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Harley Hucof Aug 2014
She is the woman that i love most in the world

She is the woman that gave me birth

She is the sweet kind of person
The type who would cry for no reason

She is the kind devoted to her religion and faith
The kind that taught to believe and pray

She is the wise, protective type
The type that sacrificied her health to ensure my life

She is the kind that huggs me, kisses me and play with my ears
The kind that has always supported me emotionally

She is the kindiest person you'll ever meet
The type that will stay hungry and let you eat

She is the kind who put her family first
The type who doesnt know how to hurt

She is the kind who never lies

I love her more than anything in the world

I regret all that i did and said that made her cry and feel hurt

I hope someday she will be proud of me

She is what i need to be
A mix of compassion, emotions and beauty.

She is my Mother...

Words Of Harfouchism
Harvey Spector May 2013
A wish maybe?
Wine, women or song
I can make anything belong.
For this was my gift all along.

I desire money !
to me they sweeter than honey.
Living without them I cannot see
Oh Dionysus! please grant them to me

Gold, glorius gold by my touch
Oh Zoe ! I have news for you.
Huggs and kisses but then ,regret.
Oh Zoe ! what have I done to you.

Dionysus save me from this cursed metal
I never knew what that could've caused to my dear angel.


Do you know the sandman..
.. the sandman?

Do you know the sandman..
.. the sandman?

well, I do

hightailing in your vagary
like whip lashes to your backside

he is what dreams cannot give your eyes

what a lonely surprise
he and the shadows combined

but he is spelling your dreams
sleeping beside you

in waves of moonlight

and he snatches away the lucent

in wake beside you he is whispering....

... shhhh

do you known the sandman...
... the sandman?

do you know the sandman...
... the sandman?

If you do well then,
he knows you too..

once upon many dreams you've met

and on one too many wheels turning... he crept

while it spins you're in an abominable threat

he'll tare down your sunlight
thinking he was the moonlight

ringing in your ears yet he huggs you in tighter to never awake

he loves to stay still
and never likes to move on

he poke's at ever membrain
holding in all what's meant

in his palms hold your soul,
in control

cities in your mind in abominiation
destruction and fear

there, standing in the shadows
he is waiting.

Do you know the sandman..
.. the sadnman?

Do you know the sandman?

.. well, I do.

© Rebel of Eden
I look into my daughter's angelic eyes
Filled with hurt, misunderstanding, and frustration
Wishing I could make everything ok for her
Praying every moment of everyday

My little girl
I am so sorry you are being put through this hell
Know you are scared and unsure
My love will never change for you
Please don't worry

Silent tears she hides from everyone
Tries to make her daddy feel all is well
Attempts to make peace between us
Knowing it doesn't work

Walking around on eggshells
Afraid to do anything to make him angry
Thinking he will just leave if she does
I tried to tell him

She comforts me though right now there is no such thing
I comfort her, explaining  it will be ok
Huggs closely, whispering positive thoughts

If only the one would go away for awhile
Let things be
Everywhere we turn she is there
who is affected most

I would say me, but not its our little girl

I want to yell "he is mine back off'
If I thought it would help god I would do so
No ammuntion
she has it all

How do I compete?
What do I say?
Wishing answers would suddenly appear
Yet knowing it is impossible

Little girl its not your fault
Its mommy's and daddy's
We will pay everyday for the rest of our lives
Rest easy all will be better soon

How do I give you happiness
All you see is anger and sadness
I pray god will give me a sign
Some help
To help me raise my daughter
Written by Jennifer Humphrey
Sa Sa Ra Sep 2012
cruelest castrations
twisted vortex-ing
but it is

and my own

that one

and enbracement

to the fire
Banele Msimango Sep 2018
The date is unknown
The day these seeds were planted.
Rooted in pain no one else could bare.
Never ending huggs from gravity
My heart is heavy
The air I breath makes me feel hollow
Maybe if I could stop breathing
Maybe then I'd feel better
But I know that would place you out of sight
I guess this is to say, "you are my reason"
You, the reason I breath

— The End —