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Stephen Parker Sep 2011
Day's end, sun's caisson doth wend
Residual rays a respite to append
Twilight's shroud dreary dividend
Swirls of gray into firmament blend

Vestments of light shed sacral veil
Luna's naked, pale orb flashes its spell
Twinkling sprites across dark tides sail
Constellation's mystical portents braille

Nyx, Erebos eclipse Hemera's blithe melody with bass duet 
Earth's warmed bed yields its thermal blanket
Ocean tides move in rhythmic tandem to cadence of lunar clarinet
Swarming shadows stalk each footstep paring each dark secret

   Greek gods
Nyx: goddess of Night
Erebos: goddess of Darkness
Hemera: goddess of Day
Marco Raimondi Sep 2017
Nestes flancos escuros, onde ardor carece
Um anseio de longo vislumbre subia;
Ora Idália aos céus: "Canto do sol que emudece,
Dai-me prazer de outrora, bela sinfonia
Harpar áurea passageira, graça que visita;
Ó filha das luzes, que te cobres e te hesita?"

Que cessa-me, quão não depor a fatal império
Se minha luz, qual na própria noite encerra,
Tem de sua aurora, vasto mistério,
E perde-se nas trevas, no silêncio da Terra?
Senti, da mais cruel noite, doloroso espinho
Mas de teu ventre, escuro nascedouro, dei ao mundo claros caminhos;

Marco Raimondi Jan 2018
Deixas que a escuridão para si atraia louvores
E os primórdios tempos de harmonia vês morrendo?
Pois presenta-nos com tão quanto as negras flores
Que nos claros campais permite-as crescendo
Pendem-se clarões, fervem-se suspiros em dores
Doura a natureza, vem fortuna de clamores
A Mar 2018
Helios prepared his golden steeds,  
Each huffing and pawing at the waves of Oceanus,  
Alectrona raised her arms, and Eos woke from her slumber.  

The chariot was lashed to his stallions,  
And slowly, the sun god rose.  

Eos spread her fingers across the sky,  
And as he rose, a fiery flare bringing day,  
Threads of pink illuminated the clouds as purple ribbons split the darkness.  

Phanes lent Helios light as he rose on the mountain in the sky,  
Orange twined its way through fields of blue,  
A blazing scythe that cut away everything but itself.  

Clouds that had formed by Zeus were gathered like birds,  
And as Helios passed, they lit from within with scarlet joy,  
And the laughter of Tethys echoed as she made the white fleece of the heavens.  

Farther and farther he climbed the mountain in the sky,  
And the heavens turned a bright blue,  
The orange scythe that had cut away the onyx and navy fields  
Faded away to return the next day.

When at last day had truly begun,  
And Hemera had truly awakened,  
There was only a purple horizon,  
By that mountain in the sky.
This is based on Greek mythology and the sunrise I saw today, which was too spectacular for words. All figures mentioned are actual mythological characters.
lowkeymorns Dec 2018
I move adrift,
Surrounded by Erebus,
living as one.
Subdued and silent as Nyx cradles me,
Slowly I Breath In their Aether,
I am home till Hemera take's me
Onoma 4d
Every single Hemera, I roam in chapter

42, Ishmael's aghast perception of

Moby ****'s whiteness.

Having bartered with Ishmael, I threw

myself overboard--he is no longer afraid.

I, in memory of a white whale's belly--

ever & the same.

Ask for me & they will tell you, more has

me, leave it at more--mystery provides.

I've a hankering for white, they may say:

'What's wrong with that man, what's he

staring at?'

How white orients.

White is, if peace is pleased--which means

nothing can disturb it.

That can be too final for the unsettled.

I suspect there are many more Moby

***** to come, so be it.

I may find myself as Ishmael did,

watching another throw themself

overboard--that I might not be afraid,

so be it.

White is, if peace is pleased--that's what

that belly taught me.

The bellies will grow larger & larger--

in white, out of white.

Nothing but upturned eyes, given over &

glistening--never think a beast unnatural.

That's what allows for proportional

girth, when a Moby **** is spotted.

— The End —