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Jade cubitt Oct 2014
Like flying but you
           never leave the ground

                                 The wind against my face
                              If I go faster I will set the pace.
                             As I turn my wheels slide out
                       On the wet concrete with out a doubt.

              the parking lot is dangerous for people like us
                    Don't want to get smashed by a bus.

                             Rain or shine I'll go out anyway
                       Got to get better and better every day.

                              So I can show up my friends
                                Cause the fun never ends.
Klaus Apr 2013
****** with headphones in
Longboarding never felt so
good this late at night.
October 22nd 2012, Isaac Reihl was removed from life support, he was 14. I never knew him but I was good friends with his brother, Jacob. Isaac was hit head-on while longboarding when the oncoming car swirved into the other lane, he suffered numerous fractures to the skull, broken ribs, and more. Today, October 23rd, the announcment came over the air at school, saying that he had passed the previous day, people automatically broke down into tears, it was terrible, such a young person will never be able to experience the things in life such as love... after roughly ten minutes of silence, my teacher decided to share a poem one of her students wrote to her when she lost her mom, it brought tears to my eyes. the rest of the day, there was just an emptiness in the entire school. I would look across the cafeteria and see people hugging others, his friends crying. I didn't even know him, but the sadness just overwhealmed me, I cant even imagine what his friends, the girl who had a crush on him, his parents, his brother, people who looked to him, I just cant imagine how they feel. Its ****** he's gone, and I know this isnt a poem..but I didnt know where else to put it, Memento Mori, dont forget to live, you honestly never know when you'll die, this event has truely shown that to me.

Rest In Peace Isaac, where ever you are, wheither your in Heaven or not, your pressence is still here.
SWB Aug 2011
Longboarding barefoot

I can’t afford to slow down.

No shoes, no service
October 22nd 2012, Isaac Reihl was removed from life support, he was 14. I never knew him but I was good friends with his brother, Jacob. Isaac was hit head-on while longboarding when the oncoming car swirved into the other lane, he suffered numerous fractures to the skull, broken ribs, and more. Today, October 23rd, the announcment came over the air at school, saying that he had passed the previous day, people automatically broke down into tears, it was terrible, such a young person will never be able to experience the things in life such as love... after roughly ten minutes of silence, my teacher decided to share a poem one of her students wrote to her when she lost her mom, it brought tears to my eyes. the rest of the day, there was just an emptiness in the entire school. I would look across the cafeteria and see people hugging others, his friends crying. I didn't even know him, but the sadness just overwhealmed me, I cant even imagine what his friends, the girl who had a crush on him, his parents, his brother, people who looked to him, I just cant imagine how they feel. Its ****** he's gone, and I know this isnt a poem..but I didnt know where else to put it, Memento Mori, dont forget to live, you honestly never know when you'll die, this event has truely shown that to me.

Rest In Peace Isaac, where ever you are, wheither your in Heaven or not, your pressence is still here.
Hayley Neininger Nov 2012
Brother, in my dreams you have always just died.
I’ve never dreamt you are still talking to me
nor are you many years gone
your absence is always known, fresh and painful
It feels like a skinned knee
Stinging red and raw and with every movement
It reopens and spills out more and more pain.

Sometimes I am at your funeral
I’m talking through tears about the things you loved
Listing off:
Reading books
Long conversations
A good beer
And I stop at me.
How much you loved me, how much we were alike
And our one difference-the size of our hearts.
Mine, a tiny fragile thing with room enough
Only to house you and
You, who had a heart so big
God couldn’t let it live.

He couldn't keep it beating without making your blood thinner
So that it could more easily pass through your
Giant beating *****
Thin blood that kept you alive just long enough
For you to feel every bit of pain and every moment of sadness
That having such a big heart always brings
Every sad thing I feel in my dreams.

Brother, I'll say to your corpse
Remember the time you were drunk
So drunk that when I told you we were out of ice
You started sobbing
You sobbed on the ground and you screamed so loud,
And you said, “but where will the penguins live?”
I laughed at you, I picked you up off the floor
And told you I love you more than you love everything
Even penguins.
And told you no one will ever love you more
Than I do now.
Hayley Neininger Oct 2014
Brother, in my dreams you have always just died.
I’ve never dreamt you are still talking to me
nor are you many years gone
your absence is always known, fresh, and painful
it feels like a skinned knee
stinging red and raw and with every movement
It reopens and spills out more and more pain.

Sometimes I am at your funeral
I’m talking through tears about the things you loved
listing off:
reading books
long conversations
a good beer
and I stop at me.
How much you loved me, how much we were alike
and our one difference-the size of our hearts.
Mine, a tiny fragile thing with room enough
only to house you and
you, who had a heart so big
your body couldn’t let it live.

It couldn't keep breathing without making your blood thinner
so that it could more easily pass through that
giant beating ***** of yours
such thin blood that kept you alive just long enough
for you to feel every bit of pain and every moment of sadness
that having such a big heart always brings
every sad thing I feel in my dreams.

Brother, I'll say to your corpse
remember that time you were drunk
so drunk that when I told you we were out of ice
you started sobbing
you sobbed on the ground and you screamed so loud,
and you said, “but where will the penguins live?”
I laughed at you, I picked you up off the floor
and I told you, “They can live with us and I’ll pay their part of the rent.”
Then I whisper to you, softly enough
So that the congregation won’t hear
I love you more than you loved everything
Even penguins.
AAron Roz Jul 2018
cotton candy,
ice cream,
piggyback rides,
playing chicken,
jumping off the bridge,
what is your perfect summer?
Sarah Spencer Aug 2021
Long blonde hair
doesn’t have a care
she bounces when she walks
and sounds funny when she talks

That girl is me

Most people can’t see
past my too bright clothes
or my too big bows
they just give me one glance
and without giving me a chance
decide that I’m not worth their time

And you know, its fine
I’ll just crack open my favorite book
or start another story in my notebook
I’ve lived in this place for twelve years
I’ve done since conquered my fears
of being shut down
I’ve always found a way to turn my frown
into a smile
a way to not get irritated or riled
up the second things don’t go my way

I plan to stay
in this city for the rest of my life
and become a hardworking housewife
there’s no reason to try and stir up trouble
I feel fine inside my own little bubble

But obviously my friends wouldn’t  let me do that
because, let's be honest, humans aren’t meant to be doormats
I'll always have Robert, or Child, or Ant
without them I-I just can’t!
they took me in when I needed them the most
and no I’m not going to bore you or boast
but you should at least know that they’re my everything
that without them I’m like a bird without wings
that they’ve shaped me into the person I am

And no, I don't give a ****
if they're all a bunch of freaks
I wouldn’t be here without my lovable band of geeks
and if any of you ever attempt to hurt
them I’ll crush your days to dirt
without a second thought
of getting caught

I love that when I’m around them I can take down my walls
that while sprawled
on the floor I can laugh and cry
without the fear of being criticized.
I can tell them how I believe love is love
and that there's nothing anyone should be ashamed of.
that to really live life you don’t just aim to survive
but to thrive
that maybe there isn’t a heaven or a hell
but that there's nothing we should dwell
on or regret

And yet...

I know we all have different dreams
in less than a year our little group will fall apart at the seams
and even after I’m free of this cesspool
I’ll just be going to another school
working and studying and pouring my blood, sweat, and tears
the same way I’ve been doing for years

Since sophomore year I’ve been persistent
on becoming a dental assistant
it wasn't the first path I had chosen
but it's a realistic path my parents have woven
for me and I trust their intentions

Now I hope I haven’t forgotten to mention
that my biggest dream of all,
and though I know it may seem small,
is to get married and have kids
to feel overwhelmed with love when I look down into a crib
and be met with a big smiling face and a little button nose
oh, and I just know
when I become a mother I wont lose my childish edge
I’ll be paying bills but I’ll still have my zest
of course I'll still make time for longboarding and drawing and reading

I’ll spend lots of time searching and seeking
out my purpose
I’ll hold my head high and stop being the nervous
little girl I used to be

Because I’ll finally be the best version of me

— The End —