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Claire E Jul 2013
Oh mother,
I was looking at old pictures of you today
Oh how you looked so beautiful
Your olive skin so glowing
Your big brown eyes so knowing
Your pretty white smile showing

Oh mother,
What happened to you?
Your skin never glows anymore
The light in your eyes has gone out
Those pretty white teeth no longer on display
I guess the plight of life has left you gray

Oh mother,
When I was young I wanted to grow up to be just like you
You were perfect in my eyes
So gentle and so wise
But now I question
Were you ever even happy?
Was I just too oblivious to see your sadness?

My heart breaks at the thought
Because if anyone derserves to be happy
It's you
Lauren Johnson Dec 2017
I can feel the lioness inside me
trapped behind the bars in my chest
a quiet flame still flickers in her eyes
but it’s not as bright as before
I can hear her limping
and whimpering
and crying a silent wail of anguish
that echoes throughout my veins and rattles my bones
she’s hurt you chose another over her
but more importantly, she’s hurt that she let someone like you, get so close
and have so much power
over someone like her
she won’t let it happen again.
she is done pacing
she is done waiting
she is done wondering
and even though you are all she could ever want in this world
she derserves better
and she will find it
Zersrol Nov 2018
I am thankful for a friend.
I wonder if she is happy enough sometimes.
I hear sometimes a little shiver in her laugh.
I see her smile decrease when nothing progress.
I want her to know her pain has caught my eye.
I am not the best person ever
So I decide to help others before their mistakes.
I pretend that I am happy to put a smile on her face.
I feel like she needs a friend to fill the gap in her heart.
I touch her to let her know I’m here.
A little tap to bring her back from gloom.
I am appreciative for her being her.
I understand I should not intrude but
I say she derserves better than me leaving her to rot.
I dream about her being happy instead of me.
I try because I hope my dreams become reality for her I hope.
I can help or she can get help.
I am glad she will forever be part of my heart as time goes by.
This is a poem I made in art for thanksgiving and I made it about my friend who was right next to me bc she is one of the most important people in my life rn so I made it to make her happy. So I hope you enjoy this little poem about my beautiful and wonderful friend Zoella ❤️❤️❤️

— The End —