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Laura Amstutz Nov 2018
Det varme brød ånder på træbordet
Sukker, efterlader spor af tilværelsen i sveden
Smurt ind i olie
Som mine lunger nu er smurt ind i tjære
- så blev det hele værre
Mit sind er nok sort nu fordi jeg fodrer det
Med hvide vægge og blå kameler
Farver indersiden af mine øjenlåg med nøgne løgne
Fordi sandheden er som en knytnæve der tæver
Og blod
I skridtets indre maskineri
Der fungerer som en rulletrappe
Kører alle de ufødte børn ud
Kyler alle de ufødte børn ud
Skuffer moder jord igen
Er ******* og abortion nu egentlig ikke det samme?
Jeg drømmer så der står blomster ud af begge ører
Danner min egen rosenhave
Venter på en gartner graver sig gennem torne og forestillinger til han når
De indre vægge i mit rytmisk, blodige hjertekammer
Hazel May 2017
Fjender over dem alle, har jeg kun én.
Jeg kender hende, det er der mange der gør.
*** smiler når *** vil, og snakker med dem der interessere hende.
Det er ikke arrogance der bærer hende, men hendes generte selv.
*** prøver ikke at være noget *** ikke er, *** er hvem *** er.
Tankeskaberen af tanker, *** danner tanker og tanker danner hende.
Svært ved relationer der kommer tæt på, svært ved relationer.
*** giver ikke kærlighed til alle, men når *** gør forstår folk først hvad kærlighed er.
Snyder *** dig gør *** det godt, så snyder *** dig betyder du ikke spor.
*** fortæller hvad *** mener, men det kan være en gåde at forstå.
Fjenden min er ***, men ikke andres fjende.
Ligsom djævlen selv, er *** ikke til at kende.
The essential anti-cancer (tumoricidal) vitamin is VITAMIN B17 (known as Amygdalin, and as Laetrile when synthesized from apricot pips). If you have cancer you must greatly reduce, or avoid: caffeine, tobacco, red meat, alcohol, corn syrup, cane sugar, tomato products. [U.S. cancer rates: the year 1900 : 3%; 1950 : 20%; 1972 : 27%; 1999 : 39%; by 2020 : 50%]

IN BRIEF Concerning Cancer: 1. Take a pregnancy test just after waking up. For men a positive result means either cancer or a false positive. Take another test the next day. If a man gets 3 positive results then likely he has cancer somewhere. For women a positive result means (if she's able to become pregnant) she's pregnant or she has cancer, or she's pregnant and she has cancer, or a false positive (the test result is wrong). 2. Several positive pregnancy test results = cancer. What next? STOP eating red meat, sugar, corn syrup. STOP drinking *****. STOP (or at least cut back on) smoking. 3. Eat fresh pineapple & papaya. Take vitamin B17 (at least 1 gram daily) and wheat grass and/or barley grass liquid or capsules (they're rich in vitamin B17), on a full stomach daily (you can't overdose on them ~ they're not poisonous). Take a zinc supplement. Take pancreatic enzymes. REVIEW: TAKE pregnancy tests to detect cancer. TAKE vitamin B17 (and as many of the listed vitamins as you can, especially zinc). Eat fresh pineapple & papaya. STOP eating red meat & cane sugar. It will take several weeks on B17 therapy to turn out negative pregnancy test results. The tumor WILL NOT shrink much even after the cancer is gone because only 10% of the tumor was cancer. The tumor MAY swell temporarily as the vitamin B17 kills malignant cells. NOTE: Vitamin B17 therapy WILL NOT destroy the tumor! Vitamin B17 therapy will destroy the malignant cells (cancerous cells) of the tumor and within the tumor. Only 5% to 10% of the cells comprising a tumor are cancerous cells. In time the tumorous growth will be absorbed, in whole or in part. Unless the tumor is cosmetically displeasing, impinging nerves or blood vessels or hampering normal ****** function then let it be.

The life expectancy for American medical doctors is 58 years.
The life expectancy for Haitian voodoo witch doctors is 62.7 years.

WEB: Dr. Dean Burk (March 21, 1904 – October 6, 1988), head of the Cytochemistry section of the National Cancer Institute has reported that in a series of tests on animal tissue, the B-17 had no effect, but released so much cyanide and Benzaldehyde when it came in contact with cancer cells that not one of them could survive. He said, ”When we add Laetrile to a cancer culture under the microscope, we see the cancer cells dying off like flies.”

From the Web : In 1972, Dr. Dale Danner, a podiatrist from Santa Paula, Ca., developed a pain in the right leg and a severe cough. X-rays revealed carcinoma of both lungs and what appeared to be massive secondary tumors in the leg. The cancer was inoperable and resistant to radio therapy. The prognosis was: incurable and fatal. At the insistence of his mother, Dr. Danner agreed to try Laetrile, although he had no faith in its effectiveness. Primarily, just to please her, he obtained a large supply in Mexico. But he was convinced from what he had read in medical journals that it was nothing but quackery and a fraud. "Perhaps it was even dangerous," he thought, for he noticed from the literature that it contained cyanide. Within a few weeks the pain and the coughing had progressed to the point where no amount of medication could hold it back. Forced to crawl on his hands and knees, and unable to sleep for three days and nights, he became despondent and desperate. Groggy from the lack of sleep, from the drugs, and from the pain, finally he turned to his supply of Laetrile. Giving himself one more massive dose of medication, hoping to bring on sleep, he proceeded to administer the Laetrile into an artery. Before losing consciousness, Dr. Danner had succeeded in taking at least an entire ten-day supply -- and possibly as high as a twenty day supply -- all at once. When he awoke thirty six hours later, much to his amazement, not only was he still alive, but also the cough and pain were greatly reduced. His appetite had returned, and he was feeling better than he had in months. Reluctantly he had to admit that Laetrile was working. So he obtained an additional supply and began routine treatment with smaller doses. Three months later he was back at work.

   Mr. David Edmunds of Pinole, California, was operated on in June of 1971 for cancer of the colon, which also had metastasized or spread to the bladder. When the surgeon opened him up, he found that the malignant tissue was so widespread it was almost impossible to remove it all. The blockage of the intestines was relieved by severing the colon and bringing the open end to the outside of his abdomen -- a procedure known as colonostomy. Five months later, the cancer had worsened, and Mr. Edmunds was told that he had only a few more months to live.
   Mr. Edmunds, who is a nurse, had heard about Laetrile and decided to give it a try. Six months later, instead of lying on his deathbed, Mr. Edmunds surprised his doctors by feeling well enough to resume an almost normal routine. An exploratory cystoscopy of the bladder revealed that the cancer had disappeared. At his own insistence, he was admitted to the hospital to see if his colon could be put back together again. In surgery, they found nothing even resembling cancer tissue. So they reconnected the colon and sent him home to recuperate. It was the first time in the history of the hospital that a reverse colostomy for this condition had been performed. At the time of the author's last contact three years later, Mr. Edmunds was living a normal life of health and vigor.
From the Web : In 1972, Dr. Dale Danner, a podiatrist from Santa Paula, Ca., developed a pain in the right leg and a severe cough. X-rays revealed carcinoma of both lungs and what appeared to be massive secondary tumors in the leg. The cancer was inoperable and resistant to radio therapy. The prognosis was: incurable and fatal. At the insistence of his mother, Dr. Danner agreed to try Laetrile, although he had no faith in its effectiveness. Primarily, just to please her, he obtained a large supply in Mexico. But he was convinced from what he had read in medical journals that it was nothing but quackery and a fraud. "Perhaps it was even dangerous," he thought, for he noticed from the literature that it contained cyanide. Within a few weeks the pain and the coughing had progressed to the point where no amount of medication could hold it back. Forced to crawl on his hands and knees, and unable to sleep for three days and nights, he became despondent and desperate. Groggy from the lack of sleep, from the drugs, and from the pain, finally he turned to his supply of Laetrile. Giving himself one more massive dose of medication, hoping to bring on sleep, he proceeded to administer the Laetrile into an artery. Before losing consciousness, Dr. Danner had succeeded in taking at least an entire ten-day supply -- and possibly as high as a twenty day supply -- all at once. When he awoke thirty six hours later, much to his amazement, not only was he still alive, but also the cough and pain were greatly reduced. His appetite had returned, and he was feeling better than he had in months. Reluctantly he had to admit that Laetrile was working. So he obtained an additional supply and began routine treatment with smaller doses. Three months later he was back at work.

   Mr. David Edmunds of Pinole, California, was operated on in June of 1971 for cancer of the colon, which also had metastasized or spread to the bladder. When the surgeon opened him up, he found that the malignant tissue was so widespread it was almost impossible to remove it all. The blockage of the intestines was relieved by severing the colon and bringing the open end to the outside of his abdomen -- a procedure known as colonostomy. Five months later, the cancer had worsened, and Mr. Edmunds was told that he had only a few more months to live.
   Mr. Edmunds, who is a nurse, had heard about Laetrile and decided to give it a try. Six months later, instead of lying on his deathbed, Mr. Edmunds surprised his doctors by feeling well enough to resume an almost normal routine. An exploratory cystoscopy of the bladder revealed that the cancer had disappeared. At his own insistence, he was admitted to the hospital to see if his colon could be put back together again. In surgery, they found nothing even resembling cancer tissue. So they reconnected the colon and sent him home to recuperate. It was the first time in the history of the hospital that a reverse colostomy for this condition had been performed. At the time of the author's last contact three years later, Mr. Edmunds was living a normal life of health and vigor.
*** står foran ham finere end nogensinde  
Hendes hud er bogstavlig talt silke, i en nuance af hudfarve han ikke har set før,
Glinsende silke med øjne og mund
Og frodige bryster, der pludselige ligner puder
Øjnene og munden smelten sammen lige foran ham og danner et kridhvidt kors
Hånlige grin larmer i hans ører og luften bliver udefinerbart tynd
Han ved det er hende, men en ondskab farer op i ham som om han var fanden selv
Grinet forlader hendes krop og svæver som uendelige gebisser om hans hoved
Langt væk kan han tyde hendes stemme der beder ham om at slappe af og komme til sig selv
Men, han lader sig ej snydes og er nu helt overbevist om det ikke er hende
Knytnæver markerer hendes krop og *** er ikke længere af silke
*** er blod og kød der snart ikke er til at samle
Pludselig er der et helt publikum omkring ham der studerer hans akt nøje,
de skuer til hinanden mens de ryster på hovederne
Tårerne har overbemandet ham og i kampens hede bliver der uendeligt stille
*** er ikke til at se nogen steder
solEmn oaSis Feb 2016
creator, creations, creatures,
chance, choose, changes,
poems poet poetry
above and beyond infinity

Earth Wind Water and fire
through our eyes, we can lire
British or French language
Filipino, American, has own luggage

everyone weighing its burden
somebody carrying that origin
coming from nowhere
existing and now here

Just like the "r e m i n d e r" by Christina
and the fact about the "5 SENSES"
by Craig Harrison who gave me stamina
for me to wreck those concrete fences

le comps in her "Learn something new every day,"
"Maybe It Is Just An Idea" by Christian Danner
and "when the words flow" of SoulSurvivor
helps me to realized "the cycle of eternity"
it feels good to be back :)
Hazel Aug 2017
Et følelses barn
blot et følsomt barn
rækker ud efter lidt kærlighed.
Ingen ord danner kontakt. Kontaktløs.  
Egoisten, narcissisten, ved bare bedre, “barn”.!
Rejs dig ej, før alle måltiderne er fortæret.
Tørstig efter lidt opmærksomhed
og småsulten efter lidt varme.

Et følelses skarn
blot et følsomt skarn
bevæger sig ind på utrygge territorier
kun fordi de voksne havde glemt hvordan
“barn" har det.
De vidste bedst, og ved bedre
men de dannede mit sind, følsomt.
Så vrag, og grav i sandkassen, dybe huller dybe.
I var ej børn mens vi var, det er hele problemet.
Hazel Nov 2017
Jeg skriver portrætter med ord
og maler deres ansigter lidt på skrå,
for det er jo sådan de ser ud.
Skæve smil, skæve meninger, skæve hjerter.
Jeg fravælger mig farver og blander en sort, så jeg kan iscenesætte mine følelser lidt

Jeg kaster bandeord ud i et tomrum, direkte ind i djævlens svælg, og åbner mit gab omkring hornet.
Kvæles fornøjeligt, med en kvalmende følelse som danner en fornemmelse af et uægte samvær mellem to parterede hjerter.
Jeg iscenesætter mine følelser lidt

Smelter sammen med Nikotindræbende dampe, som lufter mine lunger med et frisk **** af gensidig afsky og selv-væmmelse.
Jeg absorbere det kemikaliedannede hvide projektil, som jeg skyder ned i en suppedas af mavefornemmelser.
Jeg iscenesætter mine følelser lidt
From the Web : In 1972, Dr. Dale Danner, a podiatrist from Santa Paula, Ca., developed a pain in the right leg and a severe cough. X-rays revealed carcinoma of both lungs and what appeared to be massive secondary tumors in the leg. The cancer was inoperable and resistant to radio therapy. The prognosis was: incurable and fatal. At the insistence of his mother, Dr. Danner agreed to try Laetrile, although he had no faith in its effectiveness. Primarily, just to please her, he obtained a large supply in Mexico. But he was convinced from what he had read in medical journals that it was nothing but quackery and a fraud. "Perhaps it was even dangerous," he thought, for he noticed from the literature that it contained cyanide. Within a few weeks the pain and the coughing had progressed to the point where no amount of medication could hold it back. Forced to crawl on his hands and knees, and unable to sleep for three days and nights, he became despondent and desperate. Groggy from the lack of sleep, from the drugs, and from the pain, finally he turned to his supply of Laetrile. Giving himself one more massive dose of medication, hoping to bring on sleep, he proceeded to administer the Laetrile into an artery. Before losing consciousness, Dr. Danner had succeeded in taking at least an entire ten-day supply -- and possibly as high as a twenty day supply -- all at once. When he awoke thirty six hours later, much to his amazement, not only was he still alive, but also the cough and pain were greatly reduced. His appetite had returned, and he was feeling better than he had in months. Reluctantly he had to admit that Laetrile was working. So he obtained an additional supply and began routine treatment with smaller doses. Three months later he was back at work.
From the Web : In 1972, Dr. Dale Danner, a podiatrist from Santa Paula, Ca., developed a pain in the right leg and a severe cough. X-rays revealed carcinoma of both lungs and what appeared to be massive secondary tumors in the leg. The cancer was inoperable and resistant to radio therapy. The prognosis was: incurable and fatal. At the insistence of his mother, Dr. Danner agreed to try Laetrile, although he had no faith in its effectiveness. Primarily, just to please her, he obtained a large supply in Mexico. But he was convinced from what he had read in medical journals that it was nothing but quackery and a fraud. "Perhaps it was even dangerous," he thought, for he noticed from the literature that it contained cyanide. Within a few weeks the pain and the coughing had progressed to the point where no amount of medication could hold it back. Forced to crawl on his hands and knees, and unable to sleep for three days and nights, he became despondent and desperate. Groggy from the lack of sleep, from the drugs, and from the pain, finally he turned to his supply of Laetrile. Giving himself one more massive dose of medication, hoping to bring on sleep, he proceeded to administer the Laetrile into an artery. Before losing consciousness, Dr. Danner had succeeded in taking at least an entire ten-day supply -- and possibly as high as a twenty day supply -- all at once. When he awoke thirty six hours later, much to his amazement, not only was he still alive, but also the cough and pain were greatly reduced. His appetite had returned, and he was feeling better than he had in months. Reluctantly he had to admit that Laetrile was working. So he obtained an additional supply and began routine treatment with smaller doses. Three months later he was back at work.
Hazel Oct 2017
Som natten dog buldre i mørket.
Gadelygternes eneste funktion er at skabe kontrast mellem mørke og MØRKE.
Mere og mere mørkt bliver der, jo lysere lys der skæres igennem på fortovskanten midt inde i centrum af ingenting.
Minusgraderne flår mit hjerte ud af takt
med det formål at imødekomme en hjerteskærende blindgyde, for ikke at pointere mit tankevækkende opspind, der danner grund nok til at elske mindre.
En brustensbarriere, og en mur af sten og cement, bygges i mellem min uvirkelige virkelighed, blot et sort hul som rummer natten, stilheden, mørket og kærligheden.
Laura Amstutz Mar 2021
en hængeplante på en hylde hen over min seng
gror ud og ind af mit svælg og jeg bliver
bliver salvet ind i fotosyntesen og danner
klorofyl i mine lunger, der er grønt
I remember when we used to received free samples of new food and other free products to sample in the mail.

I remember three TV channels and only one black and white in the living room, with no remote. We didn't have an antenna. We'd have to call the TV repairman to come to the home put a new tube in the TV when it went out.

I remember TV Guide, when everyone looked forward to the new one every week.

I remember party lines on the telephone

I remember when we had to run to the bakery, the deli, the butcher, the greeting card, hardware store and the  grocery when we were getting ready for a birthday party. It took all day to prepare.

I remember Christmas parties in school and we had an aluminum tree with a color wheel.

The Lennon Sisters, I listened to all their Christmas Music and watched them on the Lawrence Welk Show.

Lawrence Welk

Guy Lombardo's New Years count down.

I remember when the girls had to wear dresses and the boys had to wear a dress shirt  and pants  to school.

I remember when the boys and girls were not allowed to play together on the playground.

The schools used to supply green and white striped one piece zip up gym uniforms.

We always used to wear gloves, we always went out looking our very best.

On our report card we used to be graded  in citizenship, (being nice to your fellow man)

I used to know the number to call our own phone to test it to see if it would ring. You'd call the number, hang up and it would ring you'd pick it up and you knew your phone worked.

Used to be able to use five numbers to call on the phone with in your own city.

I remember when you could hang up the phone on someone and the phone would not disconnect if they didn't also hang up.

I remember when we didn't have to use zip codes

I remember Ice Cream socials and chili Suppers.

I remember Mamie Eisenhower's signature color pink washer and dryers that we had in our home. I also remember the pink tile
that was all over our bathroom walls.

I remember having milk delivered in glass bottles to an insulated square metal box with a lid on our front steps.

I remember listening to CBS Mystery Radio theater on Sunday nights.

I remember School lunches being read on the radio before school every day.

I remember Casey Kasem Sunday music countdowns.

and .10 ice cream cones from the Dairy Queen.

My mother used to make all my clothes.

I remember  8 Track Tape players, Transistor radios and Reel to Reels, Super 8 movie cameras, and movie projectors, and my first polaroid camera.

Dropping off a roll of film, or a movie reel and wait for several weeks before we got it back in the mail.

I remember S&H Green Stamps and going to buy furniture or TV's at the store.

I remember when all the stores were closed on Sundays and every holiday.
I remember when TV went off and midnight and came back on at 6 am.
I remember when drivers ed was in school.

Christmas Clubs that the bank offered so you could save your money throughout the year for Christmas.

There were no malls, you'd have to walk up and down the sidewalks to buy what you wanted.

Cigarette Machines in the hotel lobby

25 cent telephone calls from a telephone booth

.45 pack of cigarettes

Danner's 5 and Dime, real fresh and hot thinly sliced roast beef sandwiches served with a bowl of chili.

Tin star Restaurant that served the best roast beef sandwiches, before Arby's

Used to watch Popeye The Sailor man, Mr. Magoo, Felix the Cat, Road Runner.

Jack LaLane's exercise program
Julia Child's cooking program

I remember when there were automatic horse rides outside of the grocery store. You'd put a quarter in and your child could sit on it and ride for a minute.

Betamax and VHS machines
Reel to Reels
Howard Cosell
Jackie Gleason (and away we go) To the moon alice! bang zoom
wing dings

Bob Hope, Milton Burle (Uncle Milte) Jack Lemon, Danny Thomas, Jack Benny, Lucille Ball, Carol Burnett

The Rat Pack
work in progress

— The End —