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brandon nagley Dec 2016

Sometimes angel's don't always fly,
Sometimes their amongst us;
In human form as disguise.


Sometimes angel's don't always soar,
They canst be thy child;
Or thy neighbor next door.


Sometimes angel's don't always wear wing's, they canst crieth, they bleed;
They art thy son's, daughter's,
Poet's, feins.


Sometimes angel's take upon them mortal flesh, yet they giveth their blood for other's; til their souls art ****, undressed.


Sometimes angel's don't walk through wall's, sometimes they build those bridges, work night's or morn's, their backs art torn;
Their hands art raw.


Sometimes angel's art poor and rich,
Some abide in prison cell's, some hath seen heaven-hell; some give the raiment off their shoulder's, some work in muck, other's grit.


Sometimes angel's cant spell nor write, yet in times of hurt, their the ones polite; pouring out their love as God doth command.


Some angel's speak in silence, other's with distress in their eyne; some angel's hold up sign's reading
"This is the end of time".


Some angel's art from the middle East, other's from places cold, some on warm sandy ground, some in the divided land of the free, some down in Mexico;

Some angel's hide in mountain's,
Where the smoke doth never clear;
Some sleep near Creeks, in huts, in street's; some hath none home,
Some art cast away's- by their
Families considered freak's.


Some angel's art light, and yet some art dark, some art Asian, Filipino, Malaysian, Chinese, Pakistani, African, Indian; all hath dreams.

Some eat fast cooked poisons, made from restaurants, other's chow with just their finger's or plow's, the opulent with forks and glitz;
Steak and egg's with clean shaved head's.


Some angel's sleep in ghetto's, meadow's, gutters; other's watch in heaven, looking down upon another.


Some angel's lie and wait for what tomorrow brings, smiles on their face, yet heart's crying; with sickness or losing their place.

Some angel's art right in front of thee, though thou canst not see;
Those angel's art the poet's
Whom hath given me strength
In mine time of need.


So dear poet and Poetess, to those whom hast prayed for me in love; I thank thee, now look above, for God's glow is in this room, I feel his presence, I wilt tell thee truth.

The truth is this dear poet's, friend's of mine; forever show the creator's love and forgiveness, for those art God's commands, as Jesus stands beside me.........

He hold's mine hand.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Dedicated to all the poet's praying
for me and thinking of me in such a hard time I'm going through. I've been pretty sick lately so wanted to thank each and every one of you while I am ok. As putting all into gods hands. And for anyone who doesn't know yeshua hamashiach( meaning in Hebrew Jesus the Messiah as savior I have many links on my page links below plus in poems how to accept Christ as your savior. He died for all of you no matter what wrong you've done in life or continue to do. We have the son of God who died for all mankind's sin's for atheist, agnostic, Buddhist, Muslim, satanist. Pagan, witchcraft dabbler. Doesn't matter who you are. My Jesus loves each of you so much and wanna know how to be saved in him and why please look in past writing's on salvation and truth what's coming to this planet as is already happening now. I know this poem probably won't be very liked because i mention my lords name. As Christ told his believers long ago ( they would hate me because they first hated him) and how sad that is when he died rose again the Third day for every single human. You want truth seek Christ before to late. Because he is the life. He is life love forgiveness and the only way to heaven. Pray you accept him as Lord and Savior if haven't yet.

God bless.
Your friend Brandon nagley.

Note to fellow Christians( keep strong always look to Lord, and always I mean this with strong words
( ALWAYS show others love even if hated, if one takes your cloak give them the other also. If one snacks your cheek turn your other to them as well that they may smack the other. Take no vengeance. God's will be done not yours. Always always always FORGIVE one another and love one another. And you are the temples in which the holy spirit dwells, let God work in you let God's love flow through you like you flow words on your phone and laptop. Let God's forgiveness he gave you be given to all. Holding no bitterness or grudges in your human heart. God's greatest command to you and me is love so give it. Loving God first especially by keeping his words) commands, and loving man next no matter what they do or have done to you. Step out of the world yes it's hard sometimes as I got my own issues battling the flesh so I judge noone but trust God. We're saved by grace of God through our faith in Jesus Christ. Let not that faith die but live it out daily. Listen to another, help another. Let God soften your hearts he's the Potter we the vessels. Let God's love shine out of you be not of the world for the world knows its own as our Bible spoke but God knows who are his. So live for Christ because we are his fellow Christian. And be not weary our Lord will call soon , as Bible speaks we won't know the day nor hour Christ will come for us but we ( WILL know) even by all the signs when it's at the doors. And he's knocking at the doors by all signs. Be ready for Christ's calling ( bride of Christ) meaning the church Christ is coming for his Bride. Be ready Christians heed my words. You don't always have tomorrow or tonight get things right now with loved ones you hurt, friends, family. Anyone youve hurt apologize to. Anyone your holding anger against forgive them today. Anyone youve never said you love them to say it. Make wrongs right and rights better. Let others see Christ because his spirits in you. Stop sleeping look around what's happening and be ready for the trumpet to blow.
With love
Poet Brandon.
Canst- means can in archaic form.
Thy- your.
crieth- another form of ( cry).
Art- are.
Abide- live, stay.
Hath- have.
Raiment- clothes, clothing.
Doth- form of does.
Eyne- eyes old form.
Chow+/- eat.
Opulent- very wealthy, rich.
Lie- as in position laying.
Thee or thou means+ you.
Mine- my.
Renata Jackson Jul 2011
Back in Baltimore
That was the real days
Every week, all the heat went by in a haze
When the bell rings, we’re hoppin' on the train
Lookin’ at all the feins and that's a **** shame
But they’re not on the brain

Back in B-more.

Cuz back in Baltimore, that **** was *******,
Even through all the gore, we still cherish it...
We want some more. We want some more.

Now, I'm sittin’ on my stoop,
Waitin' on some dude,
To come buy me a ring
Or pass me some of that tree.
And the humidity, nah it doesn’t bother me,
Me and the girls, we’re still hittin' up the Gallery

Inner harbor, Lexington Market, and all the jocks
They just want the junk, they’re all clowns, they’re all punks
But we got just what they want.

Now it's calm, we're on our way home
This day was the bomb, we're dialin' all our phones
Let's gossip 'bout our day
And hope these days don’t ever fade away.

Cuz, back in Baltimore, that **** was *******,
Even thru all the gore, we still cherish it...
We want some more.  We want some more.
Si je perds bien des maîtresses,
J'en fais encor plus souvent,
Et mes vœux et mes promesses
Ne sont que feintes caresses,
Et mes vœux et mes promesses
Ne sont jamais que du vent.

Quand je vois un beau visage,
Soudain je me fais de feu ;
Mais longtemps lui faire hommage,
Ce n'est pas bien mon usage ;
Mais longtemps lui faire hommage,
Ce n'est pas bien là mon jeu.

J'entre bien en complaisance
Tant que dure une heure ou deux ;
Mais en perdant sa présence
Adieu toute souvenance ;
Mais en perdant sa présence
Adieu soudain tous mes feux.

Plus inconstant que la lune,
Je ne veux jamais d'arrêt ;
La blonde comme la brune
En moins de rien m'importune ;
La blonde comme la brune
En moins de rien me déplaît.

Si je feins un peu de braise,
Alors que l'humeur m'en prend,
Qu'on me chasse, ou qu'on me baise,
Qu'on soit facile ou mauvaise,
Qu'on me chasse, ou qu'on me baise,
Tout m'est fort indifférent.

Mon usage est si commode,
On le trouve si charmant,
Que qui ne suit ma méthode
N'est pas bien homme à la mode,
Que qui ne suit ma méthode
Passe pour un Allemand.
Sonnez, sonnez haut sur la joue,
Baisers de la franche amitié,
Comme un fils de neuf ans qui joue,
Petit tapageur sans pitié.

Baiser du respect qui s'imprime
À la porte du cœur humain,
Comme avec l'aile d'une rime,
Effleurez à peine la main ;

Baiser d'affection armée,
De la mère au cœur noble et fier
Sur le front de la tête aimée,
Vibrez mieux que le bruit du fer.

Baiser d'affection aînée,
Ou de mère, le jour des prix,
Sur chaque tête couronnée
Laissez-vous tomber, sans mépris.

Baisers d'affections voisines,
Voltigez du rire joyeux
Des sœurs ou des jeunes cousines
Sur le nez, la bouche ou les yeux ;

Baiser plus doux que des paroles,
Baiser des communes douleurs,
Ferme en soupirant les corolles
Des yeux d'où s'échappent les pleurs :

Baiser de la passion folle
Baise la trace de ses pas,
Réellement, sans hyperbole,
Pour montrer que tu ne mens pas.

Baise un bas ourlet de sa robe,
L'éventail quitté par ses doigts,
Et si tout objet se dérobe,
Feins dans l'air de baiser sa voix ;

Et si l'on garde le silence,
Tu dois t'en aller, c'est plus sûr ;
Mais avant ton aile s'élance
Et tu t'appliques sur son mur.

Reviens plus joyeux que la veille,
Mouille son ongle musical,
Les bords riants de son oreille.
Que le monde te soit égal !

Baiser du désir qui veut mordre,
Pose-toi derrière le cou,
Dans la nuque où l'on voit se tordre
Une mèche qui te rend fou.

Sur sa bouche et sur sa promesse,
Profond et pur comme le jour,
Plus long qu'un prêtre à la grand messe,
Oubliez-vous, Baiser d'amour.
Joel Johnson Sep 2016
What a gift
traded for love
without haste
where crashing waves
steal hearts beating
nearer there, washing ashore
farther it feins
drifting from home

For better ways
a majestic ringing in the air
what else sounds
as it was
meant to carry forward
these days
specially placed
Que me servent mes vers et les sons de ma Lyre,
Quand nuit et jour je change et de mœurs et de peau,
Pour aimer sottement un visage si beau !
Que l'homme est malheureux qui pour l'amour soupire !

Je pleure, je me deuls (1), je suis plein de martyre,
Je fais mille Sonnets, je me romps le cerveau,
Et ne suis point aimé : un amoureux nouveau
Gagne toujours ma place, et je ne l'ose dire.

Madame en toute ruse a l'esprit bien appris,
Qui toujours cherche un autre, après qu'elle m'a pris.
Quand d'elle je brûlais, son feu devenait moindre ;

Mais ores que je feins n'être plus enflammé,
Elle brûle de moi. Pour être bien aimé,
Il faut aimer bien peu, beaucoup promettre et feindre.

1. Deuls : Du verbe douloir (se désoler, gémir).
I just want someone to hold me
Bring me close , squeeze me tight
Whisper to me "it will al be alright
Who understands me
Knows that I'm coming down
The things I speak Arnt clearly me
It's the Addict who feins
Sadly he was never the one
I must set myself free from him
There is plenty
I Will recover &I Will not let the drugs capture me nomore
We meet again
Will there ever be an end ?
Misery Brings you ,
my pain feins dope.
My sadness reaches out for a ****
Why must I listen,
why do I feed on
To the hurt and past
I always let it get to me
Unhappiness loves to find me
Knowing I’m weak & seek tweak to cure me
This is terrible and I’m not sorry
lorsque l'aube encore se fait entendre
par le muezzin et son appel à la prière
une matinée se répète et commence
quand tu y glisses ta main discrètement
y saisis mon sexe et me branle
la douceur de ta main et ta cadence
je feins de dormir et éjacule en silence

je ne t'aime pas et tu me séquestres
tu ne t'aimes pas et tu te séquestres
qui tu es tu ne peux l'être publiquement
en toi il n'en restera qu'invisibles séquelles
je ne t'aime pas mais tu prends soin de moi
travaille pour moi et vis pour moi
car avec moi tu peux être toi
tu veux me posséder, faire de moi ta propriété

or je m'enfuis derrière ton dos
je vis une romance avec le villageois qui m'attire
lui aussi tourmenté par son orientation
il ne m'assume pas et ne s'assume pas
à l'abri des regards dans les bois il me retrouve
et je le prends mais il couvre son excitation
vous deux vivez cachés
pour vivre accepté, ne pas être châtié
déshonoré, déshérité, lapidé
et j'en déplore la regrettable réalité
comme le lybien sur la capitale
nous étions nus et en me massant le dos
il frotte son gland contre ma raie
puis éjacule de honte sur mon derrière
après s'être donné à moi, il s'excuse et se voile
souhaite oublier et ignorer la vérité
lui aussi emporté par ses tourments
s'impliquera plus lors du prochain ramadan

de l'amour tu m’en donnes
me forcer à t'aimer tu essayes
et les valeurs du coran s'en détachent
des chaînes de son enseignement et de sa dictature
tu veux t'en échapper et fuir
faire de toi homme libre de penser et de baiser
faire de toi homme libre d'en aimer un autre
mais il n'est d'homme libre sans tourments

quant à ce mariage organisé
avec la fille de la région lointaine
n’en fleurira uniquement le mensonge de ta vie
marié à de profonds désirs inachevés
aux frontières de l'amour et de la sexualité
oui, ta foi sera ta rédemption
mais aussi ton inerte perdition
car tu es né homosexuel et musulman
et caché pour toujours tu vivras
guidé à être qui tu n'es pas
dans le silence sans fond tu te noieras
et devant tes yeux, ta vie passera et s'en ira
le 31 décembre 2021

— The End —