We were walking in a an enchanted place
A great Cathedral like Notre Dame in its midst a
A Renaissance fair played all about us. Crafts
People were making beautiful artizan glassware
I wanted show her all the beauty of this world but
She kept disappearing and I feared I would not
Be able to finder her but then she would reappear
Again I would try to get her to take an interest in the
Magnificent creations. But when she looked they all
Would turne to dross. Then she would go again I knew
Not where and my heart ached so terrible was it to lose
Her. Then she returned the final time and I pressed her
Beneath me and breathlessly said I Love You- It Was
Said without aforethought from the depths of my soul.
tt was thus I understood that My Love,is the Lord my
God was a jealous God who was saying show Me: Your
Love. Put no treasures before m eand I will be yours -
But lest you misunderstand it was sweet and playful to
The End