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karen hoose Sep 2010
Not and then again a kind of annoyance I see here taking place.
I am smiling when I get out of this place.

So fake. The taparoo he speaks of
And less than elevated is my mood as I await the verdict of my income status.

This is what happens...
When one is not of the workman's habits,
Thus is moi.

Whoa! I had not known
Rendering the lone, clone, honed
Underwear so blown out of its natural positioning:
It is not me but his epiphany.

Simply riveting this horor movie ***** and all her galore.

I'm bored.
Jack says this ones A-OK, so hey.... 9/29/2010
Reshnia crimson Dec 2022
Why have you come to sit upon my shoulder?
Demon in my ear you curse my waking days
When was it first that your foul words came to echo along my own thoughts?
From which abyss where you hatched?
Did the fiendish imp upon my mother's back spawn for me my undying companion?
Lord of lies your tongue is not silver.
White hot it sears me, every word a brand on my moral conscience.
Was it from birth then, that you came too me?
What burden to me which you and your kin have become.
I cannot pry your talons from my flesh with any more ease than pulling my very thoughts from my head.
Foul futures you whisper to me.
The world is set aflame by forlorn candles in the mornings and perhaps by the left wing of a monarch I am painted blue in the night.
I am beset with the scars of your care.
Hold me gently while you serenade me with tales about the noises in the night.
Perhaps tell me again about how the crash I have just heard was poison falling from the cabinet to feed the cat who will surely now foam at the mouth and die.
I will get up to find him and tell you that you are wrong.
And then something will rattle and bid me here you speak again.
Vladimir s Krebs Nov 2015
a warm sunny day filled with life seems not normal> my paranoya grew heavyer.
i heard my millitary sccanner  go off. i listen what they said
they were going to exterminat our little society town. i grab my girlfriend we both ran to tell eny one who could take this threat well. i knew the timing of when the bombs would drop. i knew every one vary well but it will all be lost. it was 2:00 am. the bombs were going to drop right be for night fall to get every thing ready. night was scares for me and her to prepar for the worst. we gave people another warning with the air rade syron blaring. we both bunkkered down varry vary deep to be untouched by the misles blow
on a saturday evning i started to gather family pets and any one els.

i started to set the clock for the final note. at 2:00 in the afternoon all our equipment and beds and supilze were accounted.

5:00 we had the final moments to hold out. the small timer reached 10/ 9/ 8/ 7/ 6/ 5/ 4/ 3/ 2/ 1 we held echother close.

the time ran out and all we heard was a vary loud ringing sound. we held out and survived. but the rest of society was wiped out. i new my parinoid side had came right on time. only my entire family pets and my girlfriends started venchering out.

all we saw was a ****** horor  show peoples bodyes vaperized all shops were gone

we survied the unknown from the trsty side of peranoya that was right.

we have to find what has happened we found out this was a plane that was only aimed at us since this small society had people who was a hush hush dont tell

every one is gone all gone.
adjitated at night
John B Dec 2015
Twisted indiscretions

Infest with baleful malformations

Likened to creation

Cosmic horor gods ***** the beacon

Cry havoc on innocence

Stir the pits

light the pyre

Pray for wisdom and understanding

None survive this insurrection

All our bloods been long in planning

For resaprosoty

I for got to mention
"I was an Angel before a third of the stairs fell, cast with the sternum and satan into the pit of hell, our beloved leader forced to be a bottom feeder, the grate deceiver that promised victory over the monkey lovers."
Vladimir s Krebs Feb 2016
every night i lay awake with no more energy to keep up with the demands. society is is just a joke. chapeters of lied that spread like wild fire killing every thing in its path of fire and death. i might lose it leaving what kind words i could possably care to even say. i am running low threw fumes of hell. im traped pinned down suffocating from all the **** that drowns me till all the air simmers. playing a game of hide in seek will end all of society away from society. lost in inturnal thoughts leaving a trail of horor with no way or **** to turn back to run threw the past of mine.
Liam Manges Nov 2018
I struggle to quell my sadness within

This mask Im wearing is an ongoing sin

This hidden horor will never reside

Is there anyone else like me that can help me decide

What I should do because im losing my mind!
Just so you know this is a metaphor to basically show our social fakes, like if we are sad we hide it with how we act.
i sink into a dark hole,
in a deep cave,
i won't hear,
the pains of the world,
the clashing of swords,
i sink into a cavern,
and enjoy the peace.
the sages have departed,
ending term at babylon,
left as singularity,
acquainted with friendly death,
best hope.
can't find the light,
sailing on dark seas,
beacons, fall to the depths,
a chalice of ambrosia, withheld,
light, forlorn, despairs,
nothingness becomes all,
and all is now empty.
not lost,
the singularity of my time,
an undefined thing,
humor of the gods,
toy for heaven,
lifted but mocked at will,
without escape.
scorned by storms,
the land,
exist in my mind,
the very weakness of me,
imagination, the laughing curse,
('she' knows me),
i am not lost, just lost.
(c) Erik Minas-Gilkes (Standswithtrees), 9/27/17  12:45am
Minas-Gilkes Clan, Kalinago Nation, Dominica

— The End —