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Waverly Aug 2012
Night twinkles,
with cross-dressing jets.

I catch a thousand spider-webs,
until I'm home. Caught up
with all this silk, tickling my arms
it's a trap.

I've never had
more than I've had, a share of
love that loses money every day
is the only investment I've made,
and I'm poor in her hands.

My caretaker
might be meeting the undertaker
soon, the gingersnaps baked
until they burned, but she served them
anyways, and she made me feel good,
because she was as heavy and reassuring
as an indigo-less night,
she was my black night.

But I'm seduced in the night,
caught up,
held down
force-fed debt,
and reassured.

A night is heavyness.

A night is a ceiling,
in whichever way you think of ceilings:
either in your home,
your job,
or your love.
Olivia-Grace Apr 2016
Let me introduce myself.
I am your worst nightmare.
Your biggest regret.
And the reason for your despair.

Let me introduce myself.
I am the sadness in your veins.
Your hidden secrets.
And the reason for your worst pain.

Let me introduce myself.
I am the heavyness in your heart.
Your broken dreams.
And the reason you feel so torn apart.
Oliver Miamiz Nov 2016
Confidence is Assertiveness
to Life,
sense of Triumphant
irony to Bitterness
& Heavyness of life.

the sense of Relevance
celebrating Resoundingly
the Subjection of Bending
the will of Doom........

confidence is Boldness
in Motion.
Guaranteed success
in Life......

cofidence is Clarity
of Thought.
pure Motive & desires
springing Forth from a
clear Conscience......

virtue of Modesty,
contentment with Life.......

Confidence the fuel that runs the engine "Determination" to greater heights!!
Marie Nichols Nov 2012
She feels the sweat,the heavyness of a body against hers, the weight holding her down, she wakens from watever was in the cloth that was put over her nose and realizes that a man is on top of her a man is doing this to her, he is riping at her clothes, tearing at everything she has, gettin inside and pushing and pushing himself all the way, she tries to cry out and fight but it is no use, she panics and everything clicks, she is getting *****, some man is in her own home ****** her, he never looks at her never once looks down, he keeps griping her tighter and tighter as he releases everything, she feels the sweat of his brow hit her check, or maybe its just her tears, He whisper"don't say a word, or i'll just do it again, but even if you do noone will believe you". He leaves her alone in her bedroom, noone herd her or him, her family was home but nothing, she gets a shower and wonders at 13 and in her own home. How? Why?

— The End —