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brandon nagley Jun 2015
.. Awake oh world..awake 2015.. This is not a dream, a public announcement!!An endorsement of fiery destruction will reign upon earthly cities. A crossing of no pity. For twas predicted long ago...
Thy lands will be cleansed as snow. Howl and moan/ for trees will be scorched a twist! Thy eye sockets wilt be ripped and headache wilt be a molehill for thou!!!
Banks wilst crumble, babies shalt mumble as in Noah's day!!!what's wrong? No loving songs, to the devil you'll make a parade!!!!
Thou clown of display, skies will grey and stars shalt be fiercesome and almighty as thy green greedied dollar!!!
Here's thy collar, oh don't forget thy new world chip, for all younger days and innocence you'll wish thou couldst return!!!! Return to thy own dust oh man!!!for its lives thou took, now thy life to be given!!! No feast of thanksgiving! Can't thou read the scribes writing?
Blind thou hath been for over 2000 years, stack thy gold corrupted by moss in thy underground cellar!!!fighter, yeller!
Cop brutality shalt get much worse! Violence will between thou sister and brother! Canst thou not changeth thine own way? Mummified curse indeed! Pigfeed you've become to ones who blow the horns! Watch out/move.....don't get burned!!!!volcanic destruction will match quakes to rattle thy mortars, for climatic borders will be bound by new order charisma!!!!hope!!hope!!the crowd yells to their thorned crown king!!!2015 the year of the blood moon! The year of thine own final sting!!!!
K Hanson Aug 2014
it has become
we know
the once delicious
names are
not promises of
daggers anymore.
these names were
rally around the flag wear the flag
pin-striped lapel on porch on bumper
these names
we must seek
something new flavored with
just the right taste of
rallying cry to
gather in
united deflected covered wrapped
shiny new promise
seductive new enemy more
we are re
focused dis-
bound to-
new pre-
with tasty new name
and we can watch mouths agape
the new-fashioned series waiting for
while outside
plump ravenous generals
under a
once golden
brandon nagley May 2015
Bennus crossing- by me... Awake oh world..awake 2015.. This is not a dream, a public announcement!!
An endorsement of fiery destruction will reign upon earhtly cities. A crossing of no pity. For twas predicted long ago...
Thy lands will be cleansed as snow. Howl and moan/ for trees will be scorched a twist! Thy eye sockets wilt be ripped and headache wilt be a molehill for thou!!!
Banks wilst crumble, babies shalt mumble as in Noah's day!!!what's wrong? No loving songs, to the devil you'll make a parade!!!!
You clown of display, skies will grey and stars shalt be fiercesome and almighty as thy green greedied dollar!!!
Here's thy collar, oh don't forget thy new world chip, for all younger days and innocence you'll wish thou couldst return!!!! Return to thy own dust oh man!!!for its lives thou took, now thy life to be given!!! No feast of thanksgiving! Can't thou read the scribes writing?
Blind thou hath been for over 2000 years, stack thy gold corrupted by moss in thy underground cellar!!!fighter, yeller!
Cop brutality shalt get much worse! Violence will between thou sister and brother! Can thou not changeth thine own way? Mummified curse indeed! Pigfeed you've become to ones who blow the horns! Watch out/move.....don't get burned!!!!volcanic destruction will match quakes to rattle thy mortars, for climatic borders will be bound by new order charisma!!!!hope!!hope!!the crowd yells to their thorned crown king!!!2015 the year of the blood moon! The year of thine own final sting!
brandon nagley May 2015
Tyrent minds beautifully engraved to street sign metal, purified pedals glow to tunnels only angels see.. Try and believe we are what we need when the clouds come swinging in, storms to grins and awakenings of whats new. Sins come with clues when the gas stations empty, lost believer, cross deceiver your mind is full and plenty..Sunglass highway take those fashionists to their old clubs, where girls turn to thugs with tattoos of fiercesome fright, dogs howl at moons baboons turn to, while leather is skin blood tight. volunteers in kitchens where heat is a hundred degrees, ones on knees just to make a cheap buck, beggers cant be givers when sinners are bigger than your orriginal drug bust.. Talented shakespherean, master's invitation given to only those who fit. have you won your prize, one with soft baby eyes your stuck to wordly grips.... Heavenly hips ive yet to find, where one turns boys to men and devils to false ends where captivation leaves your fantasies behind..What signs will one plot? wheres one is to hot to satisfy you every need..You candy you treat how sensual are we these days...How sensual is your memory...........Title- Candy lane... By meself :))))
Henry Akeru Aug 2017
She has smiley fiercesome eyes
She could melt any walls with it.
Her smile has eyes of its own
It flashes like neon and cinders.

From a dense crowed
The aura of her presence could be read.
A silence of her Loud!
In the pureness of Oneliness her soul is lead.

There was a change;
of weather it seemed and a dull reigned
Her face was drained;
Of life and the blossoming therein slewed

Oh if only one could mop
This dew of sadness now rested on Her.
Using an elixir of hope
Maybe her smile will be reborn...Alas!
Michael Kusi Mar 2018
Dragon-Man and Lady of the Night were arguing on the way.
You must wear one of the breastplates because you are the Beta knight I say!
Lady of the Night replied, No need for a breastplate, I have my Nebulae garment.
That breastplate is no good for stealth, and one of us would need to creep to confuse
See how  it even has a hood that can show the face of anyone I would chose.
Message interjected, Is this what we have to put up with the whole way to fight Drozen?
Lady of the Night replied, Hush I put the hands of life on you and I can take them off again.
Breastplate-Bearer did not have a care in the world, he went to the back to take a stretch.
Suddenly the Isotrain Mechanism started to go down, and Message screams, We are next!
Dragon-Man cried out Prepare for war! Breastplate-Bearer said We are already there, friend.
He put his hand on Dragon-Man’s shoulder and said, I will be with you to fight until the bitter end.
Dragon-Man shook Breastplate-Bearer then yelled, This is not the end, we will breakthrough.
Message replied, We should be careful when fighting Drozen, the Faceless Tongues can take you.

The Isotrain Mechanism crashed on Asteroid T89, and Lady of the Night asked, Hold our ground?
Dragon-Man replied, It is always best to take the battle to them, when the war is all around.
So Dragon-Man and Breastplate-Bearer took the equipment out and it was fiercesome.
Dragon-Man said, I am the Alpha Knight, with the Abyss Sword, and the Isotrain Mechanism pilot.
Lady of the Night replied, I am the Beta Knight, with the Nike Sling and  the Paroah Chariot,
Breastplate-Bearer intoned, I am the Delta Knight, with the Space-craft Vehicle, a one-man breed
And Message said, We are the Nova Knighthood Way of the Federation, Drozen must bleed.
The rest of them looked at Message as if her world had beings with three necks and two heads.

The Diablo-Robots started attacking, and the Nova Knighthood Way was in it’s first action.
The Abyss Sword starting storing dry lighting and rained it down on Diablo-Robots flashing.
They started to scream that it burns, and Dragon-Man said, I want the bravest ones dead first.
Lady of the Night went up behind a Diablo Robot, and push him off the Asteroid to his worst.
Message used the Hades-Grasp to make sure all of those who reached her felt their last touch.
And Breastplate-Bearer was fighting as if it was his morning commute with no rush.
He yelled out, This is a fine grapple my friends, but the ones were too consumed to respond.
That day the afterlife was filled with Diablo-Robots who went to The Great Beyond.
The battlefield was ****** with Diablo-Robots, and soon they all turned around and fled.
It was the sort of fight situation where the brave were no more and the living envied the dead.

The Isotrain Mechanism has to be fixed, Lady of the Night said with some resignation.
I am the man for this job and all the other ones as well, Breastplate-Bearer said without hesitation.
Soon Breastplate- Bearer fixed it, and they were on their way to their destination.
Drozen, said a shrill voice on the Fathership where Drozen met the Diablo Robots who had trepidation.
This is Etil of the Dragon Power, the Nova Knighthood’s are on their way as my blessing.
I trust that you will give them both a warm welcome and a splendid reception.
Meanwhile Dragon-Man was trying to navigate with Lady of the Night playing backseat driver.
Breast-plate Bearer was snoozing at the back, so still he looked not alive.
And Message just hoping that Drozen was there with his head when they finally arrived.
Akin a tumbleweeds  
aimlessly blowing in the wind
umlaut punctuation
courtesy of let herd Mother Nature
nsync with markie mark,

(or other faux nuke heads
on silent auction
ajudicating bidding chopping block)
or getting sparred
sum xtra mo' mints

before morphing into gamut
tuff height (against opposing
super cross currents)
bow willing head over heals

deftly thwarting encroaching
enfilade enhancing
invading army of deplorable
dust devilish debris
with full Stanley steamer ahead onslaught

opposing approaching phalanx
ta become a foo lush fighter
putting kibosh
across the infinitely open
and wide prairie land

(which wasteland fictitiously
epitomized and described by T.S. Elliot
with absolute zero relevancy here)
a barren vista ravages
metaphorical landscape

of one measly mortal malcontent male
bumping and scraping
along an accursed habiliment
just barely avoiding
and dodging diabolical demons

mercilessly unrelentingly ready
to ****** this somewhat sanguine Simian
who finds himself amidst pitfalls
of a tortured and twisted existence

racked with up pinions
(halving smartly put irons in the fire)
deployed incognito
tub hest describe demonic dungeons
damp, dark, demented domains -
a veritable no man's land

and one impossible to escape
from no matter how fast I flee
from the fearful, fiercesome
and phantasmagoric forms

figments of imagination
yet real and tangible as bone and flesh
haunt sacred house of slumber
and transmogrify me
into a loathsome madman

ranting and raving senseless
gibberish and gobbledygook
yet perceived as metaphysical
and philosophical
sane state farm mister soundcloud
syllabification stutterer

from one whoa man
World Wide Web wayfarer
(perchance yourself)
which virtual vagabond
venerates vowels

and possesses means
and tees to till verse
akin to a sorceress
who waves magic wand

to produce such supreme sentences
and weaves tantalizing
terrific topographic tundra's
that this admirer of her artful
and colorful poetic endeavors

prompts him to accompany
Gaia as thought-provoking troubadour
amidst the information
super byways and highways

along winding labyrinths
of critical thinking
or simply stepping cobble stones
comprising silly
rhymes without reason

all the while giving subtle egress
into that chamber of secrets
long kept shut tight
to maintain sure footed
stance of solitude,

whose only entities happen
to constitute trappings
of literary lugubriousness
those tombs of largesse identified
as great works and master
pieces of literature,

yet careful to avoid complete intimacy
lest cherished 100 years of solitude
shattered and heart rent asunder
twin perils of loss provide
an understandable cautionary tale

from author of this rambling missive
a most profoundly perceptive
and acute Ape man
touched to the quick
with a bit of angel dust

and aware this agonized
angst riddled arboreal beast
contents himself with
the confines of cyberspace.
life at the whim of forces beyond our control
harangue since landing
yours truly immersed
in a dream-like
fiercesome state of war,  
not quite a dream
can be described
as a "hypnagogic state"
while virtually in Singapore,

where Katy Perry
namesake of a lion doth roar
noise amplified courtesy dissonance
while nine inch nails synthesize
scraping across chalk board
evoking discordant soundcloud
foo fighting beastie boys
comprising a quatuor.

Socked away within
cerebral nooks and crannies
house mailer daemons
inconveniencing yours truly
i.e. an Indus das scribe
hub bull mendicant
bullying jimmying,
jump starting, joy riding
junket at breakneck speed
disregarding dangerous signposts

warning reckless (heedless) highjackers
speeding stolen heavily
sedated body (mine)
slap happily, obliviously,
jauntily (devil may
care attitude) careering
across rubble strewn
bombed out stone age terrain
gunning engine like
there's no tomorrow

zipping past crumpled
suspended abridged abutment
jarring sole abducted,
bound and gagged one ***** (me)
hurling over edge of cliff
temporarily free of gravity,
(albeit an infinitesimal eye blink)
between life and death
rapidly descending in accordance
with laws of physics,

when suddenly motion stops
as if thee Earth stood still
freezing all life forms
held as if invisibly tethered,
when ghostly debut appearance
courtesy Rod Serling
rattles of his trademark narration
"...fifth dimension beyond
that which is known to man.

...This is the dimension of imagination."
I resort to aforementioned loose analogy
to approximate mental state of limbo,
asper...this man falling to Earth
minus parachute on par
with crash test dummy
an absent firmament
to feel securely grounded
held stock still,

when moments before plunging
pitched head over heels...
only to find this mortal,
either entering or exiting
somnambulant state
only groggily awaking
out of deep sleep
falling out of bed
singing hup bout poor lovely bones.

— The End —