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Geetha Jayakumar Jan 2015
A beautiful flower of peace shone bright
Along with the morning  sun rise full of light
But a naughty bee came to sting the flower
As jealousy crept in its eyes
couldn't withstand the sight of glowing flower
And a heavy wind blew away all the petals of peace.

Next morning again sun rose to its peak
Spreading the rays of warmth and delight
The flower of Peace once again woke up
On seeing the rays of powerful light.

How can a flower of peace die,
When every sun rays cheers it from all the sides.
Flower of peace is the reflecting diamond,
It will pass on the reflection of light everywhere,
which it receives from the sun.

Flower of peace cannot wither away,
As there is always someone to water and nurture it well.
Please keep on passing this flower of peace one to one
Keep on passing as long as humanity sustains.
Let it spread the message of peace and love.

Let not the Flower Of Peace wither away!

Geetha Jayakumar

© 2014 Geetha Jayakumar
Geetha Jayakumar Jan 2015
Her ageless beauty often greets me along with the time.
I cannot rhyme a song on her beauty,
For it's just a fine line that enhances beauty.
Beauty knows no bound to bounce,
For its just her beauty so profound.

Her beauty did not fade with the time.
It's the wingless beauty that ever chime.
Her beauty swims to depth of ocean,
Her knowledge is deep as good as vast ocean.
Her humility ever shines like golden rays of sun
Her countless hair so shining bounces with the time.
Her ageless beauty often greets me along with the time.

Her melodious voice so captivating ever
That soothes ones heart and soul
And light a lamp on ones heart so bright.

Her glowing face dwells in ones heart so lovingly
Each lines on her face tells stories of untold time.

Her tears speaks in silence of love and pain
But she spells words of only love and peace
Her eyes are deep as good as ocean blue
Even if one sink on it cannot unfold her mysteries untold.

Her Beauty is merged with the past, present and future.
Well, Its all how I look upon her age and time.
Every age has its beauty defined.
Ageless beauty remains glowing ever, along with the time.

She is a lady of mysterious character.
With a friendly smile she wins the heart of others.

Beauty of soul is ageless and priceless.
It remains the same right from birth till death.
Beauty of soul is forever young and greener.
In fact beauty of soul is priceless ever.
Her ageless beauty often greets me well with the time.

Geetha Jayakumar

© 2014.
Geetha Jayakumar Feb 2015
When a beautiful moon was shining in Virgo
And Sun waved hands to me from Aquarius,
I was born exactly mid of noon.

Moon is my heart
where all my emotions are stored
it tends to rise up and down
like our moons delight.
Virgo, a maiden, traveling all alone
Carrying all the storms inside her thoughts.

Well sun not comfortable in Aquarius
Especially in dark Saturn house.
The sign it shows a *** holding the
Bright rays of the sun inside.
Where it shines only inside a ***
without passing away the light outside.

Note. Don't be serious. It’s just my calculation only.

© 2014 Geetha Jayakumar
Geetha Jayakumar Jan 2015
What I am searching for
Is the question often I asked myself.
I am Searching for peace and
Some hope to move on in life.

The real world left me completely
shattered and depressed.
My all thoughts just ended in
Closing the chapters of my life.
I couldn't utter my pains to anyone
As there is none who can heal my wounds ever.
Let all the pains die along with me.

May be to run away from tears and pain
I started living in the world of fictions,
Where some relief  I feel when I write
Down from my heart.
For sometime at least I feel happiness in my mind
When I engage myself in reading and writing.

I felt many times, I am living in a world of fictions

The happiness which I cannot get in real world
I started searching in stories and fictions.

The life has to move on till the end
without applying a forced break
And without taking a wrong path.

Searching for solace and seeking some happiness
I landed here.
I feel reading and writing will
increase my level of confidence
And to have a brighter view of life!

Geetha Jayakumar

© 2014 Geetha Jayakumar
Geetha Jayakumar Jan 2015
Be careful of this sweet charming guy
He will captivate you with ever sweet loving words
Make you feel very good about him
As he wears a descent look
Don't ever go for his age
As he is quite young at heart
And the very next moment he will pluck your nose.
Well can't help it.
It's his trend
As none dares to question him.
Be careful of sweet words from any sweet charming guy.

Geetha Jayakumar

© 2014 Geetha Jayakumar
Geetha Jayakumar May 2015
Plate was full with delightful dishes
Served by the lovable hands
Kept in front of one who
Couldn't enjoy the meal so delicious.
Burp was heard somewhere nearby
every eyes followed the burp
Saw a hungry man eating leftovers
Mouthful with teasing appetite and
tears burping in his contented eyes!

Geetha Jayakumar Feb 2015
Beginning of Valentine week
7th Feb. one cannot forget.

On each rising day from today
One rose, I am sending you with all my heart
With all my love in it.

After collecting seven roses
I will come to you
To wish you a Happy Valentine Day!

© 2014 Geetha Jayakumar.
Geetha Jayakumar Jan 2015
Fantastic are your lines
That touches my heart very often.
So blunt and sharp are your pen Knife
That can cut anything.

I appreciate your words
I cannot resist reading you.
Each time you come up with
Themes so different.
Colorful are your poems
Not because I fell in love with you
But for your writing I really do!

But my craze for reading
Has captivated
Linked me to your words
I wait to see new poems
Coming from your way.

Though readers may be many
As you are so bold dear
Your poems are based on naked truth.

I appreciate your writings
Will keep on reading
As and when it comes to web.
I love Your writings
They are perfect with sharp insight.
Though you often draw a Rough sketch
You paint your poems Not that attractive.
But outlines you draw are sharp and blunt,
That I really fell in for your writings.

Please do keep sharing poems
As there are many readers like me visiting your pages often
Not necessary you should look For comments in your poems.
But I love your poems As it teaches me a lot
They are knowledgeable And powerful.

Thank you dear poets!

This I am dedicating to all the poets
Where many poem are based on sharp truth
And also for the powerful writes that attracts readers very often.

Geetha Jayakumar.
Geetha Jayakumar Feb 2015
An apple fell from a poetic heart
It fell into the lap of poetess hands.

A beautiful arrow of love
Flew from poet’s heart to poetess heart.
Arrow of words went piercing
Each other's heart.
It was the beginning of love.
Know not how many arrows
Struck each other's heart.

Finally both lay collapsed and wounded
Was it a sweet love or painful one
I know not.

Finally a doctor was called
He said root cause of this entire problem
is the apple of love
on which arrows were struck from both sides.
Finally he took out the apple and threw it into the air.
A poor apple became the scapegoat of all piercing arrows.

Beware, don't ever catch together that tempting red lovely apple.

© 2014 Geetha Jayakumar
Geetha Jayakumar May 2015
Your words masked with sweetness.
May you hold someone closer?

Your romantic verses may do wonders.
May wheel all the planets in its orbits.

I know you when you are cool and calm.
The sweetness of breeze does no harm.

I know you not,
when your ego hurts.
It will never leave without hitting an earthquake.
Know not how many lives still your ego holds!

I know you, still I know you not! Oh man
As still you always remains a stranger to me

Yet I am stranger to myself
As I too falls under the classification of man
In animal kingdom!

Geetha Jayakumar May 2015
My dear friend
your driving is superb
Its stamped in designs in your wonderful car.

But every time you put brake
my heart just jumps out
and pumps in back.

I know not when my breath
will cut off from my heart
when your car flies on
on each speed breaker
that comes across.

Your speed is superb like flying in air
only the traffic can put a break to your speed.

How you cut off the lanes
without hitting anyone
but other eyes shoot the fire in air.
And their lips smell the burnt words of anger.

The way you flip the gears
I see stars in broad daylight.

Your driving is superb
leaving me punctured!
I sit and pray whole time inside your car.

When I reached the destination
I exhaust myself from all the punctured thoughts
from all boiling thoughts,
From fumes, frets and relax my muscles so tensed.
I just feel the need of coolant to cool my heart
I just need to check the petrol that exhausted my thoughts.
I just need to check if there is any hole or break in my heart.

Your driving is superb
you left me starry eyed staring at sky.
Made me religious.
You drove me though heaven.
Now I learnt the difference between hell and heaven!

Were you steering on wheels
or stirred my heart?

Well don't ask me who is the driver
I will have to run my life without gear.

Note. At first I choose the tile as Your Driving Is Superb. Then I felt
its just like promoting the faulty driving.

JK Oct 2018
Holding the compass of uncertainties,
Carrying the baggage of memories,
The drifter is drifting along with the tides…

Without boundaries or borders,
Floating with the moment,
The drifter is weaving timeless dreams…

Playing with the shadow and light,
Swinging with the hands of time,
Unbound in the truth of freedom,
The drifter is living in the moment…

The journey of love and joy,
Build in every pause life takes,
Never holding back the voyage,
The drifter survives in the passion…

Miles and milestones left behind,
The strides always ahead of the past,
Moving forward in the distance,
The drifter fades between the lines of present and future…

Jayakumar K
Drifting with the time and space, a lonely drifter treaded along...
Geetha Jayakumar Feb 2015
Time went on slipping further
You too slipped away
In span of time.
Helplessly I watched you
Both slipping
With no grip on
I couldn't hold on your hands.

Well time was running very short
My spell to tell
I love you
Was very long.
Before I could
Tell you anything
I lost grip of you.
I couldn't hold on your hands.

Was it my love for you,
Was not strong enough,
Was it just one side affair,
that time in my square was very shorter.

I kept running inside a circle
If I could break away the square
I would have been in your arms my dear!

Note. My Imagination.

© 2014 Geetha Jayakumar
Geetha Jayakumar Dec 2014
Count down begins
With loud music on
Dance to the rhythms
Beat on the drums.
Music is on....
Let's hum for a while
Count down begins my dear ones....

Hey! listen to the clock
Beating in rhythms
Tick, tock, tick, tock
Four, three, two,
There goes one
Next and next....
Here comes Zero.
It's the New year born only once called 2015...

Hey listen to the clock
It strikes twelve
Hey, It's another day...

Its my first date of the year 2015
Today, I am on date 1st Jan 2015.

A new fantastic year had begin
A new year born only once called 2015!

Another day begins
A New year begins.
With life of full music on...
With Passion of dreams on...
With twinkles of hope rising on
With loads of dream to carry on
Let my heart beats to its rhythm
Let us welcome New Year with melodious rhymes.
For It's the first day of the New Year rising high...

Pushing down the memories of past 2014
present arrives dancing gaily...
Each seconds, minutes, hours and days are its future.
Listen to the music of future 2015 ringing In your heart
Bring all your dreams into action, for which we are already born.

Wishing you all a happy new year 2015!

It's my first date of the new year.
Wishing you all a happy new year on your first date too!

Happy new year 2015!!!

Geetha Jayakumar.
Geetha Jayakumar Jan 2015
Winter spills
Spine it chills.

Winter severe
Meet with horror.

Meet our rosy
She is foggy.

Foggy winter
Made me cosy.

I cant see you
A big snowman
Between you and me.

Outside I shiver
Blanket is warmer.

Snowflakes falling
I am pulsating.

Pleasant snowfalls
Snowman cheers.

Winter rings the bells of Christmas
Lets us greet the wonderful season of the year.

Death of a year
Birth of next year.

Let us taste the winters flavor of New Year.
Say warmth of cheers to our spills of winter!


Geetha Jayakumar.
Geetha Jayakumar Feb 2015
While walking through the fields
Along with you on no moon night
I never knew
I would be traveling all alone
One day on the same path again.
Though I was passing
Through the tunnel of darkness
I didn't fear the shadow of mine
While being with you.

Today full moon night welcomed me
With its delightful twilight
What made me fear my own shadow
I am not sure
May be the loneliness of breeze
Touched me painfully.

© 2014 Geetha Jayakumar
Geetha Jayakumar Jan 2015
Suicidal thoughts often flashed across my mind.
I might have lived and died million times.
I searched for the way to reach suicidal point
Short cut, long cut any cut to reach.

But I couldn't get one
So I just postponed it for an hour.
My thoughts went on traveling too far
But it hanged between
If, that and this.
What will happen after this?

So I went on postponing
For days, months and years.
If I announce,
I will be self imprisoned
With charges of penalty and some punishment maybe,
For keeping such thoughts with me.
It's just illegal and burnt of shame just adds another one.

If I bring into action and I am dead
I will be just buried down dead with few tears shed.

If alive after all these stunts
A severe punishment on self
And I may come into the notice of many
Ashamed and chopped I will
Be whoever sees me!
It's as good as being buried alive!

For time being everything stands Postponed!

Though the topic is too harsh and rough,
Based on reality.
Such things happens when one looses control on self.
Be in a light mood while reading this poem
As you may also love
And I request you to postponed
If such thoughts you are keeping  in your mind!

Postpone it for sometime!
Just see you may find another way out
As some minute changes in our life
Can bring a lot of difference in our thoughts
I know its just easy to spell be positive
Just postpone it for time being for you aren't going to loose anything
As the life is too valuable and precious which can never be reverted back
Once dead.
Just wait and watch patiently.
Sure a sun will rise in your way as it did for me too!

Geetha Jayakumar
Geetha Jayakumar May 2015
One lovely bud bloomed into a beautiful flower today
In the valley of flowers
Very timid and shy
Lovely and glowing too
Quite different from others,
Different in shape and in color,
No pricking thorns had she ever.
Though she was quite different from others,
With no fragrance,
Was she blessed with.
This was the only thing she lacked in,
She couldn't add beauty to flower vase
With dignity, which was decorated
With many bright and colorful flowers,
Kept in drawing room!

Geetha Jayakumar Jan 2015
I have a heart like you
On every sun rise
It soars so high
On wings of imagination
It shines so well
Wherever it flies,
It laughs on its flight.

On every sun set
It falls down to ground
It looses its shine
It cries on its falls
And hides in dark phases of life
May be somewhere beyond horizon.

Well this the only problem with my heart
Otherwise I have well maintained heart.

Geetha Jayakumar.              

© 2014.
Geetha Jayakumar May 2015
I am saddened by the life I lived
what I gained I know not
One day with tears I may bid bye to life.

I fetched nothing after so many years of living.
Empty handed I came
Will I be leaving empty handed?

I am saddened by the life I lived
my hands are bare
my heart is empty
my thoughts are dry
with few drops of tears.
Well that's all in my life!

What's my earning I know not.
Was my life a blessing I know not!

At some point of time when I just turned back
I could feel these words ringing in my heart!

Geetha Jayakumar May 2015
Finally a body lay restless fighting against all the odds.
Lying immobile in a bed of thorns and pains for four decades so long.

Where she should have been
And where did she reached today.
Once she was blessed with beauty and intelligence.
Blessed with a beautiful life to live upon.
Could she live that beautiful life, as it should have been?

Helplessly she watched,
when cruelty gripped her from all the sides,
which never gave even a chance to rise up,
Even though a new day began.

How many dreams she may have had?
She fought the pain till she breathed her last.
She lay motionless in a bed of shattered dreams,
With a pillow of bed ridden thoughts and tears.

Lying in a bed around decades of four
Hardly she may be two and half decades born
For years she lay crippled and helpless
fully dependent on others.
Indeed some blessings was there with her
Thankful to the people who stood for her, who loved her,
Took great care of her and travelled along with her till her end.

A fateful day took away all her dreams and twisted her life so cruelly.
From there her life hanged in between if and not, till she breathed her last.

Tears do we shed but also feel relieved,
Finally a soul was freed from all the prolonged pains and grief.

Till the last moment she fought bravely against all her pains
before sinking eyes to death!

May Her Soul Rest In Peace!

Hats off to all the nurses who went on adding
Drops of priceless contribution each day
as a part of their dedication to humanity.
In what better they could have shown!


All rights reserved by Geetha Jayakumar.

Note: (Courtesy: Google)
Aruna Shanbaug an Indian nurse, then aged 24years, from Karnataka, died after living in vegetative state for more than 42 years. She worked as a nurse at the King Edward Memorial Hospital (KEM) Mumbai. At the time of attack she was engaged to a doctor at the same hospital. On night of 27th November 1973, Sohanlal Walmiki, a sweeper at the same hospital, sexually assaulted Shanbaug. He attacked her while she was changing clothes in hospital basement. He choked her with dog chain and sodomized her. She was discovered with blood splattered only at next morning. Since then she lay in a vegetative state. Nurses from KEM hospital took entire care of her till her death in the same hospital. She was born on 1st June 1948. Finally she died from pneumonia on 18th May 2015 at the age of 66.
Geetha Jayakumar May 2017
Spring adorned desires
When drizzled in rainbow colours
Pearls blossomed in bewitching hour
While breaths bathed in dews.

Nectar dripped from the lips
While I plucked a petal
From the rosy memories
One beautiful face rose up
From the crystalline stream
Just one face, grasped my memories!

© 2016 Geetha Jayakumar. All rights reserved
Geetha Jayakumar Mar 2017
Crossed the river with broken heart
Buckled it with the threads of time.
Thoughts when flew into my breath
Tears went rolling down my pen,
Relieving my heart from extreme twinges.
Feet got impaired as I progressed
While the heartbeats in past dead wood
Wanted to ponder and yonder.
Shabby memories opened its eyes in slumber
While seasons fell off one after another!

© 2016 Geetha Jayakumar. All rights reserved.
Geetha Jayakumar Aug 2016
With the grease stained coverall
He came home from work
A little bit earlier he came over.
His three cute children
Welcomed him with warm kisses
they too stained theirs cheeks with oil and grease.
The red tiny bag they looked in for surprises.
As there are always some snacks waiting for them.
Savouring sip of hot tea from his beloved hand as usual
He sank on his armchair to take a nap.
Nothing went unusual except he looked extremely tired.

Hour later his wife tried to wake him up
He didn't responded to her any calls
She screamed in horror when she saw him lying breathless.
On hearing her screams children too surrounded him as well
They couldn't understand what was really going on
Very late they realized their dad is forever gone
They don't have any shoulders to hang on in their life
Since then no more surprises ever came in their life.

The red tiny bag hung on the wall
Once full of surprises
Future dreams of promises
Now breeze cradling it gently
Still the sobs of memories whispering silently!

© 2016 Geetha Jayakumar
All rights reserved!
Geetha Jayakumar Aug 2016
While sitting on the last bench
I never knew these verses of mine
Will ever rise from my thoughts anytime.
In those days to get the rank was my biggest dream.
Many dreams didn't bloomed into flower in later years.
Many words didn't touched the light
Even much before its petals withered away in the soil.
These lines when I recite I remembered my school days
When I checked rank list mine was the last one I do remember.
It stayed in my heart like silenced sobs
Like black clouds which didn't rained those pains.
Today these verses shine in rainbow colors
Let thousands of colorful butterflies fly away from these verses!

© 2016 Geetha Jayakumar
All Rights Reserved
Geetha Jayakumar Sep 2018
My words are very less
Yet feeling blessed  
As I convey my gratitude
To all my loveable teachers.

When ink spreads on paper
Moulds one at galore
There is always
Something beyond
The topic written
On the blackboard.

Childhood of innocence
Looks at the bright light
Beaming towards her
Perceives something
And weaves her
Dreams with insight.

As the days pass by
She climbs the stairs at a time
Probably call it a foundation
From where she weaves
Her future visions
Thereby building  
The perfect structure of
Precious womanhood!

© 2018 Geetha Jayakumar.
All rights reserved!
Geetha Jayakumar Aug 2016
Promises lay broken like the toy broken forever
Only heard in echoes were the sobs breaking in air.

Promises were the seeds that were sowed on ones heart
When it was the time to reap they pulled their words back.

The harvest was sold and profits were booked
Everything was done at the cost of ones trust.

Promises are the words that flows freely anywhere
They cannot be trusted though they are written deep in ones heart.

It was mere a game to play with ones heart
Where each breath cried on being fooled in life.

While standing in front of mirror they smile back through the broken pieces
One cannot forget the words that pierced the knife in ones heart!

© 2016 Geetha Jayakumar
All rights reserved!
Geetha Jayakumar Jul 2016
With tears you signed on the wall
Did not leave any impact on others shawl
It's your tears got wasted you know
For whom they were shed they don't know.
Its value is priceless if you call its own
for others it stand to be as good as meaningless one!

Let's hoard our tears as and when we shed
It's value measures the depth of ocean
At the end of the day they just get dried away
But leave a deep imprint on ones heart
Do you know?

May be the pain too went along with the tears you shed
It's priceless if my eyes shed them out
For others it stand to be the tears shed on barren land
Which will neither quench your thirst nor keep you dry!

© 2016 Geetha Jayakumar
All rights reserved!
Geetha Jayakumar Aug 2017
Travelers of unknown time
Walked several steps with rhyme
Build the bridges with droplets of ink
Traces of which remained lastingly in their hearts.

Perhaps the morning rays flows from her thoughts
Mingles with the fragrance of fresh page slots
She sighed on seeing the setting rays of fall
Verses knitted in twilight spilled from her heart.

She gathered words that slipped from her palms
With stream of petals she weaves garland
When the ink leaves its imprint
Feathers drizzles on someone's heart!

Ink that drizzled from her pen beautified themselves
Passion never dies as they enlighten the bookshelves!

© 2016 Geetha Jayakumar. All rights reserved.
Geetha Jayakumar Dec 2016
Jazzy somber bend to blend
Somewhere beyond horizon
Undulating words wandering
Like nomads turning towards
Stirring path.
Voice was though rough and coarse
Seemed to be bewitching.
While music was too aloud like

Be calm and cool down for a while
Listen softly to the hymn of life
Cords may not break apart.
Loved ones will surely applaud.

Do not fall into the phantom of darkness,
Where there is no path of moving forward.
Keep singing till soul does not depart.
Keep singing even if the voice is good or not!

©2016 All rights reserved by GEETHA JAYAKUMAR.
Geetha Jayakumar Mar 2017
Dewy days lit by darkness
Died away in flames of sunset.

Clouded heart sailed across the wreck.
Tears ruptured adorned the deck.

Shimmering rays of certitude
Vanished in broad chested casket.

Tranquilized moonlit night
After stormy breeze sighed.

Path deluge in memories of conceit
Still the heart emanated from muddled plight.

Vineyard stealthily took away a few golden rays
Grapes stood blushing on the vine of mays.

Canopy of vine fabricated life
In a crystalline glass brighten up the path!

© 2016 Geetha Jayakumar. All rights reserved
Geetha Jayakumar Sep 2017
The blanket embellished with typical artwork.  
Winter nor summer the snippet could hold.
Melancholic memories trail its framework.
Its restricted dimension not developed to unfold.

108 beads of rosary I gained in legacy.
While chanting your name I went on twirling the beads.
What escalated my heart, were the waves of agony
The beads broke down and fell into 108 seeds.  

I do not want the blanket or beads in heritage,
The spark that you left on such abandoned ruins
Which is now pulling the anecdote from wreckage
Just before my eyes memories were stewing.

What to talk on gains that do not rhyme?
Though mortals attains salvation in course of time!

© 2016 Geetha Jayakumar. All rights reserved.
Geetha Jayakumar Mar 2017
Time that stride where panorama abides
Viewed by different eyes yet the same things coincide.
Flawless tears praised the virtues of rain.
Clouds of thunderbolt shook the tree of pellets.
Summers steam had the whiff of hot spells.
Winter interlaced the dribbles into snow blanket.
Ripened days cropped up with distasteful appetite.
Spring just sprang up waking all desires.
Everything hangs in where vitality lay nested.
Picturesque ambience fills the bouquet in one frame
Yet eyes still searching for something and beyond.

© 2016 Geetha Jayakumar. All rights reserved
Geetha Jayakumar Jun 2018
Night unveiled the quantum mysteries.
All the conspiracy plaited in the series.
He knew there was no other way round,
Injected the bullets with safest sound.
Blood was shed from the arm length.
Words of love spoken and shed by night.

The time has never woken up the life that lost.
Does the time give options enough to defend?
Is it today, you, tomorrow may be I?
After all, we wear the clothes of the same fabric.

Mother weaves dreams for her only son,
Was his fate meant to end somewhere else?
Lost him forever who was in his youth's..
Was it by fault or just for being triggered?
Which anchored the moving mob from fear.

Perhaps the same drops holds the lives of many,
Yet life was meant to move forward if any.
Ample of stories to be pumped from the chest.
Who all gets the chance to wear the armor of trust?

Copyright © 2018 Geetha Jayakumar. All rights reserved (published).
Note # Violence, death.
Geetha Jayakumar Apr 2017
Deepest words embraced her heart.
Coldest dews tickled her eyes.
Bathed in fresh morning fragrance.
Sunrays blessed her for a day.

Evening seemed to be bit bitter.
For night seemed to be bit longer.
Night may vanish slowly but firmly.
“Is there another day to rise?”, she whispered

Maybe all the prayers she requires.
Perhaps the brightest soul
May have to depart just once.
Leaving all the flavors of life.
Leaving all the memories of life.
Let the tides settle her life further.
Unsure of boat may reach ashore!

© 2016 Geetha Jayakumar. All rights reserved.
Geetha Jayakumar Nov 2017
I came upon news edition
Wherein everything mundane,
Except the name,
Followers were distinct.
Formed by team explicit
To echo their inner voice.

Does it reach as many ?
For I am not sure
Yet they existed around us
Where the news thrives in
While engaging readers in
Colorful issues.
Seeds dispersed in an air
Some turned into paddies
While some into weeds.

Journey began from a trail of thoughts
Uploaded on a paper.
Here words were shaped by sawing
While rivals weigh its intensity.

What’s that special ?
Made me think over and again
Success thrives in
Where you plant as many creepers
Roots goes in deeper
While the sun shines on the bearer!

© 2016 Geetha Jayakumar. All rights reserved.
Geetha Jayakumar Jul 2016
When pain shrieked into droplets of tears
Hardly I knew ever it will sublime in air
Vapors of dead past gone dried
When will I come out of past and
Climb the ladder of present.
Am I going to soak and rinse in bubbles of past?
I know not where I am going right now for sure!

© 2016 Geetha Jayakumar
All rights reserved.
Geetha Jayakumar Aug 2018
Where are those hands,
That caressed the timeless sands?
Mist came down drizzling,
Like musical waves sizzling,
Umpteen stars cascading,
Upon the breaths it’s mingling.

Ecstasy spread its wings,
Beyond dimensional spring,
Transcends sense of sufferings.
Silent waves surpassed,
Many miles across the thoughts,
Did rise and fall many times,
Before drowning in horizon rhymes.

Calm is my heart,
Cries it not, laughs it not,
On its way of seeking salvation,
Thereby shaking off its stagnation.
Dreams rings in melodies,
When it flies on the wings of ecstasy!

© 2018 Geetha Jayakumar.
All rights reserved(published)
Geetha Jayakumar Feb 2017
Live the life in a beautiful way
Only one precious life we are gifted with.
Cure the wound before its too deep.
Let’s take control of our wings before its withered
To walk along the bridges we build.
Never stop building further and further
As the years grow fonder and deeper.

Take a deep dive into it,
Drink it till not your thirst is quenched.
Breathe it, mingle with its peaceful fragrance.
Sing and dance along when it thunders and rains
Shed the tears like flood and
Free it from all the clouds of pain mounted.
Let it be like the Earth washed with heavenly rains
To feel the coolness of breath from within.

Burn it, mould it, cool it, anchor it.
Till not it glows from within.
Till not it emancipate light from within!

© 2016 Geetha Jayakumar. All rights reserved.
Geetha Jayakumar Apr 2018
Poverty sunken stars failed to twinkle in the eyes.
About to dip from the sky and fall in the ocean wide.
After diving deep into the garbage,
Pearls he couldn’t bargain,
To feed his ever hungry pouch,
All he got was the half rotten cake,
Which he had closed in his fists.
Perhaps he took a bite and spared it for the next day.
Now its remnants were taken over by the ants.
Perhaps he had grabbed it from the ant’s mouth.

His flesh had shrunk to the bones.
The blood stopped oozing from the fissures.
Often he was found loitering near the garbage,
Waiting to pounce on the leftovers.
Was he an orphan, least not by the birth,
While somewhere his brain wires,
Were incompatible with each other.

He slept in the bed of granules,
Viewing the canopy of twinkling stars,
Yet he failed to lit his own life.
Today he shut his eyes off from the world.
Now the tiny ants strolling in and out his ears.
The flies were relishing his cold parched blood.
While crows gathered around the garbage
Thereby conducting the autopsy of an opened flesh.

Today is the ant’s celebration day.
Enjoying the big feast along with rats and insects.
Seeds of poverty were sown since long,
Today also it thrives in our soil.
Will it ever be swept from our lives?

© Geetha Jayakumar. All Rights Reserved (Published).

— The End —