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Lone seabird in a late dawning,
Sickles the gray rays of the sun,
Here on a ridge I can see aways,
Skerries, blasted by seas parade.

The moon fades as sun is rising,
My hair is groped in wind on fire,
In the late morning suns' glowing,
My breath uncatched as the wave.

Lone seabird in old sky forlorning,
Searches for a proud fish breaking,
In the frosts of broke tides trawling,
My heart sails above gusts keening.
Emery Iler Jan 2019
He's gone,
he will never come back
Do not cry for those long
gone, your tears will not buy his return

In the morning
you may see him on the horizon,
and you may wish to gaze on in forlorning
But alas! Is a facade! He is gone

Do not weep-
He is far, oh so far, and if he were
to join you in that bed in which you sleep
he would be farther still

So be still.
Do not move from your anchored ground.
Do not to his eyes abandon your steel will,
for even if you search, he will not be found

Lost! Lost! and yet more lost
He shall never find you
For even if after you he sought,
you were too far gone before his presence even strayed
El Jul 2019
The windy night we met
The dark streets
Warm asphalt
The lively calls of the dark
I must've met you
In another life
The casual intimacy
The caressing and
Forlorning for
Each other's spirit
It ceased with a breath
The rise and falling of our
Reach for me
I'm reaching back

Though I'm spiritless
I cling to hope
A thought of you
In an eternal loop

— The End —