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So Yeah
iFucked With Tweak Again.
How Have iBeen Getting On One? Night Time.
When Everyones Asleep,
***** Major.
My Mind Was Just Beginning
To Sort Out.
iJust Stopped The Process.
By Me Tweaking At Night ?
iM ******* With My Head Again
Still Paranoid Worsening iT.  
iDidnt Enjoy iT ,
But **** Have iBeen Getting High(: iMissed iTs Feeling, iTs So Pure And Dreamy <3
No Wonder iLove iT, Began Reminiscing Deep About iT ^_^ Remembering Why iT iS iSay DopeLove <3$:.
Israel Baker Aug 2015
WHAT      iiiiiiiiiiii         sssssss    
                          i               s
                          i                sssssss
                          i                          s
                     iiiiiiiiiii        ssssssss  

I don't vent,
I beg the truth!

Beauty amazes me!

There are women that just
utterly impress me!

"I   WISH    I   COULD   DRAW"

Isay, as if art is simply historical record.

I "see" her, but i don't see her.

There is a faint glowing light in the dark pious,
the folk hymn in the rain and the
cosmopolitan freak-show.

She is the candle's cathedral
And she is the artificially purple
love-all, be-all.

Everyday, I wish upon every star, as to give me the imagination and courage to write about beauty. All I can say is, I  DON'T  KNOW. I really REALLY wanted to, but now i'm not so sure. I wish i knew that i wanted to know, but i don't, and i never will.

Such as is this sense sacred, and i wouldn't DARE describe it...

Ye who are quick to the mouth;
Fall into desperation,
For silence is the key to our revolutions.

Science is dead.
iSay iM iNlove
With The Substance, Then Switch
Up and Say iTs Disgusting.
iDont Know What
iFeel For iT. iM Bipolar When
iT Comes To iT.
At This Point iN My Life iTs
The Only Thing
That Keeps Going Threw Life
With A Smile
On my face

— The End —