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SimpleWritings Dec 2018

Mhux dejjem naraw għajn b’għajn
Imma nħobbok

Naf li dejjem pruvajt mill-aħjar li stajt
Biex tagħtini dak li int qatt ma ngħatajt

Imma sfortunatament mhux dejjem irnexxilek
Il-Mulej mhux dejjem provdilek

Jien qatt m’għidtlek meta nqasstni
Meta bin-nuqqas tiegħek warrabtni

Qatt ma ridt niksirlek qalbek
U ngħidlek li ħadd mhu qed jisma talbek

Imma iva Ma,

Għaddejt minn ħafna u int ma taf b’ xejn
Alla ħares tkun taf kif u x’ fatta u fejn

Bħalek Ma,
Għaddejt minn dak li m’ għandu jgħaddi ħadd

Ġarrabt id-dlam
U bkejt fis-solitudni

Imma issa Ma
Sa fl-ahhar...

Inħoss li sibt il-kuntentizza
Inħoss li qbadt it-trejqa li qed nibni jien

Ma rridx nibqa naħbilek iktar
Għajjejt nigdeb u nħaref

Allura għidtlek

Ma flaħtx inżomm iktar
U għidtlek

Kienet diffiċli għax kont beżgħana
Imma ridt naqsam din l-aħbar ferħana

Stennejt li ser tifhimni
Stennejt li xorta waħda ser tibqa tħobbni


Ir-reazzjoni tiegħek ma kienetx dik li stennejt
Ma kienetx dik li f’ moħħi pinġejt

Għalfejn Ma?
Għalfejn ma tridnix?
Għalfejn mhux taċċettani?

Għidli Ma

Lil min inħobb ma għandux jaffettwa kemm inti tħobb lili
Lil min inħobb ma għandux inessik li jien xorta waħda bintek

Mara offritli dak li dejjem fittixt
Mara għallmitni nagħraf x’inhi l-imħabba

Mara urietni kif jidher id-dawl fost id-dlam
Mara qed tgħini nsir inħobb lili nnifsi

Iva Ma

Inħobb mara
U mhux raġel

Għalfejn qed tħares lejja b’ dak il-mod Ma?

B’ ħarsa ta’ diżappunt
B’ ħarsa ta’ diżgust

Bintek għadni Ma

L-istess b-i-n-t li kont tgħannaq miegħek
Meta kont tħoss li d-dinja qed tikrolla

L-istess b-i-n-t li kont tiftaħar tgħid li hi tiegħek
Lil kull min taf meta tilmaħni fost il-folla

Ħobbni Ma

L-istess għadni
Biss, ħrigt mill-moħba

This poem is written in Maltese.
brandon nagley Jul 2015
In death's dark tunnel
When one's spirit passeth through their faded brawn,
There when making it to that dusk black hole,
There art naf's who Bob carelessly
To the overcàst of what is
Not what was.......
They just are!!!!

They linger as string's being held by God. .
But see,
This blackness is comfortable to them...
Though some refuseth to moveth on knowing their destination....
Other's move ahead to the glory throne.....
Though the ones in the in-between,

Just like being...
They just are......
A comfortable darkness.......
Held on God's string's........
For you who don't know a naf is a soul other words in Arabic tongue or can mean a being or even self... This means soul here ():
rhenee rose Oct 2024
Language is a gably thing,
One can gister words as they go;
Cacophony of sounds we set meanings with,
Leaving me flummoxed every time I unwreathe.

Sesquipedalian, dollipling, mollycoddle
Do these quixotic words truly exist?
Wattucturic, rigmarole, dorizating
Naf, won’t tell you which is which.

Maybe words do not aim to bamboozle,
But some are just too choorlish to have been born;
Reminds me of how whimsical humanity is,
Passing on wanches that spell like these.
A poem about made-up words that sound too real and real words that sound too made-up.
Donall Dempsey Sep 2019

Nat King Cole sings Autumn Leaves
on the radio - in Japanese.

My mother falls
in love with it.

I fail to find it for her
this being pre-Internet days.

So, I sing it for her
making up the Japanese words.

I sing different words
every day.

Sing she says...
"My...Donie's knee!"

Which is what we call it
after hearing it only the once.

"Share it with Yuku!"
I sing whatever comes to mind.

"Oh more each day!"
the words have a life of their own.

Now when I have grown
to be this man I am

I learn the proper Japanese
but she still thinks I'm making it up.

Now here in her dying
she says sing me

"My  Donie's knee!"

So I sing in my broken

She squeezes my hand
whispers softly...

"You were always
a romantic auld eejit!"


Phonetically speaking it goes something like this....

Ma doe bay knee
She re e yuku
Ha me kay no
Ha ray hi yo
Oh mo e day
Ha na a she ku
Wat su ra ray
Naf su no he
Key me ga oh day
Yat sa she cu
Wa tashi o
key da key tay
suki say nu ko e no
coo may o
ka tar esh she
an no hee
Phonetically speaking it goes something like this....
Ma doe bay knee
She re e yuku
Ha me kay no
Ha ray hi yo
Oh mo e day
Ha na a she ku
Wat su ra ray
Naf su no he
Key me ga oh day
Yat sa she cu
Wa tashi o
key da key tay
suki say nu ko e no
coo may o
ka tar esh she
an no hee

— The End —