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The gentle sound of my heartbeat,  suddenly pounding with all the intent of tearing me apart-like a lady having anxiety attacks with no help within reach?

This sparkle in ma eyes, suddenly replaced by the look of fear aroused by images deeply ingrained in my memory, Memories you created that now torture even though you meant them to teach?

This melodious tune turned a melancholic symphony created by my wailing n sobbing,caused by a voice once therapeutic now at its faintest sound I flinch?

The stench of hatred as from us it emanates and slowly it spreads into ds crowded space we share, as little by little, layers of enmity fills the air we breath?

If all these you knew then your senses would interprete

That at your touch I cower; From a feeling once sweet and tender that now drains every ounce of strength and leaves me without power.
That at the sight of these I choose blindness; Away from the ethereal face that at the sight of, leaves me numb
As to your smell I get nauseous; so nauseous
That I taste the bitterness of heartbreak
And hear the sad music my heart will play at the sound of your heart bidding mine farewell

So please, I humbly plead, let me go!
But if break my heart you must n breach my trust,
Then let all we ever shared be counted a loss and from our memories be swept away like dust,

Please!  Be fair in your dealings with me I plead
Be kind and just...
For this heart has only started to heal,
Please don't let it rot or rust..

Tom Blake May 2016
He was making his way
To the job centre to claim a benefit,
When a garden Rose,
During his perambulation toward
degregation, SMILED!...he felt
A connection...
He dismissed it!
Thinking himself unworthy,
Why?...Well,( the system)FAILING...
Failing as a child
Failing at school
Failing in society
Failing those that rule.
The ROSE ignored the rule...
To the ROSE, it RULED with its flaws  and
The Rose knows
Than humankind knows!
Rose Smiled...
It's the Only way HE
Could interprete it...
Of the Greatest

He Smiled back
And felt SO good!
Laura Valentino Oct 2015
Footsteps on the beach
Interprete path of memories
Made running towards existence
Now controlled by power
Knowledge is mans neurosis to cover the pain of existence.
All knowledge is false because all pain is interpreted by the mind,
which is made of nothing.
Human beings as conductors of consciousness, interprete pain only as a mechanism to evolve toward a more idealic state.  
We do not need God for that which we have, but for that which we lack
So God is That toward which we seek to Evolve.
Therefor God lives in us as our future selves. (In regard to quantum evolution)
Relinquishing resistence (inner) is conducive to the Highest Self or
Jesus the Christ
Yet do we understand Time.
Men percieving with keyhole eyes
remember Love sees not with the eyes but with the Mind
Free your jailed Mind
this is more of a philosophical stanza
Babu kandula Nov 2014
Someone asks
Who are you?

This guy
With some

Called as

Is that me?

May be

I am something
Which I cannot


I know what
I am

But, really
I cannot
What I am?

I am filled
With me

But, I am
Within me

This emptiness
Came because of
My lack of
What really
I am? ...
Some say it's
Kind of deviation

But, I really
Want to know
What I am???
The concentric circles
Of two within one
described by colours
And the colours have meaning
The outer circle shaded red
those who build the world located hear
They are poor
They work day in day out
They make a living out of sweat
Most have many children
Most uneducated
Most die of hunger
They do unpropotional kind of work
They work a lot but paid less
Success is imagination

The inner is yellow
This describes the better ones
They are intermediaries
They speak for the few
They give given orders
They earn
They are settled but still most are not happy
They still strive to impress their bosses

The innermost belong to the few
The tycoons and multimillionaires
The earn but do not work
They formulate orders to favor
They hate local and like abroad
They speak in tongues
For others to interprete
Their shade is green
They have years to die
They import doctors
They inspire in ****
These are the few,
They have their say
And they must be heard!

Live is not fair
On earth someone struggles to make ends meet
While the other struggles to frustrate the more
The stinky rich
Controls the world
Even if they are educationally down
Their money speak louder
Their stories spread like fire over dry grass
They are of joy...
I will still believe in this concentric circle and unearth even better stories .
The three levels of life
Described as a concentric circle.
Life not love.
How can I lie to you!
I am, a cold disguise
of a sad and wise dicision.

In a time of secret woe,
my turmoil is "slavery's chains"
binding the art too long,
slaves in chain
manhandling the craft so wrong.

Today prepares tomorrow's ruin,
the final desolation,
tears rolling deep as crystal rags
viscous tatters
Of a worn-out soul.

My heart is torn asunder,
my conscience echoes thunder
then pain stalks into plunder
my spirit is crushed in a *** of anguish & lamentations.

My lonely wine is bitter draught
too deep in silence
my womb bore literature
as burning sulphur to ease the mind.

When you came to me,
unbidden and bare,
reckoning me
to long-ago rooms,
where memories lie.
trunks of sacred ritual
I cried.

I have seen beyond seeming
these days of bloodied screaming
of children dying bloated
out where lilies floated
the clang of cymbals falls down the years.
this brother's sold,
this sister's gone.

Of men all noosed and dangling
within the temples strangling
dead scrolls, without token of victory.

Joy, weeps deeply
making music with his very tears,
trying to ease the years,
causing everyone to have a feel of his heart,
  as raindrops on they skin.

I speak naked and bare
of our beginning
our origin of the deep from Adam,

I pray thee,
may the Spirit full of long suffering
build an ark of compassion
for his rest as Noah,
upon hell & high waters,
were Justice comes with
inner calmness
and Judgement is glorious.

Do not bring light to the dark
only bring a deeper smoke
light is for the day,
as sure as sight is for the young
then you can interprete Job.

Search, consider & follow counsel
until your eyes grows dim
and deep as dark waters,
so that when the bell tolls
  with understanding
you'll walks through the path
of sacred eternal life,
as sure as wisdom is a lamp for thy feet
then you'll be ordered by Melchizedek,

Have you not heard;
the wise elders of Hella's
learnt from the princes of kemet!
and all the prince of Kemet
  shall run out before the king of kush
and the garden will be restored once again down to Ur ?

Has ABBA not formed & pattern our thoughts purely,
has HIM not guided and lead our mind to righteous path only,
was I Am ever a toddler
bored and lonely,
has YHWZ. not made life full of essence beyond measures !
has the Son of man not made the past
& the Son of God already prepared for the future.

But who acknowledges
the oath of the crushed spirit
that preserves the universe.

Who regards the mind that was broken to pieces while establishing
the narrow path.

Who knows,
the depth(sorrow) of the deep mourning soul
& how the ancient percept & lines,
percept & lines
are being set.

who truly reasoned
& considers the emotion that is being cruxified to straighten the crooked path
Just to have the lines falls in pleasant places.

Every word of the Most-High,
is a living Will
sacred and pure
it is the design of the everlasting creator.
Dada Olowo Eyo Apr 2019
What the mind sees,
And the eyes interprete,
The great mystery of the cosmos,
Perception versus deeper conviction.

— The End —