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Neon Robinson Oct 2016
Poem may: not be finished/change *

Like a teenage boy.
Practically A prepubescent adolescent
out to late, with limited restraint
trying to cop a feel,
attempting to achieve an unreal ideal.

Im not sure if ill ever succeed and complete my masterpiece
before it is lost to the terra-cotta floor
like my mind is lost to amphetamine with the last of my *** appeal,
seldom seen.
Just a mandala memento of strange LSD daydream
From back in Hawaii when I was at eighteen.

In actuality
I am a mer twenty and stressed by the precent
attempting to be more than an empty brunette beauty
Bewildered by his words and left splintered.
In a dark world, void of a vice in paradise.
Wanderer, wanderer, you’re lost evermore.
Far to awkward to adore.

I'm all around 5'7 and 98 to 105 lb on a good day.
Sounds great if you wanna be castaway
By people that don't understand first hand
And demanded you to eat to gain some meat.

Though the ladies, who aren't jealous of my boney pelvis,
Say I'm paragon in every which way, a totally dime.
But to the fellas I'm hella undeveloped.
A kyphotic crescent moon that keeps getting slimmer.
But the truth is they wouldn't have fulfilled her either.

Because I am the luciferous prosperity of celtic kings.
An authentic relict of a noble bloodline
Twinkling, as lore to an all distant past.
a la belle étoile
'Under the beautiful star'; in the open air at night.
An eclectic aesthetic
Living in perpetual summer sublime,
Who could have dreamt, there was such a thing.
Roscoe Errol Nov 2020
I spend the nights counting stars,
Because my hut has no roof,
My frail body stinks,
Because my kyphotic spine won't allow me to wash it.
My stomach hurts and plays sick tunes at night,
Because of hunger.
I silently pray daily that  I died sooner,
Before my body suffers too much.
Loneliness eats me every day and night.

Have I no children?,
I do.
Six of them I have,
With blood and sweat I raised you,
Sacrificing my own happiness for you to live.
Yet today loneliness consume me as if my womb never carried fruit.
My children, have I become evil because of my age?
This ugly old wrinkled body has a heart that loves all of you dearly.
I'm just old not evil.

You grew up and left me alone.
None of you looked back,
At your old woman who single handedly guarded you with all she had.
Does my appearance embarrass you?
I was once young and energetic like you,
Working hard to raise you,
My pride and joy.
I'm just old not evil, my children.

My wish is to see all of you,
To show how much I love you before I die.
Oh how I wish your children,my grandchildren would never read from your book,
I wish no parent to suffer the way I did because of you.
Remember me, my children.
I'm just old not evil.
I met an old lady two years ago in Gwanda, Zimbabwe whose six children had abandoned her. It breaks my heart how some children have abandoned the parents that raised them. This poem is inspired by what I felt in my heart when I listened to her story. May we never forget where we come from
Neon Robinson Oct 2022
Like a teenage boy.
Practically A prepubescent adolescent
out too late, with limited restraint
trying to cop a feel,
attempting to achieve an unreal ideal.

I'm not sure if I'll ever succeed and complete my masterpiece
Before it is lost to the terra-cotta floor.
Like my mind lost to amphetamine.
Seldom seen,
Like my *** appeal.
Just a mandala memento of a strange LSD daydreams,
From back in Hawaii when I was eighteen.

In actuality,
I am a mere twenty, & stressed by the present
Attempting to be more than an empty brunette beauty.
Bewildered by his words and left splintered,
In a dark world, void of a vice in paradise.
Wanderer, wonderer, you’re lost evermore.
Far too awkward to adore.

I'm all around 5'7 and 98 to 105 lb on a good day.
Sounds great if you wanna be castaway
By people who don't understand first hand
And demanded you to eat to gain some meat.

Although the ladies, who aren't jealous of my boney pelvis,
Say I'm a paragon in every which way, a total dime.
But to the fellas I'm hella undeveloped;
A kyphotic crescent moon that keeps getting slimmer.

But in truth — they wouldn't have fulfilled her anyway.

I am the luciferous prosperity of Celtic kings,
An authentic relict of a noble bloodline
Twinking, as lore to an all distant past.

‘Robert, by the Grace of God, King of the Scots’

Robert the Bruce, from whom
I, Ashley Robinson, have derived
My descent in a straight line


Barons of Kincardine.

That mystic light is in your eyes
conquered in
dawn Beautiful and sharp
Like a Scots Thistle
My hip bones, are reminders
Of where my blood sprung from.
Kyphotic - excessive outward curvature of the spine, causing hunching of the back.
Luciferous - rare bringing or giving light

— The End —