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How could i forget New Willington?....its been 13 yrs since what happened...since i last saw Kraven....i think what he did was the only option though....same with Richard...i miss them both......knock knock............"who is it?"........"Ali.....arent you gonna let me in?....after all weve been through?"
this is a preview to a sequel of a story i made a while ago
Michael Kreitman Oct 2015
When I was a child I knew I had to be a monster.
I lived in my parents bed every night.
Due to the fact of : giant, **** brown, furry, four legged, daddy long legs,
creeping, with yellow eyes and two snarling teeth that chased me.
I ran with my tail between my legs.
I entered the bed.
The SHADOWS on my parents Faces.
Scared me to death.
Instead of Curling up and crying I hissed with my fangs.
I crossed my arms like Dracula.
Since then Silence of the Lambs, Tony and an obsession with Damher and BUndy.
Strange <*******> habits.
UNwanted bladder MaLfUNction.
Owning a VIDEO of actual
(Cannibalism) I've seen three# timesX.
Carpenter... Kraven. Romero and a few cases of assault.
Also SEVERAL rackets of attempted ****** 10 through 15.
THree mental hospitals.
And One incarceration.
Not every poems pretty and some bite.

— The End —