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david badgerow Jun 2013
when we were just kids living in Nebraska
running through cornstalks holding hands
where the sun died crazy deaths over the mountains
you were my neighbor
and the bank took our land

i would've never imagined
you living in a whiskey barrel
offering ******* and squawking squirts
giving them away for free
to hideous former cowboys
substituting laughter for anger

a moment like this:
finding you alone on the banks
of a dull river
swinging from a branch
Randy Henderson May 2012
***** what the **** was you thinking
You're the main ******* reason for my heavy drinking                                        
Not caring about what you've done to me
Only caring about mother ******* stephanie
With all your *******, and all your lies
I'm glad we decided to cut our ties
You built a marriage on some ******* and lies
Going behind my back ******* other guys
On top of all this **** you were ****** in bed
Might as well been ******* someone that was dead
Keep on trying to bring me down to your level
One day everyone will see your a mother ******* devil
You take what you can get and give nothing back
Say **** in front of my kids and talking smack
One day all this **** will come slap you in the face
Leaving nothing behind but ****** *** taste
You're a poor terribile excuse for a human being
Don't care about nothing but your next ******* fling
Do you see what you're doing to our kids you ****
With your smile on your face, we all know it's a front
Your ******* our kids with your evil way
That's a price they shouldn't ******* pay
You stupid little ***** why can't you see
If your trying to hurt someone it sure aint me
Oh that's right, my last verse said it
You're so **** stupid and so **** pathetic
You tried to be friends but i'll have to pass
Intead you can kiss my pearly white ***
**** the whole ******* world and ***** *******
I refuse to let a ***** treat me the way you do
Take all your ******* and all your drama
And force feed that **** to your mother ******* mama
I'll end this **** with my last ******* verse
You aint a woman your a mother ******* curse
                                               BY: RANDY HENDERSON
first there was darkness
then came along the light shining bright
was a brother like me
made insight
brought joy intead of a toy
mama got tears
cuz it was a boy
made from bed ruckus trust us
i aint going no where
stop and stare
At the spiritual Sun
and recollect what God set and reject
what society sets
as a standard
since im a ******* child
destined for. a casket
though i mastered
the game
puttin' enemies to shame
with a single flame
burn em til they
a grain
of salt takes sip of the malt
liquor the quicker
i get with my flow
lets not forget that indo puffin slow
as my visions sped
feelin the last of a dying breed
though a corrupt seed indeed
greed feeds
a hungry soul
yearning for cash rolls
only to take a
bad toll and stroll
down to the valley
of deathrow
with each and every breath
i plan my steps
got these demons watching me
for cheap currency
but they cant milk me
cuz made my own serials
knockin- imperials
down the system goes
stay on my toes
watch the game
cuz fools actin strange
its time rearrange
thangs the way they
used to be phonies actin' like ya homies
til the good times
run out no doubt
since i got no love
from the start
i knew my part
gotta black heart
got **** im feelin hopeless
struggle getting bigger
but they tell me
to hope less
dont got no posses
so i stay to myself
watching my health
keeps techs on my  shelf
just incase of a confrontation
it's me against the nation
gotta **** the litigation
if ya black like me
know you an enemy
to them devils around the
you know how they label  us
say we equal?
but I always see the cops bust
at our frame crimes go untamed
feelin' left out of barge
as i sit back n charge
my mental sittin next to me is my pistol
tryna figure out
where do i wanna go?
is it life or death
im attracted to?
cuz these spirits that guide you
giving multiple clues
harsh ghetto blues
coming through
the neighborhood up to no good
black males misunderstood
can't help but bang my wood
cant a find a woman
whos really down for the cause
loves at a pause
got closed jaws
hand on my *****
as i stand against the walls
silent pains kills us all
got **** this aint life G
everyday they keep pushing us back
to slavery
but **** it
i fight against the will
powers that be in this reality
i know they dont like me
soon to see a jail
cell times aint well
can't break a job
so i guess its back to crack sales
hustle fiendin cash im dreamin'
adversaries come in
as tag teams and
can ya see me streamin'
up **** creek weak
loves to honor
the dead and gone
im in a new zone
prone to rippin- up ****
dont give a **** if die broke *****
lady liberty aint nothing but a *** to me
ya see trumps presidency
makin' po folks move residency
can ya see?
i feel like the begotten son
the only one
conscious sick of nonsense
somebody help me?
im going crazy
*** my mind refuse to  be lazy
cuz lately prophecy
be layin' on my mentality
cant focus in reality
cuz im spiritually touched
in world so clutched
by stupidity in actuality
my locality be
in the darkest state of mind as I grind
with this plot  made
hopefully we can all evade
the troubles coming ahead
and im in yo head
like thoughts soon to be said
this is my daily bread
feelin' invincible
which maybe explains
im untouchable????
Lauren Oct 2012
with you
time with slips by
an hour feels like few minutes
and makes me wish i had many hours
intead of many minutes
with you
We can each do our part in society. Maybe fix a flat tire for a neighbor or offer a cup of cool water to a stranger. Go to the widow & orphans in their affliction. I'm keeping it real people. Only one life is soon to be passed only what's done out of love will last. Pray with all of your might maybe write a poem so others can read and enjoy. We each have hidden abilities and talents that we need to be putting into use. To the beggar out on the street destitude for no daily bread. To the laborer in the factory we need to be busy about the fathers business. No one knows the hour or even the day of the savior's return. But he asks us to be ready. These are the marching orders out of love within my heart to you. Stop all hate and negativity. Choose to put a big smile on your face instead of a frown. Perhaps go to a soup kitchen to volunteer your time. Believe me in time you will see the benefits & blessings flow as long as you have love in your heart. When it comes to music sing or rap on topics that will benefit the soul. Our mindsets need to be focused on a selfless agenda intead of being so selfish. Yet in the end it's our choice in how we want to proceed out of life. This is from my heart to yours & thoughts by which to ponder.
Kyra Wallace Apr 2019
For every night you left me here,
I will not ever shed one tear
You say you love me but is it true?
Do you love me like I love you?
You say goodbye and come right back
You show up and show a lot of slack
Why did I bother with your fake love
I give your heart a great big shove
Your heart is cold like the wind in winter
Intead of being with me your with her
Saying she’s a friend but I’ve heard the news
Your useing girls like they are living tools
you sit there with me but you only lie
This time it’s me who says goodbye

Its the whold world of greed and self desire
That lights all as is for their mis-guided fire
All instructing intead of simply learning
In a school a life where closed minded sin quire

Natre is everywhere always was always it will be
And it is starving for appreciation mountains to sea
Beauty unending vastness beyound comprehention free
Leave the mobile take note book and go walk among thee

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
Lyna Salman Sep 2020
I weigh myself the number is sixty
Physically fit but actually empty
The battle of everyday is sorrow
The same day others call tomorrow
Thoughts swirl toddling in swell
Drag me into a subconscious hell
Sirens pull my marble feet to bed
My lead cold eyes roll dead intead
Who structured my emotions?
Who stole my exciting oceans?
No feelings my heart is hollow
My mind finds everything shallow
From the time they ***** our peace
My siren head is on a frantic grece

∴ Lyna Salman
i feel so rotted through
my bones ache
and my eyes are sunken
my stomach touches my back
my arms leaden
my feet broken
my heart slowing
my fingers struggle to output
the resignation of my mind
the desecration of my time
the devastation of my life
it feels like my life is over
and i just keep going
like the last round of hurting wasn't enough
to convince me thoroughly enough
that this world isn't for me
and these people aren't either
but i just keep going
i can't give up now knowing
my problems are someone else's blessing
i'm just tired of the universe testing me
i lost my brother
my sister almost too this saturday
the little family i barely have
not my blood relations
just my only reservations
my few considerations
still i'm well aware
everyone is gonna go
whether they leave me now
or later
whether by choice
or by nature
why is it so wrong
i want to do it on my own terms
youth is no excuse to enable suffering
if in the meantime all i can do
is be punished for trying
it's unsuprising
i'd be so romanticized with dying
i know he's lying
to me
but my god
it's tantalizing
to be sacrificed
intead of sacrificing

— The End —