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kara lynn bird Jan 2013
The word love,
Isn't even big enough.

There aren't enough stars,
enough sky-
Or even enough space between circulating planets
to desribe how much I love you.

You couldn't count the seconds that I've waited,
The lifetimes that I've lived,
Searching for something bigger than love.
No weight could ever tip this scale-
There isn't a stage big enough,
Or a mountain high enough
to proclaim my feelings for you.

Words just aren't sweet enough and
syllables get mixed up like a foreign language...
A distinguished poem or bestselling novel
would still leave me empty
and looking
For the right word.

No fight could ever be won-
because I am forever in your favor
with a word greater than love,
For my two sons.
Angela Feb 2010
Love and Hate
Soul and Mate
Give and Take
Real and Fake
Stop and Flow
Know and Show
Mine and Fine
draw and line
eyes and cries
live and dies
good and evil
doom and hope
ying and yang

Four letter words simple and true
Are easy to use to desribe me and you
Jey Blu Apr 2018
He feels like home
That's the only way I can desribe it
The way he makes me laugh with every word
Smiles in math class
That cute laugh when he's embarassed
Long black hair
Eyes that sparkle like the ocean
I drown in them
Every side of him is amazing
I can't get enough of him
Every laugh pulls me in
Every bad thought melts away when I talk to him
His voice is perfect
It's sweet and calming and I could listen to him speak all day
We've had our issues
But that doesn't touch the fact that I do love him
And I want to apologize for everything I've said
Leave the past where it is
There's a million other perfect things about him
I don't have the words to give them justice
He doesn't seem to see his perfection
I sure as hell do
I hate this time of year ,It's a time of tears, Because years ago my family faced it's biggest fear. We lost her smile, we lost her eyes, we eventually all said our goodbye's. But each year it never fails this day appears and it's always hard to bear. We talk about those days back than that make us laugh and for a moment it brings her back to life. We miss her everyday not just this time of year but, It seems to hit you in the face cause suddenly the days arrive. We celebrate her life each November 5...We send her all our thoughts and wishes within balloons we've bought. Then we hold each other, wishing she was here and cry. We tell her that we love her as the balloons just fly. We send our hearts to heaven and again say our goodbyes. Each year she consumes us no matter how hard we try because she is the reason we all hate to say goodbye. We never will forget her she's something that we keep with us everyday of our lives.
I miss you Mary I miss you more than word can desribe. You are the light I use to find my my way out of the dark when life tries to hide. I just remember you are at the end of this ride and then there won't be no more goodbyes. I hold your words in my mind so your always by my side . I may not be able to embrae you or see you beautiful smile but I know you always there helping me get by.Thank you for always loving me and staying by my side..kisses and hugs We are TOGETHER FOREVER because with SISTER'S you never say goodbye.....
Rocky G Mar 2014

These are just a handful of names used to desribe me

Because I'm slow to compassion
I find compassion as something to be cherished
Rather than just given out to anyone

Because no one talks down to me
Snarky replies and a sharp tongue protect you
Hurt or get hurt

Because getting too close is dangerous
There's a line not to be crossed between two people
If crossed, your pain is all your fault

For being an introvert
I feel like you
But not as strongly
But it's there
I just don't want you to see
Because that's too up close and personal
And because of that
You say I'll never love, never be loved
And then you wonder why I don't believe in love
You obviously don't show it
But you like to think you do

I'm not like you, and that's not okay
I don't why, but it isn't
Get used to it
I don't care
Rocky Groves © Copyrighted 2014
Madeysin Jan 2015
Running the fine hairs against my palms,
The cold wooden, slick wooden, handle,
Wondering which tree was this tool born from,
Vast colors on every single pallet,
A simple two syllable word,
Could not desribe their rich beauty,
My shaken hand guiding,
The straight and steady paint brush,
Lines lines lines lines,
Dark and light and dark and light,
A swirl of emotions on a piece of paper,
Heart racing,
Mind wandering,
Or just lost,
Not enough color,
Not enough shapes,
Swirls and spirals,
Like spirits in the sky,
Aluminous beauty,
Sprites dancing under mother Luna,
A shabby shacked city,
Full of sleeping children,
Or maybe star crossed lovers,
Maybe the kids from sandlot,
Cause they never really grew up,
Maybe heaven or hell,
But it's beautiful,
And I made it,
I drownd the paint brush,
Into the blackish blueish pool of water,
My finger tips dip into the paint,
Cold and calming,
Like a ghost of a friend,
I use to know,
Smearing the masterpiece into exiestence.
I did my own version of starry night, painted it just like above. And wrote a poem:)
Tyler Apr 2024
Immersed in your story,
   you can't see outside,
rehearsed in this glory,
what does mine hide ?
you wanna believe
you're broken,
  you'll be broken.

Just because it feels normal
does not mean it is.
I couldn't desribe
my reality, I've tried.
Why do these
images keep popping up in
my mind ?
Who is trying
to tell me
and which
are lies ?

I wish I knew it all,
to know how to
handle anything best,
I try to stand tall,
I'd still give it up
to be just anything less.

I wish I knew anything.
I wish I knew anything.
I wish I knew anything.
glass Apr 2019
hearing thoughts alive of sky
summer hours running cry
a changing mark of ashes

I ignore poison poured filling actions forced
language aches of notes entire starting spinal coarse

honey painful self

desribe the concrete plain
washed suicide crash of brighter safety
set moth fades mouth maids
fruit and liquor
raging hazy dreams from couch and bed
lazy days another whiskey crazy

burnt crime cluster grime
customer chained dance
advanced beloved violent passion
stand your ground
keep your stance
a chance of no particular fashion

— The End —