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Pearson Bolt Feb 2016
we're all armed
with an appliance
of emancipation
we can nurture non-violent
defiance in a
non-compliant ethos of
antiauthoritarian self-reliance

we have the ability to eliminate the
vestiges of imperialism and
dominant dogmas that choke
and impede our creativity and shackle
our imagination to impotent ideologies

fragmented unrealities augmented
by fractures in our psyche
tendrils of theology that prey
upon our fear and exacerbate
conditioned responses that are
at once
unnatural and irrational
and lead
to infantile expressions of
regression and fantasies of an
aggression rooted in the
suppression of dissent and
the oppression of dissidents

as impotent
as our terror
of the unknown

by the promise of security and prosperity
a cabal of brutish thugs have erected an
imaginary hierarchy and demanded our
subservient obedience and reverence for
this malfeasant apparatus that leeches
our paychecks and robs all of our dignity
while somehow retaining the illusion of liberty
a delusion that festers like an open wound
a tumorous ulcer oozing foul fluid into our minds
blotting out our capacity for cultivating a
future divorced from misanthropy

so pour kerosene on this fluttering
flame of revolt before it sputters out
if we'd quit looking back and forth at
one another rotting in the gutters
checking to see if we have more to
our name than our sisters and our brothers
we might just muster the courage to overthrow
the vapid and misguided fictions that
divide and segregate us into pawns
trapped in this unending rat race
they've deemed the American Dream

harness the revolutionary tenacity
dormant in humanity's most important *****
infinite potential latent in every molecule
each neuron dancing across synaptic
gaps and fanning the embers of an engine
that gives motion to this evolutionary frame
the human brain is omnipotent
uranus Sep 2014
I foster an incremental relation to the cosmos, enticed regularly by its indefiniteness and appeal.
Its evolutions, innate behaviors, and formidable sciences are recompense for earth’s meager discrepancies.
I often engage in the caprice to dismount much dissatisfaction by the constancy of riveting celestial events.
These beings possess no artificiality.
Its prophetic order, ornate and stupendous architectural facets have allowed a crescendo of dispositional hysteria.

Prosaic imprecations are deduced from its auxiliary wherewithal.
There is no contrition in immersing in enthrallment nor is there fickleness in trust.

Magnificent bodies orbit in finesse and probability, achieving universality and control.

Though these incitements are exponentially cheering, my origin is but connoted in despondency.

Usurpers and ill-suited vandals proliferated by the intemperance of the Ptolemaic discipline.
Rustics, miscreants and idle minds misdirected by less virtuous planetary derision.
My cognitive severity asserted by ominous consummation.

Oh how these preponderant truths confine me unfortunate.

Soliloquy is but an affliction amidst this era of anachronistic reign.
Grandiose passivity is intolerable at this time.

I plan to dichotomize my adamant fate from precepts and conditions anew.
The deposition of malfeasant kings will be sought.

Ploys I have already configured; propagation is near to instigation.

I will exhort my ascent to prime eminence.
The stars will sanction me to a rightful end.
Trevor Dowe Aug 2021
Her smile shines and illuminates my soul like the sun is warm on my face, with her by my side I'm happy in ways I've forgotten, if I ever knew I could be.
My alarm goes off, another day of grey.
I'm too broken and jagged edged to put anyone else in my company. I'm not whole and I'm not her responsibility to fix and I don't want to cut her on my sharp shattered soul.
For now I subsist on her genuine kindness and warmth, I may never feel her arms around me and her lips upon my skin, but I take comfort in her casual friendship and solace that I'm working on healing myself so that I can be ready for love.
Always, I will be grateful to her for her  gentleness, her ferocity, and her ambition for they are the path I follow to become whole again, upon her I would shower the blessings and bounties of the cosmos.
My love is boundless, and I do my best to give a safe amount because I'm still learning what it means and I refuse to be careless with the hearts of others, for I know the pain of one rent asunder, torn for no less than the amusement of one I trusted.
Lessons of malfeasant and twisted affection must be unlearned and I know I'm better than the trauma I've suffered but the effort and struggle to become who I know I can be is the hardest thing I've ever done, and I've done terrible things in my darkest days, days when the end was neatly noted on calendars.
I'm not ready to put someone else through the pain of existence, because I know that there is peace and I will find it, she showed me how to be strong, now I will show her that I too can be.
Depression is a fickle and evil thing and it never truly goes away, like it's twin anxiety, it lurks waiting to latch onto your soul and drag you back down into it. But it's worth the fight every day is a little brighter if you remember that stormy days are natural and they will eventually blow by. There will be an end and the rainbow as the clouds break and the sun shines again is worth working for
Tom Shields Jan 2021
When I looked at my eye this morning, it was an old state map of red and blue
and when it saw what you had done, I was farther than ever then from you

You reminded me so much of myself
find comfort in knowing this, too, has happened to me before

Coddle your inner child and he will turn unruly and vile
running amok with his spoiled intentions, poisons in whatever-intentioned vials
his voice louder and more immediate, charisma and emergency
in the volume from the hollow speakers turned up by broken dials
while the manner of spoil within rots wits, burns wicks, with wicked will and wile
I loved you while you were beneath my nose like sick incense on a pile
wafting the scent of your mischief and malfeasant misconduct through flower pedals and cloth
nostalgia for the ******, the ingrate, delinquent and **** I was and am, the death of myself as a juvenile
sweet separation of vision, impartiality to indecency, I feed to the worm and the moth

Knives poised in two hands, two backs bared in embrace
you forced me to hold this in our exchange, and lied to my face
I have tasted my blood and been the villain of betrayal
fool yourself as the victim, twist and writhe away from your disgrace
it is not trust to forcefully fall onto a blade held by me, so you can clean up the blood you spill all over the place
I have been a thief, stealing attention and time, love and affection
driving wedges and preying on social links to break chains
internal damage to bodies that cast me out, with strength in the section
where the shadows on their x-rays played out dramas and pains
to my own shame and humiliation I didn't mark you to be dissected a year ago and split in twain!

This is heartbreak again, for I loved you my friend, but my heart is hardened to loss
I am prepared to endure you a dozen upon a dozen times more
if I were not, we would be aged much closer to each other, and what would I have been growing for?
I do not feel anger, disappointed, upset, I have none of the moxie to hoist the wrathful five sails of my grief
embarrassed a bit, that I enabled and encouraged and stood by you, promised never to give up and held such belief
for you'd only hear me if I say what you want to hear, and we may as well talk to the wind
at least the scent blowing back on the draft is bound to be blameless and kinder than the hot air you'd send
go with peace, find love, this last shred of respect like a torn up shirt in the woods is all I have left to offer you, my once dear friend.
please read and enjoy
Suresh Mar 2021
Malfeasant spectacle on Capitol Hill,
Down the spine it sent a frightening chill.
Demagoguery and ego provoked the herd,
Democracy became pantomime of absurd.

Such tinpot despots need to be defeated,
Hope and pray that events not repeated.
Failure to introspect and calm down mind,
Reiteration of self destructive ways of mankind

Self consuming righteousness root of sin,
Very difficult for gentle humanity to win
Ruthless bullies will forever scream,
Caring and sharing society is a dream.

Vaccine for raging pandemic now around,
Cure for virus of hate and intolerance to be found.
Introspect and make an honest resolve to help,
By controlling irrational urges and wayward self
Yenson Jun 2022
And their understanding of psychology
leaves them psychologically impaired
and naturally unbeknown to them
their psyche warfare is a battle
of their id's entangled with
perturbed baseless hubris
thus illiterate narcissists
in neurotic arousals
do Quixotic skits
in self depreciating maladroit
baptised in ignorance at the
altar of prurient malfeasant
afflicted with sad self-abuse
the empty vessels who make
the most odious vacuous noises
Ian Lax Sep 2021
The day after

Independence Day

a paroxysm

of sparks 

from a lit 

fuse of

natal celebration

re-echoed pressure 

in my skull

fireworks fulminated

directly over my head

painting an abyssal 

night sky 

neon splattered

inapt colors 

reminding me 

of my countries 


If pills tasted 

like the

ice cream cake


in the middle

of the road 

maybe it 

wouldn't be.

The man

I've loved

has a warm smile

from the open flame

atop his head

and a magical sundry 

of plié-like movements.

Entrancing perfection

a self-inflicted hypnosis 

unbroken left me desperate 

for personal perfection.

When a Phoenix rebirths

it has been written the 

amassing thickets shed 

a layer of their earth's green.

Though, a Phoenix is deific,

Wildfire befit my epithet.

Emerging life was a grace 

of kindness when my laxness 

engrossed, and 

malfeasant memories

of the neurotypical 

remain to unsettle, but 

a blowsy man regrets not. 

Exemption finds me not 

in the arms of grace 

but true despairing. 

Timelessness is a disservice

to progress, and age sheds

light upon transgression.

This is my only accomplishment

— The End —