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Eid reven nac taht eno... Latrommi ma I
Thgil eht gniruoved... Ssenkrad eht ma I
Edisni lived eht, sraef ruoy... Eramthgin ruoy ma I
Thgin yreve peels ot og uoy nehw, luos ruoy gnilaetS

Mrah yna morf uoy stcetorp taht eno... Ruoivas eht ma I
Nus lanrete eht ekil gninrub... Tghil eht ma I
Dnal esimorp eht ot egdirb a... Ediug ruoy ma I
Dnah efas ni er'uoy erus gnikam, Peels ouy sa ouy gnidrauG

Erif lanrefni eht em ni eveileb... Lived eht ma I
Erised uoy lla gnitnarg ni em etivni, eman ym maercS
Thgif ew lived eht rof htaif yb deneprahs thgil fo drows a...Legna na ma I
Thgink gninihs a, rotcetorp ruoy em otnu llac ythgimla eht fo rewop eht htiW

One may contemplate, doubting their faith,
For some reason with a little suffering they started to hate;
Easily clouded their minds with deception and lies!
That's what devils do before plotting your demise...

One may keep holding on, no matter what is thrown;
For they believe in the almighty, and the coming salvation;
A walk through hell, a test of their own will and faith
For never a moment the devil tried blinding their sight

We are our own angels and devils
With free will we live a life with choices
A path through darkness where the devil lies
A stairway to heaven where the almighty shines

You need a mirror to talk to your self
Ask something that you will not regret
What kind of person soon you'll become
A soldier of God or an army of satan...
Tracey Murphy May 2011
I am angry.

You should be angry. We should all be angry.

It was breakfast in Tripoli when she burst into the Rixos hotel housing foreign journalists bleeding, bruised and burned by ropes. She went there because they would listen. She wanted to tell the world her story.

Gadhafi’s forces held her against her will for 2 days being tortured and ***** by 15 different men. Her body displayed the proof.

When she spoke up her government was quick to stifle her. Called her a *******. Questioned her sanity.  Security suppressed her. Even her own people called her a traitor. She was drug off to a waiting car and we haven’t heard from her since.

She is the very definition of courage. She stood up for herself and her people, knowing the consequences of her actions might lead to her end.  
She dared to stand in a crowded room, scream at the top of her lungs, and demand the world’s attention. And for so long, no one noticed. Until someone finally looked up.

I feel like I should be comforted by this fact. The fact that her story was told and now we know the disturbing way Gadhafi’s government operates. But it doesn’t change anything. I’m still angry. It wasn’t just her honor that was violated.  It’s every woman in Libya. In Iraq. In Sudan. In Afghanistan. In America.
Every woman afraid to swim, paralyzed by the fear that they will create waves. Every woman in dangerous places seeking safety and security. Every woman who is disrespected and devalued and disregarded and dominated. Every woman who is made to believe she is inferior and that she is only worth what is in between her legs.

I want to do more. I want to bring change. I want to open eyes. I want to start a revolution. I want to teach women to swim so that they won’t drown. I want them to kick and splash and cause a tsunami and knock down societies that threaten the worth of a woman. I want to march into when Eman is being held and demand for her freedom. I want her integrity cleared. I want to beat down oppression with my own two fists.

But instead I sit in the dark and I cry and I pray. Watching the news, being angry and afraid. Her name was Eman al-Obeidy. She was a mighty and bold priestess. When they destroyed her temple, she stood up on the mountain and preached a message of justice and social change and necessity. And she was silenced in front of our very eyes. The memory of her face still fresh in our minds and her song resonating in our hearts saying, “TAKE ACTION.”
Eman AQ Jul 2015
I want the rope to rip
Once I've actually tried to leap off the wooden chair, that is
And I hate myself for being so willing
To oblige to Jones' orders

It wont hurt, right?
Maybe only for the first few seconds
I can take several more seconds of pain
I bet it hurts less than Jones' punches

Maybe even Sarah would miss me
She replied to my confession on her desk with a heart
And said she liked the daisies

But it's not like she'll see me on Monday
Because either way, I'd be dead
Jones said it himself yesterday
Just like the movies, he wanted "off with my head"

For some reason I'm still tempted
To free my neck from this rope
Even though I was always born
An extra to this world

Then how I wish
The legs of this chair would break
And once I was safe from the rope
I hope the floor-boards separate

Once I'm sunk in though
I don't want the floor to close-up
I just want a hiding spot
Where I could hide for months

Away from baby Johnny
That's ****** up my share of motherly love
From the minute his eyelids parted
In the background, I have been shoved

Futher away from the other Charlie in the mirror
Who seems to have a habit
Of going hands on hips when I see him
And telling me to run-off

Away from Jones
Far, far away please
I'll stay here for ever if I have to
Just make sure he doesn't find me

I shouldn't have done it
No, not **** myself
Why, oh, why did I
Answer back to the devil himself?

I still can't wrap my head around
Why I decided to speak up
It's not like Jones will shiver and whimper
Just the way I do when he destructs

Deep breaths Charlie
Four-eyed Max leaped off his chair last week
If that old nerd could do it
Stop being a sook and do it already

*~Eman A.Q
stranger Sep 2022
gravat între degete
e un simțământ, o dominanță
al meu de deținut, al meu de păstrat
ochii mei o sfioasă prelingere, sub limbă picură, gheață
vreau să eman, vreau să atrag orice suflare pe care îmi pun ochii-
ai pierdut, punct lovit.
am gravat între degete,
ce e în vis ajunge și în realitate iar undeva mâna ta alege, privirea curge
pe mine.
hai caută, ce am de gând să-ți dau cu atâta grație
arată-mi căldură să simți *** mă topesc, *** băltesc de dor, *** implor o admirație.
te rog atinge ce nu a mai fost de atins, vreau să simt asurzitor cât de mult sunt dorită
nimic mai mult - o clipă de compromis.
strânge tot ce poate fi eu să nu mai respir
împachetează coastele acestea într-o gura de aer împrumutată, ține-o suvenir.
ia-mă cu totul nu mai vreau să simt eu, te rog.
înlocuiește această uzură de zi cu zi cu o obsesie demnă de urmărit, vreau să simt *** mă vrei în disperare- caută-mă
ce contează motivația, mângâie acest schelet inedit și neted, iartă-mă că doar atât *** fi.
un parazit ce-ți vrea atingerea pentru un moment de liniște.
zilele se joaca de a zeii cu mine iar eu sunt un simplu pion mânuit

— The End —