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tomkrutilla Dec 2012
empty hallways, forgotten voices
pictures hang, dusty and off balanced
cobwebs spread from door to mirror
a young rat scurries past the broken floor

his picture still hangs over the fireplace
a spider runs down his well-shaped nose
each brush stroke is thick and sculptured
the dust collects as sand dunes

the whole room seems mysterious
books of occult line the paint-chipped walls
the windows cracked the night air blows
dead trees peer down on slamming shutters

the old house creeks and cracks
howling doge are echos of past crickets sing songs of last dreams
this house, this ledgend infinte
captures one's mind as lonley and hideous
remembers it's myths fools false illusions
under the now dim light of the moon
spooks creep silent footsteps
his spirit surrounds the acre
truth and lies untested question
of how he lived alone from living
Toxic yeti Mar 2019
Near the town of
There is a tower
Built in the Han dynasty
Ledgend has it that
After the loss of her love
A Buddhist monk
To a mysterious plague
She jumped of the tower
To what
Should have been her death
When she awoke
She starved herself to death
At the tower
Until she became
A ghost
Now and then
At dusk
You can see
The appreciation of
A female figure
Jumping off the tower.
Victoria Feb 2019
Like the grass after it rains
Or the mountains when it snows
You renew me
Or you trap me
I’m not sure which is is
Or I’m afraid to admit the truth

There is so much excitement when you are near
Eagerness for your presence pushes all things aside
Good and bad
Real and real

You are not a myth or a ledgend in my story
You are a special guest that comes once in a while and changes everything
But our story together was never written and I was never informed
Or I ignored it

Thinking I could change what was set
Thinking you could wash away what ate  me up inside with when really you put a lid to it
You trapped my fear between us and smothered it whole
It had no space to breathe
But it was close enough to feel your presence
So it stays there painfully with no where to run

A painful unrequited love

— The End —