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robin kemme Feb 2021
She does not meet my gaze
as she enters, she sees me
and exorcises me with a bleak past.

Her consort sailor, sick or moribund.
She felt lonely, herself and only
considers thoughts
to another life with someone else.

Her eyes value
phantasms swimming.
She is a prisoner and beckons me away.
Grace Nottingham Feb 2014
It's September; cold in the copses,
Feverish in the kitchen.
The sink clinks and exorcises
The china like an Italian sonata.
My lips merge into ether
At the sky, a periwinkle parallax
With the pork lard carbon monoxide
Clouds, at drive with suicide.  
My Buddha hisses at the window,
Ripping the tentacles off weedy carrots.

The knives are clever & precise
Hiding in their handled shoals
Like luminescent Jackanapes
Out for the thrill of the ****;
The **** of the stake of steak,
A 'Cow'ardly act.
I wrap the red & dead
Into a Beef Wellington.
It is not pretty at all;
But neither am I.

I'll drink tea to keep my peace,
Swallow my spirituality like a pain killer.
The teabag sags its straggled string,
Scolding me.
The pillbox is dead on the edge
Of the ornamented kitchen sill
A lot like me; sullen and teasing.
I wanted to roast my head like a potato
If the pudding *** over boiled,
A cauldron of sugar and cream
Fattening me ugly and crazy.

The weather is miserable; I mustn't lie,
It's enough to make any young woman want to die.
Stirring my thoughts with the dishes,
Trashing potato peels like my wishes.
And the stacks and stacks of ****-me pills
Surround like troops in their barricade cupboards.
I have no allies,
Everyone is asleep;
I curl up like a fat snail and weep
Blackening the words of the miracle-working Priest.
Inevitable Dec 2015
i may be a demon.
i honestly think we all are.

but its the person that exorcises you,
that shows you love and forces you to fall.
clxrion Oct 2015
It was the sea shallow
Deep with sediment
Memory; adrift in tide
Sand moats and small dams
Crumbling with each pull
Rebuilt before the last sunset
Backwash - cracked shells and polished stones
Some pretty in dull coats
Sea spray salt deposits
Woundless but itching
Caving mounds silenced
Nightfall exorcises the waves
Ghosts surge and cease: lunar
Ebb and tide resumes anew
I shall set down the *****
An unnatural friendship, a weary mind.
Mikaila Dec 2012
There is a type of perfect summer rainstorm that exorcises the heat from the ground in billows of mist and makes the world hazy.
The lightning sets the trees into relief and every so often a little light leaf will float to the ground.
The thunder rumbles, the sky crackles, and the clouds are leaden and low in the sky, brushing the treetops.
The rain makes it look like they are falling on you when you look up.
It catches in your eyelashes and strokes the side of your face with little rivulets of water, it plays in your hair and swirls around your ankles, a warm melody.
I met a girl once with eyes like a rainstorm.
Their steady gaze has never left me, for it felt like standing in one to meet it.
Rachel Finn Mar 2013
I cannot see the
Demons that had followed you here
Love exorcises
James Schreiber Aug 2021
Get it out

The bubbling needs some ventilation
Where            Is.               The.              

Valve? Yay! You.U. FOUND IT

Exorcises in write therapy…….

For starters, I give up.
Nat Nov 2020
When I cry I smile to life
Energy injected my projected sorrows
I am the one who cries words and my pen I shall
Into a torch transform
Steal the fire from the Gods
and bathe my mischief in red waters

But when my smile vanishes
And my colours are by the unforgiving black cunningly abducted
Then my soul I shall kiss goodnight
And with the icy knife of sedation
In the quiet night ****** it
Do not forget!
I am the one who writes
The one who shadows unwrites
and exorcises fears
Heavens now I cry!
Let it rain...

— The End —