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Sophia Fagone Dec 2013
When I was a little girl I used to sit in the audience and watch, as all the dancers on stage lit up my tiny world. They were fabulous, sparkly and their technique was flawless. I wanted to be up there, and I wanted to be as amazing as them. The pounding of the music, and the atmosphere surrounding me was unbelievable. I was a little girl lost in a big world. I couldn’t wait until that was me, I wanted to be perfect, I wanted to be amazing. Now I am one of the oldest in my class, and I know the girls look up to me. I am trying to be the best role model I can be. I want little girls to be inspired like I was. For generations to come, girls who push themselves to become better, that’s the reason why I dance. I love seeing the progress in people, and myself.
About six years ago I joined my very first hip hop class. I had never taken anything like it before. I was a ballerina, and I wasn’t very graceful. So I thought I’d try something new. I walked into a strange room with strange people. I was so nervous, what if I wasn’t good enough? What if people made fun of me? I still remember the look my teacher DeeDee gave me, it was a welcoming, sort of frightening look. She was a fiery red head, and she was full of energy. She was bouncing around, her curls flying everywhere. Those curls, I had some of my own, but I was determined to hide them, so I straightened them everyday. Her hair was flying and whipping and I couldn’t help but just stare. She was a goddess sent down from heaven to teach me how to be a better dancer. Today my dream job is a dance teacher. I strive to be like DeeDee, and I want to live a life full of dance and kids like she does.  
After  that first year of classes, I still wasn’t the best, but I had come so far. I remember wanting to quit, but DeeDee wouldn’t let me. She said I had potential. This meant so much to me, and it felt so good to have someone believe in me. I kept going at it, and finally I had accomplished moving to the older class. To dance with girls older than me was intimidating but it was also a great learning experience. I was pushed by DeeDee to get better, and I wasn’t allowed to quit. No matter how tough things got, I trusted DeeDee when she told me “Hit it hard” I had good days and I had many bad days, but those bad days were a learning experience and I am better today because of it.
The success and the progress I have made in my past years of dancing have all been thanks to DeeDee St. Peter. Without her I probably would not of had the strength to keep dancing and keep trying. To this day I still have DeeDee as a coach, and we are closer than ever. I can count on her for anything and everything. If I ever need someone to talk to, then I can always go to her. She is a great listener and a wonderful friend. I am not a senior yet, but I know, when the day comes that I dance in her class for my final year, I will cry. I will always keep the lessons I have learned, and the memories we have will be forever with me. DeeDee will forever be my hero, and I couldn’t ask for a better coach, teacher, and friend.
Amee Nov 2014
She was born to my mom, with tiny fingers and hands two
Little hairy, big eyes, lashes pretty and ****

I saw her through glass doors and window panes
Wanted to touch her, hold her, squeeze her like an insane

She kicked her legs quick, crawled, the toddler was wise
Innocence blinked from her beautiful eyes

Raw words blurted out of her mouth
"Deedee, Deedee", louder her shout

Carry her around in my arms everywhere
Tell her a short story, round bed we’d share

Made her do all the naughty things
Break some rules, climb up the grills

I played music of an odd band
She tapped her feet, and clapped her hands

Adorable dress I’d make her wear
Barbie doll, so pretty and stare

Seven pony tails, for fun I tied
Few small fights over which we cried

Hot chocolate every night we share
Never knew so much you would care

Don’t ever stop dancing my little Sis
Swing along the wind, pace brisk
I’ll be here if you need to fall back
Hold your hand tight and never slack
You’re my best friend, you’re my soul
Two of us make best of all
In you a little I live
Luck knew what it had to give
Seeds we sow, little plants we grow
Always know, I love you so
Zombee Sep 2014
here we Are:






Pow­der  Puff  Girls,
"Girls  Girls  Girls",
Girls  Gone  Wild.



Felix....­..the  Cat,
Captain  Jack  Sparrow:
"  Captain".

"Rowrow  Rowyer  Boat",


Denace......the  Menace,­



Beneath......the  ­Bleacher:
Reapers......of  Seeds.

Seeds......of  Chucky,

©  Copyrighted  Jesse  James  Adams
also Likes:


n  Nickelodeon.

so dumb xD
You looked for my buttons
With nerve and steady pace
Licking my muttons
I loved your sweet-
+Of victim's meat
This you sought in loving me
It helps you to feel complete
I know this-
+Do I miss
The way you made me feel?
My heart filled up with zeal
As I-
+About the nights we had
I'm afraid I'll resist
For my health it's-
+For I'm betwixt
A rock and a hard place
Feelings all a mixed
I'm slowly losing-
+This simple musing
Like Dexter's DeeDee
BOOM...My la bora tory
T    y   s    a              g
  o    o   o    m        n
          u          u    i
                     ­     s

My Buttons all scattered
My world a tilt-o-whirl
I fade into red
I hate you stupid girl

Sorry for my hasty reactions
I know I blew my top
You only had the best intentions
But Sweets I couldn't stop

Just like a Sour Patch Kid
Sweet, Sour, Gone
I wasn't sure if you did
Ever love me at all
There is a rabbit in my room
Though, not really.
There is a friend in my room,
Though, not really.
It is stuffed,
It cannot speak,
It lies still,
But it is my friend.
Though, not really.
Juliana Nov 2019
I have an anxiety disorder.
I know, I know.
We all do.

It’s 2019. We’re Gen Z.
We grew up eating Red 40,
and processed sugar’s our religion.

But I have an anxiety disorder.
And ADHD. And a bit of OCD
when it comes to schoolwork.
Or books. Or anything that
does not matter.
But my room? Hahaha,
what’s cleaning?

I have an anxiety disorder.
That phrase goes through
my head several times a day.

I feel the constant buzzing.
My dance teachers used to
tell me to radiate energy
out of my fingertips.
And I do.
My hands tremble constantly,
and I forget to breathe.

I used to be that kid that
always had an imaginary friend.
When I was little,
his name was DeeDee.
But when he went away,
and there were others.
Like characters in a story,
but I could see them. Talk to them.
Now the voices are just in my head.

I have an anxiety disorder.
I like to talk. A lot.
Sometimes I’ll say a sentence
and not get to the point
for an hour.
Ranting’s like a pastime to me.
I’ll just ramble on and on.
Then stop myself.
“So, how’s your life going?”
Two seconds of silence,
Then back to whatever
show, or movie, or teacher
was annoying the hell out of me
whenever this conversation started.

I promise I don’t do this because I
like to hear myself speak.
On the contrary, actually.
I hate it. I hate my voice. I hate my words.
But I can’t face the silence.
Because whatever I say out loud
is a million times better
then the voices in my head.

“Shut up.”
“They don’t care.”
“You forgot to do this.”
“Remember that one time
you said that thing
freshmen year.”

I have an anxiety disorder.
I have ADHD.
I’ll have OCD if I get worse.

And if I could flip a switch
and it would all go away,
I would
in a heartbeat.
Snap my fingers and move to
a deserted island without any
people to judge my every move.
But then I’d be left with the
thing I hate most.
nyant Jul 2019
king by side
queen takes knight,
dusks to dawns,
bishops preying on pawns,
crannies and rooks,
1000 Benji's in The Book,
30 pieces silver all it took,
fishers of men by hook or crook,
ends justify,
ying for the yang,
black for the white,
depths of duplicity,
deadly duality.

The prince of platitudes,
logging for wolves,
specks by his eye,
maybe a stye,
he thought he could see,
learned that he's blind.

Dexter's and Deedee's,
Ed Edd's and and Eddy's,
washed in the red,
sailing unsteadily.

Gotta grind to acquire a k9,
a Cannon or a canine,
merry in the mundane,
simply to stay sane.

Tiger Woods nails a hole in one,
The Lamb nailed a hole in three,
took the L never kept the score,
hoping to see his eaglets soar,
back as a lion ready to roar,
not an apparition he let them feel,
no longer heard the hissing at his heel.

Mirages made in desert thirst,
caused them to stray and whine,
to the point it was fine to dine with swine,
in the cool shadow of his wings their wounds will heal,
for it's for his house he has the zeal,
refining ore he's packed and sealed,
the greatest gift to men revealed,
salvation for every nation,
with the gospel's propagation,
disciples' proliferation,
entire generations,
discover true liberation.

— The End —