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Carly Salzberg Sep 2012
Butterfly globe make light in a passion pit.
My beach house is surreal, is a high water mark,
is the heart of all the radio left in this world.

But I am here writing technical reports
about environmental beasts in Massachusetts,
in New York in Connecticut where I think

people stuff air, drive slow and waste everything.
I can tell by the aerial maps that geography is
tethered by our parceled teeth of desire.

In the office I whisper, love is urban
a little too loud but no one decides to hear
and so I scribble it on the FOIL and send it

to municipalities in search of property records
in search of environmental concerns,
old pre-industrial gas stations with nameless owners.

I like to zoom in and out real neurotic  
When I should be looking for the Site,
with the – Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator.

Instead, I’d like to live between every green space on GoogleEarth,
an ubiquitous witch fevering undulating land,
thighs straddling the seasons between documentation and myth.

Release. Repeat the Response Action Outcome.
Instead, I envy the road – all wide open
yawn stripe and ticking yellow. I’d write,

"Tank Status: Removed," in purple chalk across
the brick and vinyl siding of all the buildings on Columbus Avenue.
This morning I am impossible.

This morning I believe I am Earth and I can’t say no
to the height of caffeine in subterranean climates
and the reflection my mouth makes swallowing navy blue,

waves like falsity, waves like any nation flag
under screen.  I often think an office is not a space,
there would be less sighing, there would be love in action.
Anna Oct 2013
Please forgive me for my lack of meter and form of a paragraph. Let me take you to a day in my life, of what was supposed to be the conclusion, on February 9th, 2013. I was on the floor of my bedroom, the cold wood no match for my fevering body. My hollow gaze melting into the green walls, the picture collages of magazine cutouts I spent whole weekends arranging. There were no tears. No feelings beside this hungry ache of emptiness. The clenching grip of depression enclosed around my ribcage.

There were no tears because my mind was made up.

I drew the razor blade  across the fair delicate skin on my wrist, perpendicular. I just wanted to feel something. One. Two more times, crimson paint flowing down my arm, onto the wooden floors. Steady stream, throbbing pain.

It wasn't until my head was light and vision blurry that I noticed my mistake. I cut too deep. But there were no tears. No feelings. Besides acceptance that my time has come. I slowly closed my eyes involuntarily, giving into the soft waves.

Feeling the grip loosen.
Rose Feb 2017
I sit still and stare secretively at your fragile figure.

Your shivering skin screams while you sleep in your twin sized bed,

As your blight bones rapidly rattle with fevering fear.

Your exasperating eyes open to expeditiously escape your nauseating nightmare.



You awake to a repulsive reality worse than your immense imagination.

My heartbeat exhilarates excitedly,

When the damaged door frantically flies open,

The shrieking sound of wood carelessly colliding with the wall,

Is intentionally ignored by sleeping ears dreaming in denial,

As I wildly watch him stormily stumble like a gigantic giant,

Into your room.

Your battered body quivers quickly like an anxious animal.

You are the petty prey and he is the havoc hunter.

You use your cobalt comforter like a shield, to protect your shaking skeleton,

As you try to hide from the morbid monster who sedately sleeps down the hall.

The sour scent of bitter beer fills my nose as he places a filthy finger on your trembling lips.

He tragically tears the blue blanket away, destructively destroying your shield.

His terrible touch turns you hard, like a stiff statue,

Resulting in fierce feelings of shame and guilt, to wash wildly over you like a titanic tidal wave.

He painfully penetrates and turbulently thrusts into your collapsing core,


Your illumined innocence and your beauteous body,

As his monstrous moans carefully cloud your cries as he explodes like a boiling bomb.

Once  he leaves your blemished bedroom, you savagely grab onto me.

"I wish I was a superhero, like you Spiderman."

He cries as terrified tears tear across his face,

Leaving salty streaks and creating secluded scars.

But I cannot protect you.

So I am no superhero.

I think to myself.

As I let you cry onto my stuffed shoulder,

The only thing I can do,

Because I can't talk.

I can only keep sinister secrets.
tloco Jul 2015
Love’s bounty
The nurturing ***** blooming with beauty naturally borne
Affectionately passed along taught through the smallest cares the soul shares
Passion makes the high rush like feelings of a long crush
Couple left wandering in their fevering desire of bliss waiting upon each other’s kiss
The simplest songs and choirs of angels adore the heart beats and sight of loveseats
Take your fill of love and grow become with it and know
reverie Aug 2018
sealed under an iron oath
signed out by our own accord
nothing much we could be hoping for

ligatures of our time
dematerializing right before my eyes

between desert outskirts
and your desperate, sobbing words

tides of love and warmth
wash me back to our earth
your shadow glazing
and open arms,
this time unarmed
leaving us bare
and for once

what we were
and what will be
no mountain or sea
would dare endanger
you know this
we’ve always been of a somewhat stranger flavor

a bond forged with urgent certainty
and our skin melting as one
fevering in boiling burgundy
under this dried out sun
that moves from its mooring: it was from interstice
          to intersection somewhere in Poblacion.
          I was once there, looking for loose change beside
          the market. Quickly I began as though an impression
          was made past the kiosks dense with the matrimony
          of the tabloids and print: its dearth on the streets
          of Plaridel. Mud caked at the grey backs of gutters,
          a spectacle
                                              of leaves on the ground like deft
          hands place them there for empires.

         the first that I touched: wind,
         last: your face, wind was it only that you and I were
                          never off-tangent, always, minus the blindfold,
             seeking endlessly as though things refuse to be found,
              pulsing in the heat of hiding grace.

          and goes back to its source: something too splayed for science,
          only too easy with a child’s fancy – chauffeurs playing checkers,
          crossing each other out within conjunctions – much you or I,
          our weights syndetic and our weightlessness, imagined – as if phrasings
          loose like waters from the spigot left open: mother arrives, haranguing.
                       like how it was simple for the wind to remind us fit to this
                 meet constantly receiving your incidence, and my place stilled
                to familiar topographies.

          a window is left open, with its hands in the terminal of silence
                holding light like obdurate stone; the surrender registers
                with grievous art, you curved like a bent question mark,
           or a swollen oblation borrowing its sheen from the ****
                    of bobbing beacons – the candid Manilascape you kept on
                           fevering for              like an open sentence

               only to find its birth.
carve you, me,
made godly a being from
kink of Earth when all
hands and the leprous
sneer of folding pavement sway
swing a swift embrace,
bringing a face
when you read me blind,
crooning a tune
when you reverberate me deaf,
touching me warm
when you swarm me coldly,
fevering me a saltine sweat
when you chase around
a fleeting image,
preening through the impedance
or was it a dance
when you move me, limbless—
leitmotif lures
    to nets of waiting
when you break the hue
   of an adjusted format
telling no lost piece; oh, you,
i, our strangeness, our fondled ways,
  our being taken away to care
for only rogue night. our
   having chanced upon each other
in between mellifluous slowness
   of paces and our frequent sojourns,
  looking for something
Classic rock
Her beauty strikes in heart
Heartless my draught mind
Yet, walking alone a long distance
Understanding dreams with reality
A connection simply seen ...
Flashing her beauty again...

A  fevering fear
Fragrance of past
Still exist
In core of heart
Artistic touchwood
Kissing dream
In fifth wheel ...

Gone at mountains height...
But, still ....
Memories remains...
Bombarding electromagnetic waves
Mechanically cosmic energy

Rosing mind...
With Rose

Where Rose gone?

— The End —