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faithlessdrum Jan 2015
how to replicate a call option

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There are two types of options   call options (right to buy) and put options      The objective in creating a replicating portfolio is to use a  bination of riskfree    
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Call and put options; The law of one price; Put call parity; Binomial valuation  Options     This payoff can be replicated by a portfolio of stock and risk free bonds
Section        replicating a call option   Actuarial Outpost
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"Delta can be interpreted as the number of shares needed to synthetically replicate the option  A call option can be replicated by buying shares    
Replicating portfolio   Wikipedia  the free encyclopedia
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In mathematical finance  a replicating portfolio for a given asset or series of cash flows     For example  bonds and equities can be used to replicate a call option
replication   How to replicate a digital call option    
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             Call Option S     K     Payoff   (option is not available) How can i replicate this (payoff) with calls and puts with strike prices with multiples    
Can we replicate a call option without borrowing and make it    
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Jan            I learned how to price a European call option using this video lecture  The considered case is very simple  The call option gives the right to buy    
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What is the value of a call option with a strike price of $   ? (Assume r    %)     replicating portfolio must equal the price of the call option  ○ C   ΔSt B    
[PDF]Replicating portfolios • Buy a number of shares  ∆  and    
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Mar            dS∆ + erB  S∆ + B  • Choose ∆ B so that portfolio replicates call       (The fact that call options have higher risk (both systematic and total) than the    
Replicating an Option in the Binomial Model   Ftsnet  
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Replicating a Call Option in the Binomial Model (Assuming Discrete  pounding)  

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how to replicate a call option
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til mig

— The End —