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WickedHope Nov 2014
Don't tell me I have a nice ***
It's not a ****** compliment
Leave me the **** alone
I just want to go home
Sick of guys like you
Just looking for so-
meone to do, we-
ll not me, not

Hey! You!
Stick it up your own
Leave me alone, you creep.
I don't need you pulling this **** anymore.
olive Aug 2014
its been a year and
I still don't know w
hat to say when so
meone asks me abo
ut the scars. My fri
ends tell me I look t
he same as I did fiv
e years ago and I a
m relieved, nothing
has changed. She te
lls me she likes the
heart shape my face
akes but I feel a little
broken when I see na
rrow noses and almo
nd eyes. The song yo
u burned for me two
years ago still feels fa
miliar but our friends
hip feels like it's only
taking small baby st
eps forward and I a
m afraid we are too g
entle again, unsure. I
miss it, but I don't. I m
iss it. I don't I don't I
don't. Things are wobb
ly again. I'll be here.
Nina McNally Feb 2011
You can see,

All I wanted was you, and
Now I got nothing.             And
Yet I have everything.          It's the little
Things in life that matter.
However, being with you was the greatest moment
In my life, but I will find someone who means so much more.
Now; I will just sit here and watch the sun as it
Goes down, only to wait until it raises to greet a new day*.
On This Night.....
...............Love Dies Young.
copyright; 2011 McNally, Inc.
written as the sun was going down.
title from Good Charlotte
Ryan O'Leary Dec 2018
Adam's resolution
on New Years Eve.

Plant two French
Golden Delicious,

go down to the pet
shop for a snake,

call his allotment Eden
and hope for the breast.

— The End —