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No drips can sustain
An aching wake, unbearable pain
Under, above and inside
This won't stop, I can't hide
Human nature is never ******* natural
So I grab what I can fit in to my satchel
Run from what I thought was new
An idea in the end misconstrewed
But what becomes of this so called revolution
Just another fascist
With the same solution
Don't get this confused,
I like you for who you are and I'm here to help,
But don't mistake this for something more,
I wish my good deeds didn't put me in a relationship sting,
You will definitely know if you're the girl with the invisible ring,
I don't want to break your heart, but this won't work.
This girl wants a friendship to be something more but I just want to be friends. I feel bad that I constantly do this but I'm waiting for the right one for me to go for. As great as these girls are,they're ethier too young, not my type or in another state and I don't want her to change her college education for something that might fall apart. I really think these things through. I feel like a ****** but I try to make sure the wounds of dissapointment is  not too deep. It's not that I don't have long distance opened as an option or anything, but I just want to make the right decisions and be plausible. I'm going all out on the description but I hope somebody understands me and I'm not alone here.

— The End —