mony tha ship an sailor
all fa tha glory O their Demonic tailor
when cauldrens stir in bubbling brews
An damnation demands its richtful dues
tha lan' it heaves and haws
devouring all within its jaws
A Blood red Moon casts her lot
whare evil men have Died an fought
tha Earth auld an worn frae tribulation
demands the blood of every nation.
Here within the fields o life
brither against brither in war an strife
hae released all this fiendish nightmare
fa all their guilt,fa all they share

Alisdaire O'Caoimph
I wanna rip this beating heart out.
I wanna throw it to the wolves.
I wanna feel there nashing teeth
on splintered human veins.
I wanna see you melt the darkness
that has eatin into my brain.
I wanna see you be a trickster
and slice these putred sayings,
these words that i live by,
that open up my mind
to wonders that can see through
all the screaming bleeding cries.
The screams of people dying,
being murdered in the streets.
The cries of all the children
that are weeping at my feet.
I wanna see your face
twist in crooked agony
at the sight of all these horrors
laying dormant in your dreams…..
Sasha C Sartin May 2010
The story of a child cursed and abused...

Simply because the demons amused

Nashing and burning his selfish way there.

Penetrating tears without the slightest care

She begs and she pleads.

While he laughs so insane.

A heart simply stone and for that he remains.

But he will get his in the depths of a cell

Tormented and rotting in his own personal hell.

May his two *** burn with delight...

While maggots feast between his legs...

Let him bleed with all might.

Maybe he is the accident, maybe he doesn't belong.

Maybe he is a ***** perhaps I could be wrong.

Poor old *******

He loves to see her cry.

He screams and shouts as loud as he can.

God I wish he'd die.

She is so fragile, her past she can not change.

But she continues to live in torment because the demons turned insane.

He loves to hear her stories.

The anger lets him live.

While he steals away her liveliness.

Until there is nothing left to give.

Give me a Four foot blade so I may stick it up his ***

Rip out all his organs, his rapture shall not last.

I'll place leaches on his ***** and rip out all the veins.

I'll make that ******* so regret the day he ever came!

I will rip out all his ***** hair, one by one you see.

Just to watch him squirm and bow down before great me!

I'll put needles in his pupils and tell him he will die.

But not for two more weeks, I want to watch him cry

All her tears, all her pain these hands can not cure.

But his death and this poem are sacrificed for HER!

                                                         Amber O.

                      My sister wrote this for me............
you tossed
your answer
at me
and casually.
even the
way you
tell me
invokes images
of god
blessing me.
me out
among the rats nashing
their teeth.
I adore
your voice
It is
a song
for my
© 2013 Austin Stephenson
Fergovski Mar 2014
Crusading for love
to understand being
leaving the lens no vision for seeing
momentary glances keep the spirit alive
with vexations abound they tear at my soul
Nashing and clawing
As i stand at this yawning
Will i jump in will i submit
Crashing around me in this sulphur pit
Aghast it stops the rational clicks
that clear inner voice turning dark into light
vexations and demons they leave with great flight
I had known all along i was up for this fight x
Fergovski Mar 2014
Crusading for love
to understand being
leaving the lens no vision for seeing
momentary glances keep the spirit alive
with vexations abound they tear at my soul
Nashing and clawing
As i stand at this yawning
Will i jump in will i submit
Crashing around me in this sulphur pit
Aghast it stops the rational clicks
that clear inner voice turning dark into light
vexations and demons they leave with great flight
I had known all along i was up for this fight x
Perdue Poems Jun 2019
Afloat upon the greatest pond
I do drift my hands
And let the ripples play

The sigh of waves resting upon the grainy beach
Echoes in the meadow woods
And time ceases for a day

But on that lake's surface I am unaware
Of ripples found beneath
My lovely little pond

The fearsome jaws, the fearsome muscles
Of mechanical nature
Below abounds

And ripping currents
With heavy traffic
Bide their time below

But I float above the nashing teeth
And water rivers too
Drifting slowly on the pond's surface
Above the torrent below
KxBird May 2017
Cover me in the black sheet.
Flood me with taunts of the stars
Let them shoot at me.
I'll take a nova right to the chest,
Absorb its dying breath
A bursting beautiful chaotic mess.
Stardust, its existence, now ash.
I don't know why it gets harder at night
My chemicals collide, they kiss all night, but their love is my fight and I can't **** them every time because it is so passionate
like Romeo and Juliet, young and dumb, they'll sacrifice me so their love can live on.
Why am I the vessel of the lonely panging flesh.
Inhaling sharply taking wounds from someone else with each breath.
But I'm unaware of all the gaping holes in me because I'm a werewolf and by morning i have no recollection of bleeding.
But the holes are starved at night and they seep through my clothes soaking my mind.
I lie in pools of letting my insides roam but every day I swear that this will no longer be my home.
From the belly of the beast I'm now at it's nashing teeth,
it swallowed me once but after walking through guts I've finally reached
an opportunity, but the PM comes and the black ***** me back down the esophagus i have fought and fought leaving red scratches down it as my fingers claw.
I thought maybe if I loved enough it would ***** me up.
Maybe if I was content I'd be able to call this games bluff.
But the black sheet comes for me and I can hear the crickets sing
and when the dawn comes I'll be out again
but the sheet of night will come and take me right back in.
TigerEyes Nov 2014
I remember you came home wasted on that cold November day
making sure that I would pay
because I would not kneel at your feet
No, I would not obey...
You made it clear with your threats
that I would pay in someway
Yeah, with your nashing teeth that I'd obey
or, you'd be sure to throw me out on the street..
with my daughter at my feet...
we ran out that night in the cold
Yeah, we jumped out the window with my phone
and, here we are down the road
I'm still not doing what I've been told
You're keeping your promise you made to me
hell bent on making me see...
that you are right...
just for the record you terrified us that night
the conclusion/ and it is this...
that all along..
you think that you're always gonna be right
n' I will always be the one ..
that's gonna be wrong.

Copyright 2014 Krisselle S. Cosgrove
nivek May 2017
jaw jaw jaw  

nashing teeth

wiggling worm

inflamed tonsils

sore throat
J Michael Apr 2019
The walls that came down
In ashes, through the siren’s sound
You knew me, and know me now
And still carry pieces of fractured minds

The walls that we live in now
In the daylight, and evening hours
Are rollercoaster highs and lows
Falling between the sky and the earth

Gravity disappears and I hold my breath
All the way down, losing control
And then return to the stars,
crushing my heart to death
So I can once again float above the problems,
Where the air is thin and cold

It’s strange how the most gentle touch can break
How the greatest weight can seem lighter than air
The hardest struggles we face,
are the ones that we create
Why obsess, with nashing teeth,
at a life that never promised to be fair?

I digress, and dream of simpler days
When the day bent on my whim alone,
And my personal perception would flip the coin,
Turning black and white to grey
When I could find my peace of mind,
And also call it home
Crashing..Splashing..G'nashing waves
Bashing so upon the rocky shore~
Gently..gentle breezes blow
Coming softly to the fore~
Wet sand..dry sand..soft sand too
Water salty .. foaming white~
Coming .. going..back again
Morning .. noon and darkest night~
Dark day .. bright day .. cloudy day
Always just the same~
When the sun is shing bright
When the skies are full of rain~
Water high .. water low
Water in between~
So long since I last went down
To one of the loveliest spots I've seen~
I left my footprints there one day
One day I must go back to see~
If maybe they are still waiting there
For little old sad me '

Terrence Michael Sutton
copyright 2018

— The End —