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Dondaycee Sep 2017
I just wanted freedom,
I’m not talking about rights, that’s irrelevant.
We just wanted freedom,
As in the youth wanting better ways for development.
I’m speaking on the behalf of those unaware of their intelligence,
Those who discovered their element but kept the closet shut.
Afraid to offer the clothes on their back,
They’ll say it’s confidence we lack,
But here’s the ugliest fact,
We don’t open doors with skeletons.
Unless it’s Halloween, where dark and light are in resonance,
Yin and Yang, beauty is ugly and ugly is beauty, humorous medicine.
I have a testament, that if the morals in this holiday were a measurement of 365 days, it would be evident according to my estimate, that unity and love would be proper etiquette, excellent because even the dark would be perceived as heaven-sent.
The terms evil and hell would then be indefinite allowing a person to open a door with a skeleton as a cause without the effect being bedevilment.
That’s freedom.
Some have it in the day, most find it at night.
It could be with family or with friends.
A celebration of a season, or a reason to escape a thing we call life.
A venting conversation after empty bottles,
A sleep over when home is hostile,
They say happiness is in the moment,
I say that moment occurs when you’re no longer in a position to fight,
For a home, a place of comfort and acceptance,
A place where your company is appreciated,
We all need love, that warm feeling we get when standing in light,
Or the uplifting vibrations when the environment opens up, and you’re no longer forced to sit tight but now have the opportunity of standing up to take flight.
We deserve some freedom.
I used to feel alone,
With awareness that term became solitude,
I can’t crave attention after joining the mission,
I had to look in the mirror,
“Keep it together” said Kyi,
“Because this is a solid move”
But but, I’m losing my friends.
“You’re choosing your men.”
“A positive team,
Because that’s what knowledge do”
“Here’s a time reference using latitude.”
“Move forward, chase the rabbit food,
Clear vision with a positive attitude.”
“Moving West to east may feel like you’re leaving things behind,
But understand earth and understand time,
We circle back around, think of a birthday, there will always be a time when you're gonna look back at you.”
“That’s a rapid move.
These are states of Matter, going from solid to gas,
A caged bird ready to fly, that’s a cockatoo.”
“Atoms aren’t alone, eventually they meet others,
There’s a bigger picture, that’s a molecule.”
“Don’t feel alone, atoms go through solitude when there’s a column move, solid to gas-”
-a solid move-
“- but in our case, a change in longitude,
Because we’re shifting our consciousness from 3rd to 5th dimension.”
I understand the magnitude of the mission, that’s why we made this decision,
No need to crave attention when acting with promptitude,
Like minded people will act as a molecule and help constitute  a solid move in longitude, breaking the physical is an important attribute, analytical travel route, an atom moving towards freedom in its absolute-
“Knowledge acting as carrots, erasing ignorance, clearing the vision for an Omni move.”
The conscious battles to become the subconscious, the freedom to be all of me instead of part of me, that’s a body move.
Freedom is all I wanted,
Freedom is all we wanted,
Being labeled Millennials was the outcome,
It’s not life but these systems we’re trying to out run.
They look at suicide like, “What went wrong?”
“She looked so happy…”
Or “How did he feel alone.”
Freedom is when you have a home,
If I’m talking and you’re listening, that’s being heard,
But if you can’t understand it, there’s no meaning in the word,
That’s a failure in communication, standing without a herd I’d still be on my own.
If anything, the previous generations don’t understand emotions,
Feeling empty is indeed a deep feeling.
They say there’s not much in the bottom of the ocean,
I say dive,
“But Daycee we can’t the pressure will crush us.”
Now you see why suicide is chosen,
We dive, looking for something we know is there, unaware of the pressure, we get crushed by our own emotions.
These are powerful feelings and thoughts,
We see the insanity and what was lost in erosion.
Try to understand us, don’t try to change us, just like those whom predates emphasize, “Don’t blame us.” We must change a system that caused the previous generations to be broken, if anything our generation is bringing hope in, refusing to be above or below one, our words if anything are the greatest ever spoken,
We need people to understand us, not just listen, because these systems aren’t working,
Einstein said “A problem can’t be solved with the same consciousness that created it”, so don’t point fingers at us saying “Millennials” and that we were always given ****, when we’re the group that gave a **** about the world and the people that hated it and attempted change by not doing the same thing over and over again, innovative because we’re some creative kids,
I hope this is provoking because ****** we are special, specifically chosen,
To bring back balance and unity in consciousness that the ignorant and insane broken,
I am here to bring freedom,
Because freedom is something we all need,
The millennials are here to bring freedom,
Because it’s the one thing we all see,
The brothers and sisters we lost heard it call from the bottom of the sea,
Our ancestors want us to bring back freedom that was lost in waters but remained in gene,
Freedom is a kingdom we’re bringing where all is free.
Dondaycee Sep 2018
Could you be me?
When disrespected, I respect,
They disconnected and in that second; thoughts as weapon I prayed to protect,
Intoxicated she threw her body,
I obviously avoided ***,
She felt ashamed and I was blamed,
Blocked after I sent support through a text,
He took from pockets, he said he didn’t,
His lie became reality; I could not assume, I had no proof, my thoughts as balloons, his words expressed became correct,

Would you be me?
Easily crucified if their day is out of alignment,
I extended hand to unify,
Words were twisted with a tool called ignorance,
I lovingly spoke myself into confinement,
Often envied, I tell them they’re perfect,
They flip it and react with violence,
I surrender my position to stand,
Suddenly there’s silence…
Kindness vibrancy,  my vibration’s vibrant,
Client climate; dependence assignment,
They united because of fear and punished me for not reacting, acting as the victims, I was labeled defiant,
Truth meant nothing in that environment because obedience was a requirement; injustice justified a victory, and that itself was excitement,
I walk the same path as their teacher Jesus,
“Daycee you’re lying!”
It’s easier to use sympathy for something you do not understand rather than empathy,
When you open the door of truth it becomes suicide to deny it,

Could you be you?
They’ll say you lost yourself when you find yourself,
They’ll call you selfish when you mind your health,
Say hurtful things to get you off track when your being is well,
You’ll endure their pain when you see that the game we play isn’t hell, but jail,
You’ll go insane when you become sane; after realizing there’s never a time in life when you actually fail,

Would you be you?
Even if it meant being attacked,
Could you take the blows and transmute them into a reaction that allows the initiator to relax,
Could you if it meant accepting all as one?
Could you deal with the hate that’ll come after separating yourself from being Hispanic, White, or Black,
Would you be you if it meant starting a journey into solitude temporarily, and after you’ve started if you chose not to finish, there is were you’ll remain because the only way out is forward after giving up the habit of looking back?

It isn’t easy being human, we dug a hole and forgot the word stop,
All we wanted was to experience life,
We buried ourselves and now wonder what the perspective is like on top,
If we’re in too deep, no one can see,
It seems as though it is memory that builds the ancestor tree; communication is seed; united is crop,
If this is the case, is it not evident that being ourselves in this lifetime is our only job?

At times I wonder... Would you be you?
Dondaycee Jul 2017
I haven’t had Mary Jane in a bit,
But I’m feeling the blues,
MJ mentality,
Because I’m wondering who’s loving you,
I know it’s not my place,
But that image of your face,
What would get me through the day if it wasn’t you?
I learned that five heartbeats create a house of love,
And it doesn’t take much to break,
But for goodness sake, I’ll find the blueprint or at least a plug-in clue,
A journey to being inn love can’t stop because a few,
I went searching for you,
This world… it’s this world I was trying to escape,
This love is building,
The man in me wants it to stop, he’s searching for a mistake,
Bumping into pretty girls in an enchanted land, followed by a blurred face,
Am I crazy or is it the drugs?
Me being a fun guy I did consume fungi by an eighth,
Pretending I’m inn love, wondering why it isn’t enough,
To explain why the thought of you I can’t replace,
Insanity, because I’m seeing the same thing over and over again,
Missa… wait no, Missa? Hey Missaa!,
Females: “Sorry Mr. You’ve made a mistake.”
“****… Daycee why do we keep seeing Missa face?”
We gotta go to the medical tent-
“-No ***** you gotta stop approaching people”
I just want these thoughts to catch a  break,
Moments later I managed to let go of these emotions,
But that was only half of the batter,
How will I handle the disappointment cake, the outcome of an expectation,
How could I forget that my wants are thoughts that doesn’t matter?
Why would I continue to express myself and expect a happy ending after?
“Daycee you’re ******* up”
“You know when a glass crack-“
It’ll soon shatter…
I’m too young to be feeling this way,
I’ve been through too much to give this away,
It feels so good to be inn love,
I only feel this way when raving at night,
Galantis was the first roll,
I wanna runaway… just U and I,
I used to dream about this,
I watched a dream manifest into life,
She said no one is perfect,
When you start to wake up, it’s common that the vision is temporarily blind,
Because perfection is in the mirror, an imperfection is a thought conceived over time,
Through comparing perfection in it’s physical, and cutting the soul from the equation, imperfection is the line through an equal sign,
It doesn’t exist, she is bliss, she is missed,
She is a thought that is constantly remembered,
Someday we’ll leave this world behind,
So everyday I love her like memories in December,
**** this world, and by that I mean the society,
Love this world, referring to the souls that resonate with the energy inside me,
I don’t have enough clarity,
And daily, this is something that’s scaring me,
Because I believe she is the one,
Opened arms for others to come,
But it’s not the same, stressing a rarity,
Because my tongue twist without the acid when she stare at me,
I hate that, I wish she made it easy and didn’t care, or acted carelessly,
So I can be a Patrick, crawl under a rock as a fallen star,
And occasionally come out when a supernova accumulates energy zealously,
To give me another opportunity to gain light before a black hole emerges with jealously,
****… love is a wild thing,
We’re just two kids trying to find ourselves,
Adults forget, it’s a child thing,
I don’t want to fake it with someone,
That’s the mild thing,
I like it spicy, extra hot,
A constant smile thing,
I’m inn love… I’ll just share it with everyone,
If I don’t release this feeling, I’ll forever have the blues,
“She’s so beautiful”
I know… I’ll love for her,
… I hope you accept me, forever wondering who’s loving you

— The End —