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O Lord, I continue to ache for Your heart of flesh!
Lovingly chastise me, with regard to improper attitudes;
my spirit will never freely soar in unity with You,
without understanding and a transcendental altitude.

Chasing earthly mirages is a waste of my precious time
and it will never satisfy or quench my unending thirst.
Living a dedicated life of self-gratification and pleasure,
won’t overcome this pain… that’s been repeatedly rehearsed.

Deep within my soul, I embrace Your genuine Love for me.
As a result, unwanted, dead things are compelled to fall away.
Concepts of selfishness, jealousy, discontentment, self-pity,
greed, addiction, and unforgiveness will no longer rule my days.

Lord, teach me to “take up my cross” daily without complaint;
Break the stony hardheartedness that hinders our relationship!
For I crave, the joy and contentment I previously possessed,
which softly undergirds our ongoing and eternal fellowship.

With Your Word hidden in my heart, I walk the “narrow path”,
since sin’s “broad path” leads only to one’s destruction.
Acting ungodly will always be a lost battle of the soul;
therefore, I cling onto Your Salvation and Resurrection…

with a proper mindset and complete surrender to You!
Self-centeredness is unhealthy to my soul’s existence;
therefore, I’m determined to purposely seek oneness with You,
while forgoing the proverbial path… of least resistance.

Author Notes:

Loosely based on:
Ezek 11:19; 1 John 3:9-14; 2 Cor 4, 5:17; Rev 3:19;
Phil 3:10, 4:12; Gal 2:20, 6:10, 12-15; 1 Tim 5:6, 6:6-7;
1 Thes 5:15; 1 Cor 13; Mark 8:34; Matt 6:10, 33

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

By Joseph J. Breunig 3rd, © 2013, All rights reserved.
Unnamed Mar 2014
I spent my life going your way.
I wasted my time following your lead.
I trusted you judgement and you let me die,
alone, heartless and cold.

When you came to my apartment I loved you.
You pointed me downwards and never picked me up.
You showed me an endless love,
which had an end.

We had our own adventure defying gravity.
Learning to dance the bad way.
We beat down the good to embrace each other,
so we can live in our evil.

Now I understand what you put me through.
You brought me to rock bottom.
You left me to die alone,
heartless and cold.

Home is for the leveled.
Death is for the pure.
The hardheartedness of you,
leaves me unsure.

I will continue to live without you.
I will leave your awful leach.
Today I will become anew,
all because you can't defy yourself.
Jason Schnepper Feb 2015
Where was you
when i fell apart
you never had no regard
what the f#ck is wrong with you
You say you wanna be my friend
when all you did was leave me
bruised and scarred
broken inside
twist-id and torn
well think again
because friends like you
I don't need them
I'm not trying to be mean
but can't you
even see you hurt me deep within
you say i have a way with words
well i hope you feel them
but how can you?
with your cold hardheartedness
that ripped apart my heart
regardless of how i felt
you discarded me as if i was nothing.
but i will just keep what's left of me
ain't no use trying to get back
to the way it used to be
friendships are built on love and trust
respect and that's for real
I shared everything
from my love
to my thoughts
to my dreams
from my heart to my poetry
JQ Lu Feb 2016
Tears falling down
your beautiful face.
Hardheartedness filling up
your benign heart.
Voids showing in
your gorgeous eyes
Pain floating around
your angelic aura.
Please stop crying
my dear angel.
for my baby girl Avi
Cerasium Jun 2017
Thou love has gone for never more
To be return to thee a shallow's pawn
Though thy heart is gone in shattered tangles
My love for thee is forever eternal

And in thou wake of hardheartedness
No life shall begin a new
For thy spark of love hast dissipated
Into a shadowed hole in which life is non-existent

For thou hast splashed it with
Thy lovers tears of adultery
And never more shall it become ablaze

— The End —