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Azura Skye Jun 2015
Gotta take a ‘selfie’ before I’m outta bed                                            
Mum calls me down for breaky - Open Facebook up instead        
My sister dobs me in – I tell her to take a hike                      
Quick up load the photo, and hope I getta ‘like’.          

       Gotta take a ‘selfie’, gotta getta ‘like’                                            
Dad says it isn’t healthy, my sister says I’m ‘psych’            

   Take my Ipad into class, gotta get the high score                            
English teachers raving – But poetry’s a bore                            
She catches me on ‘chat room’ and takes away my phone        
Beg my friend for last year’s modal, I gotta getta loan.

Gotta take a ‘selfie’, gotta getta ‘like’                                            
Dad says I should get healthy- I take a gopro on my bike

Grumble to my parents – Life just isn’t fair                                    
I haven’t got my Iphone and no one wants to share                    
Mum doesn’t want to hear it, she has no sympathy                  
  Just as well there’s X-box, and by Mp3

Gotta take a ‘selfie’, gotta getta ‘like’                                                
Don’t tell me to think healthy, I think my brain’s on strike.
Sarina May 2013
If I take too long in the bathroom,
it is because I write poems about you while I ****.

Sometimes typed, sometimes portrayed
by morse code:
tampons in a wicker basket and toothpaste dobs.

I can form your ***** exact in inches and vein
just using these utensils
in the mornings
because I am seventeen and you
have just been inside me or inside my reveries.

I have enough memories for an old woman
and had enough *** for an old man.
To be happy, I must feel you swimming through
me even when our date-water leaves
and sometimes I get wet writing, remembering.

If I take too long in the bathroom,
it is because I write poems about you while I ****.

If I take too long in the bathroom,
I know you are listening in the room next door.
Robert Guerrero Jul 2013
May I have your attention please
This is not a hoax
There have been reports
Of a mass suicide
Death count has reached over
800,000 per 1,000,000 people per year
Most commonly happens to youths and females
This is a plead with the nation
A global catastrophe
So please listen and try
To understand what is happening
In our society today
When you see a young adolescent
Comment on how hard he works
Not on his skin color or his preference in clothes
Nor his ideas about life
When you see a female
Don't call her ugly
Don't call her fat
Don't disregard her in any means
Compliment her on her eyes
The way she smiles
Make the world a better place
If you see a youth in distress
Offer some assistance
This Is A Public Announcement
Please do not disregard
A life might just be saved
If you listen for once
Help your fellow man out
We are all we have
This is Robert Guerrero
With DOBS News saying
Thank you and goodnight
DOBS stands for Diary Of Broken Souls.
Mikaila Jan 2015
There's something about paint
That begs to feel skin
Something about
How smooth it is,
How it can rise and fall in little dobs and smudges.
Sometimes when it's very late
And I am painting and my palette is a whirl of color
I press my palms right into the middle of it
Like a child
And I settle them there, making sure every ridge and wrinkle is covered.
When I pull back and see the design
I always like my hands much better than before.
And then I think
Why stop at hands?
I stand and strip off what clothing I'm still wearing
And look at my body in the mirror,
All white and shining in the dimness, a sliver of bone
And I make it different with my hands.
I have always wanted to do it with a lover-
To cover her in painted handprints and have her cover me,
To wear the evidence of every place we touch
In the colors that blend on our skin.
Alone in the mirror,
I place careful palms on my stomach, my legs, my *******, my shoulder.
I do it until I like the dissymmetry of myself.
I step back,
And wonder why I feel that I look more natural like this
Than bare.
A tumble of black hair, a sheath of white skin,
And on it
Fiery orange and icy blue
Poison green and violet
Blood red and blushing pink
All swirled and smudged, holding the shape of my fingerprints,
And I am more me
Than I was before.
Later it will dry and crack like clay.
Later I will shed it like a second skin, fascinated by its uneven splattering.
It will slough off, painless and mesmerizing, and I will be what I was before-
A sliver of bone.
But for now I am a canvas, and tonight, for once, I have not been left
I never got to hear your voice
Remaining silent with anticipation
I thought of you, what you may hide within
a pillow, or a slab of clay
How your expression lingered, prepared
blank and austere yet flush
Would I feel thawing satin
beneath, your thighs
slowly unspanning, your flesh
ready for attention

You hear me come
Inside some walls
And gather heat toward yourself
Your eyes engage my willingness
an empty naive gesture
"Is this the place?" I wonder, in my head

No one is really speaking here
the person I perceived you were
rises from a fluffy polyester comforter
Clumsy and ensnared
By a memory of something I can only dream

If I gave you just one word
we would fall together
Like two dobs of marshmallow puff
melting into the dark wood floor
Sticky and diffuse

But it's too easy in this moment
to let it slip away
Sighing, I imagine
one day you'll say
"this is the place"
and then tell me your name

— The End —