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Micheal Wolf Sep 2012
It was an accident! We didt mean to it, well it just happened. The cold steel rhetoric of the kitchen knife cutting into his ribs deep to the hilt. The same way his ***** had accidentally slipped into her best friend. The only accident was her coming home before he came and she went. The rest, the bed, the bend over the kitchen knife. A'll planned my Lord.
samuel hdz Feb 2013
What i would give to have you back in my life.
For a smoke and a nagging lecture.
The advice still rings in my head.
Go to school,
Go to work,
Take care of your brothers,
Life isnt all about partying.
God ****** chemo! Youre way to old to be doing this ****!
All of clear as day.
I understand now.
Im sorry, at the time it just sounded like another rant.
But it stuck a little too late but it stuck.
Thank you for being there. Thank you for telling me anything.
Thank you for showing me what a real man is sappoused to be.
Hard working, humble, respectful, and a family man.
Your time came too soon. And we didt learn enough.
Looking down the hallway, knowing youll never walk out of the room.
That ill never be woken up when its time to go to work.
That im left to bleed my own raidiator, change my own oil, and change my brakes.
I got this! Thanks to you.
Dont worry wherever you are. Rest easy and let us handle what we have to now.
We didnt deserve you. But we got lucky.
Till we see eachother in the other realm .
Happy birthday grandpa!
I love you! I miss you!
Legend has it that citizens of Ireland would wear customs to "trick" the demons away and letting them know they were apart of them on the contrary pumpkins with carved faces begin it was originally said that witches would take skulls and place coals in them to summon spirits and brew up many spells on this special day the story of the Jack o lantern legend has it that jack was a guy who tricked the devil into climbing a tree then carving a cross on it to trick the devil nevertheless the devil asked Jack to let him down and Jack said only if you promise not to take my soul the devil said ok then Jack eventually died he didt make a way to heaven nor he'll so Jack wondered restless in search for a place to rest
So is it harmless spirits roaming the night witches brewing up spells casting spells placing curses on people rotting candies ? Yes it is a very demonic holiday but not as merely as demonic as Saturnalia
Warren-Johnson Aug 2018
Wish I was more!
Wish I could have wowed her so that no fight could be to much!
Wish I made that much more of a difference in her life that I’d be the one!
I wish that a misunderstood truth was explained in detail! And not me seen as a liar!
I wish i didt even have this insignificant past ro be questioned!
Oh if only i wish!  
I wish I wish I wish
Hmmm obviously time has proven I am not anyone’s person that valuable! For wishes like these!
A reality I’ll have to somehow learn to live with!
Sadly i hope somehow there is hope but that seems to be just my silly wishfulness alone!
i wish i wish i wish
Maryam Apr 2018
You didt say a word
Though a look explains it all
I never understood stuff like math
Though i read faces like a book

I hate that my mind
Makes your face always

— The End —