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stank man Feb 2017
'hello yiss'
his voice echoed through the four walls of oncie's cell
he'd been there for 4 years

gru's long nose
his non exsistent chin
his lack of neck
his long lmbs

'want to go to ze moon with me?'
yiss i do
i'm an awful person
Logan Robertson Mar 2019
She kept staring at the full moon
Her friend, confidant, fixation
Regretfully, I learn later, her escape
I kept talking in eerie silence
And keeping company to no effect
She like a bird tethered in a cage
I remember that night
Solemn the scar
Fourteen years hence
We were parked along a beach in Hawaii
Paradise one would think
Man and wife
Gazing in the opposite direction
I learn later our lasting vacation
Somewhere in the distance
Happy palm trees dance to the music of the waves
Whitecaps accentuate the moonshine of the night sea
Statues of tall mountains stand sentry
Separated by a treeline
Rolling hills, bare picket fences
And a defining moment
In the darkness and contrast
I see a few horses approaching our view, us
No doubt curious
My wife jests, as her eyes, depart the moon
Her reverie, her prayer pause
As the inside of the car shrivels
My heart braces
Her words, one by one
Denouncement at its finest
As she looks back at the horses, then me
"Even the poppies are in love
They're so stable"
She says this over and over
For my effect
Her eyes glassy
Her voice but a whisper
Steel, still
Drawing the horses nearer
Where soon their eyes
And noses peek through the fences of gloom
Big and brown,
She begins to tear
Sad and red
Real childlike
Her past begins to flash
Where she says something to the effect
That she once worked the corner of 42nd steet
In San Francisco
A bombshell went off
The horses sank in their seats
Lava spewed from my head
Mount Robertson in ashes
No votive candles could save her
Or us
Her angels on her shoulder
Lost to her rescue
Only albatrosses
Sinking, us
Again in reverie
"Even the poppies are in love
They're so stable"
On and on
"I once worked the corner of 42nd Street
In San Francisco"
Her words, again, like ice
Reverberating in my mind
Where did I go wrong, I thought
Melancholy on the rocks
That night a man
And a moon cried
The sublimity of her message
The pantomime
The mock of steel
The planted seeds
The turning point
I can only gaze at the rolling hills
Now with two horses hoofing it back to safety
The darkness
The lost rebuttal and love
Her full moon
So prophetic
My teary eyes and mind could only wander
Past the happy palm trees
To the pieces of the puzzle
"You don't love me any more"
Deeply, I dug, wanting to find the answers
As her eyes and fingers quickly curled my lips
My insides a mess
She blows out my candle
Takes away the shovel
I knew
She knew
No words needed to be expressed
Only these
"Even the poppies are in love
They're so stable"
Soon it seamed,
Stitches of our love ripped apart
That car that was once parked along the beach
Paradise searching
Now more suited for a funeral procession
As we  bereave the aloha attire, hotel, vacation and then the airport
As two ships departed in bereavement
Rudderless, without sails
Our port becoming a pretense
The living room couch soon my refuge
Saturated with my tears
Faithfulness and honor
Her bi-polarity worsening
I didn't know at the time
If only I had known
Had some understanding
The winds at war
Of what was in her harbor
More of the anchors of doom
Holding her down
The barnacles, erosions of her mind
I could have helped
I will always remember that night
Fourteen years hence
Two horses short of being stable
And the battles in my mind
The tears
The waning days and months
Where the seasons and time felt lost
A year later,
A morning dawn
I looked into her vacant eyes
The stillness
She was finally at peace
No longer tethered or caged
There was a full moon the night before

Logan Robertson

My wife was the love of my life and pain. She brought insight, intrigue, and mystery. She once told me she graduated from Yale, was a former model and once dated a Saudi prince, and I believed every word. What I can surmise about her illness is that her body was a cesspool of prescriptions drugs that only made her condition worsen.
Stå fram, du, som skjules i mørket.
Stå fram inn i verden.
Det kan være uhyggelig;
Det kan være urolig;
Det kan oppvekke gru innafor deg
som du ikke visste var til;
Det kan føles som om jordas lunger
puster deg inn og spytter deg ut;
Men sånt har det alltid vært.

En vismann har sagt før:
Syn uten handling er kun en drøm.
Handling uten syn fordriver tiden.
Syn med handling kan forandre verden.

Reis deg opp; ta på livet, grip tilværelse,
møt folk, snakk språk, drøm sagn,
bygg ting, slå deg ned, få barn,
les, gråt, le, rop, løp, hopp, ta feil, gå deg vill;
så blir ekte tilfredstillelse til.
Sitatet er av Joel A Barker.
La luna rossa, il vento, il tuo colore
di donna del Nord, la distesa di neve...
Il mio cuore è ormai su queste praterie,
in queste acque annuvolate dalle nebbie.
** dimenticato il mare, la grave
conchiglia soffiata dai pastori siciliani,
le cantilene dei carri lungo le strade
dove il carrubo trema nel fumo delle stoppie,
** dimenticato il passo degli aironi e delle gru
nell'aria dei verdi altipiani
per le terre e i fiumi della Lombardia.
Ma l'uomo grida dovunque la sorte d'una patria.
Più nessuno mi porterà nel Sud.
Oh, il Sud è stanco di trascinare morti
in riva alle paludi di malaria,
è stanco di solitudine, stanco di catene,
è stanco nella sua bocca
delle bestemmie di tutte le razze
che hanno urlato morte con l'eco dei suoi pozzi,
che hanno bevuto il sangue del suo cuore.
Per questo i suoi fanciulli tornano sui monti,
costringono i cavalli sotto coltri di stelle,
mangiano fiori d'acacia lungo le piste
nuovamente rosse, ancora rosse, ancora rosse.
Più nessuno mi porterà nel Sud.
E questa sera carica d'inverno
è ancora nostra, e qui ripeto a te
il mio assurdo contrappunto
di dolcezze e di furori,
un lamento d'amore senza amore.
Gabriel Mallory Oct 2019
What’s the point of living my whole life’s a joke
Sit in my shower while I cry away and choke
I’m joking I smile and laugh all day long
I lied I can’t pretend that nothings wrong
I pat my own back and I hold my own hand
Loving me is something you won’t understand
All I want is love, hugs, honesty, and you
Hard to find peace like despicable me I’m Gru
I hate falling in love because it’s never real
It doesn’t help with the emptiness that I feel
But what if I actually found something true
Like a hopeful chance between me and you
Sometimes I wonder who would actually care
Like if you saw my name on the news up there
Depressed teenage kid finally commits suicide
I wonder who would actually care if I died
Everyone says I’m here for you I must be blind
I can never just kick back and unwind
It’s always something new every single day  
So I pretend I’m fine and soak in tears anyway
Thought I found love but it was just a mistake
I think about the pleasure of my life to take
Found happiness in some friends but I’m sad
What if I do something that makes them mad
What If they abandon me like everyone else
Will I be all alone when my heart melts
I got a few friends that I don’t wonder about
The ones I know love me inside and out
We’re all going through things yet I wonder
Can I make everyone happy like I ponder
Im crazy pulling my hair out as a stress reliever
Went from really religious to a non believer
That’s a whole topic that I’d rather just avoid
Can’t tell if they love me so now I’m paranoid
I’ve been broken for a long time yet I’m healing
Try to correct my errors to be more appealing
How can I make all their lives better
I wonder if she wrote me would I read her letter
o o
o o
this quest

— The End —