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Mercy B Apr 2013
There are two sides of me struggling against each other yet they remain joined in an epic campaign.
Both are determind to remove any obstacle which lies in their way

The constant pull from these two conflicting forces is stifling, their goal to maximize my pain.
Together they make me whole, but their differences are as drastic as the night is to the day.

I swear some moments  I can hear the moon lit sky calling out to me.
When the  taste of the wind makes everthing burst into a magnificent spark.

Within a flash I'm drowing a million hands drag me to the bottom of the sea.
In this frenzy I'm left silently screaming ,scared and in the dark.

There are times when the love within me almost consumes me, my entire heart and soul, it has a furious intensity only matched if the sun and moon would collide.
Without warning a nothingness slowly starts to creep thrusting me into a darkness, swallowing my everything , from it I can not hide.
The purity in which I can feel some emotions is nearly impossible to bare.
The force behind them starts to frantically grow until it begins devouring me.

Keep your head held high I whisper, as our eyes  deadlock in a wandering stare.
Reminding myself that they are only able to see the me I choose  them to see.
Nothing will end this, this ever-ending pain, this knife in my chest, it won't go, it will only dig deeper, it's determind to stay, it's hiding, waiting, hiding away.
Nothing will break this, this emptyness I feel, trying to work out what is and what isn't, trying to stay alive, just survive, trying to find the light, trying to figure out what is good, what is real.
I tried.
I did.
I promise I tried to succeed.
But all that I try, all that I do, all that I am, is not good enough, this thing, it won't leave.
Like a scent it clings, sinks into my skin,
just waiting, waiting, waiting, until I give up, until i give in.

I think to myself, long and hard, should I give in? I think that i should,
but then they win, the fear wins, and I lose, I lose to my fears and they laugh and cheer, at my failed attempt to live my life, live life in the clear.
The past won't let go, won't let go of me, it has me captive, I can no longer see, see anything, anything that is good for me, anything that will help me be, and the darkness, oh the darkness, it's waiting to pounce, when i'm nearly out of hope, nearly on the ground, then it will take me, it will take me , it will take me down, and the silence will drown, I will drown, in the silence until i'm out.

But what if I manage to see the light?
What if I can win?
what if I don't lose this fight?
what if I don't give up?
what if I don't give in?

If I win, I will tell you,
then we can laugh at the darkness as I live on through,
we can be the ones who survived,
who survived at the worste of times.

I will win.
I will survive.
James Hedrick Nov 2014
Wisedom is to know the difference between your faith and religion.
  Stupidity is to not know either.
They say war isn't an action but an emotion fueled by rage and anger..
   I say war isn't part of what we do but who we are,
Its in our nature.

People now days have confused strength with confidence and how far one is willing to go...

We judge the people around us before we meet one another.
  We pick and choose people to hate an people to love without making choices.

They say YOU can change but you have to change yourself...
  Better said than,
The world is gonna change and your status will be determind by your wealth.
   Saying "money over everything" is like saying "**** everyone else",
But to put that in action is like admitting you'd rather live by yourself.

Surrounded by galaxies and a forever reaching domain

We have a problem admitting we are all one in the same.

Weighted down by opression and smashed by our fears,
We're doomed to work for an eternity beyond your childs years.

Shed tears for our future,
Held back by the weak,
We've been chasing dreams and against reality, dreams will never compete..
   Its hardly a race when your starting in last but we look forward to the future, never questioning the past.
Thank You all for the read's!!!
Ken Pepiton Oct 2020
One of these days I've said I'd learn,
so I could make one up
just as good as can be imagined in

undisneyified-ifity, dereminded to make points,
de-terminated-- determind, resist

the game is not over, it is
not. It is
No game. Stop playing. This is surviving.
We did it.
This is ever after.
You can do anything you think you can make
on some level.
Such a fruit ful day but little that passes for poetry, at first glance
riflores Mar 2018
People see you a fragile a glass.
As weak as thinking that you can collapse.
When they don't believe in you, you've faced the mirror tell to yourself "You believe in me".
What they saw is a atmostphere of you that they wanted to see.
A mentality of superiority versus inferiority.
When you used your mind and heart.
You saw your strengths.
Your mind has a capacity to roll the dice.
You've play the game but your intention is not to win.
Your intention is for them to know that not every game is worth fighting for.
That not every game is worth living for.
You didn't hurt them as the way they hurt you.
Your power doesnt determind how you won the game.
Your strength is your heart.
Your heart can always make a difference.
I apologize my love for all my mistakes,blunders
I never wanted to hurt you but it was all coincidence
But you see every acceptance brings all wonders
So it its good to be sensible to have really  more sense

It is definitely difficult to go through tumultous time
So it is good to focus on the opportunities available
Also to keep silver linings that will manifest the prime
It is how one can be more confident and more stable

Disasters can be changed into miracles if you so desire
No obstacles can hinder you if you are determind to go
All through ruts and ups and downs need to acquire
An sweet smile to face any disaster ,any difficulty or blow  

Colonel Muhammad Khalid Khan

— The End —